import { assert, describe, test, clearStore, beforeAll, afterAll } from "matchstick-as/assembly/index" import { Address } from "@graphprotocol/graph-ts" import { ExampleEntity } from "../generated/schema" import { AdminChanged } from "../generated/FLA/FLA" import { handleAdminChanged } from "../src/fla" import { createAdminChangedEvent } from "./fla-utils" // Tests structure (matchstick-as >=0.5.0) // describe("Describe entity assertions", () => { beforeAll(() => { let previousAdmin = Address.fromString( "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001" ) let newAdmin = Address.fromString( "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001" ) let newAdminChangedEvent = createAdminChangedEvent(previousAdmin, newAdmin) handleAdminChanged(newAdminChangedEvent) }) afterAll(() => { clearStore() }) // For more test scenarios, see: // test("ExampleEntity created and stored", () => { assert.entityCount("ExampleEntity", 1) // 0xa16081f360e3847006db660bae1c6d1b2e17ec2a is the default address used in newMockEvent() function assert.fieldEquals( "ExampleEntity", "0xa16081f360e3847006db660bae1c6d1b2e17ec2a", "previousAdmin", "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001" ) assert.fieldEquals( "ExampleEntity", "0xa16081f360e3847006db660bae1c6d1b2e17ec2a", "newAdmin", "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001" ) // More assert options: // }) })