2024-07-11 13:05:09 +00:00

55 lines
2.1 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
pragma solidity 0.8.21;
import { Structs } from "./structs.sol";
contract Events is Structs {
/// @notice emitted when allowed auths are updated
event LogUpdateAuths(AddressBool[] authsStatus);
/// @notice emitted when allowed guardians are updated
event LogUpdateGuardians(AddressBool[] guardiansStatus);
/// @notice emitted when revenue collector address is updated
event LogUpdateRevenueCollector(address indexed revenueCollector);
/// @notice emitted when status is changed (paused / unpaused)
event LogChangeStatus(uint256 indexed newStatus);
/// @notice emitted when user classes are updated
event LogUpdateUserClasses(AddressUint256[] userClasses);
/// @notice emitted when token configs are updated
event LogUpdateTokenConfigs(TokenConfig[] tokenConfigs);
/// @notice emitted when user supply configs are updated
event LogUpdateUserSupplyConfigs(UserSupplyConfig[] userSupplyConfigs);
/// @notice emitted when user borrow configs are updated
event LogUpdateUserBorrowConfigs(UserBorrowConfig[] userBorrowConfigs);
/// @notice emitted when a user gets certain tokens paused
event LogPauseUser(address user, address[] supplyTokens, address[] borrowTokens);
/// @notice emitted when a user gets certain tokens unpaused
event LogUnpauseUser(address user, address[] supplyTokens, address[] borrowTokens);
/// @notice emitted when token rate data is updated with rate data v1
event LogUpdateRateDataV1s(RateDataV1Params[] tokenRateDatas);
/// @notice emitted when token rate data is updated with rate data v2
event LogUpdateRateDataV2s(RateDataV2Params[] tokenRateDatas);
/// @notice emitted when revenue is collected
event LogCollectRevenue(address indexed token, uint256 indexed amount);
/// @notice emitted when exchange prices and borrow rate are updated
event LogUpdateExchangePrices(
address indexed token,
uint256 indexed supplyExchangePrice,
uint256 indexed borrowExchangePrice,
uint256 borrowRate,
uint256 utilization