
156 lines
6.1 KiB

pragma solidity ^0.7.0;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
import { DSMath } from "../../common/math.sol";
import { Stores } from "../../common/stores-mainnet.sol";
import { SafeERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/SafeERC20.sol";
import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "hardhat/console.sol";
import { Variables } from "./variables.sol";
import {
} from "./interfaces.sol";
abstract contract Helpers is DSMath, Stores, Variables {
using SafeERC20 for IERC20;
function _paybackBehalfOne(AaveInterface aave, address token, uint amt, uint rateMode, address user) private {
address _token = token == ethAddr ? wethAddr : token;
aave.repay(_token, amt, rateMode, user);
function _PaybackStable(
uint _length,
AaveInterface aave,
address[] memory tokens,
uint256[] memory amts,
address user
) internal {
for (uint i = 0; i < _length; i++) {
if (amts[i] > 0) {
_paybackBehalfOne(aave, tokens[i], amts[i], 1, user);
function _PaybackVariable(
uint _length,
AaveInterface aave,
address[] memory tokens,
uint256[] memory amts,
address user
) internal {
for (uint i = 0; i < _length; i++) {
if (amts[i] > 0) {
_paybackBehalfOne(aave, tokens[i], amts[i], 2, user);
function _PaybackCalculate(AaveInterface aave, AaveDataRaw memory _data, address sourceDsa) internal returns (uint[] memory stableBorrow, uint[] memory variableBorrow, uint[] memory totalBorrow) {
for (uint i = 0; i < _data.borrowTokens.length; i++) {
require(isSupportedToken[_data.borrowTokens[i]], "token-not-enabled");
address _token = _data.borrowTokens[i] == ethAddr ? wethAddr : _data.borrowTokens[i];
_data.borrowTokens[i] = _token;
uint stableDebt,
uint variableDebt,
) = aaveData.getUserReserveData(_token, sourceDsa);
console.log("debts", stableDebt, variableDebt);
console.log("token", _token);
stableBorrow[i] = _data.stableBorrowAmts[i] == uint(-1) ? stableDebt : _data.stableBorrowAmts[i]; // Failing here?? 'invalid-opcode'
variableBorrow[i] = _data.variableBorrowAmts[i] == uint(-1) ? variableDebt : _data.variableBorrowAmts[i];
totalBorrow[i] = add(stableBorrow[i], variableBorrow[i]);
if (totalBorrow[i] > 0) {
IERC20(_token).safeApprove(address(aave), totalBorrow[i]);
aave.borrow(_token, totalBorrow[i], 2, 3288, address(this));
function _getAtokens(address dsa, address[] memory supplyTokens, uint[] memory supplyAmts) internal returns (uint[] memory finalAmts) {
for (uint i = 0; i < supplyTokens.length; i++) {
require(isSupportedToken[supplyTokens[i]], "token-not-enabled");
address _token = supplyTokens[i] == ethAddr ? wethAddr : supplyTokens[i];
(address _aToken, ,) = aaveData.getReserveTokensAddresses(_token);
ATokenInterface aTokenContract = ATokenInterface(_aToken);
uint _finalAmt;
if (supplyAmts[i] == uint(-1)) {
_finalAmt = aTokenContract.balanceOf(dsa);
} else {
_finalAmt = supplyAmts[i];
aTokenContract.transferFrom(dsa, address(this), finalAmts[i]);
_finalAmt = wmul(_finalAmt, fee);
finalAmts[i] = _finalAmt;
function isPositionSafe() internal view returns (bool isOk) {
AaveInterface aave = AaveInterface(aaveProvider.getLendingPool());
(,,,,,uint healthFactor) = aave.getUserAccountData(address(this));
uint minLimit = wdiv(1e18, safeRatioGap);
isOk = healthFactor > minLimit;
require(isOk, "position-at-risk");
function getTokensPrices(address[] memory tokens) internal view returns(uint[] memory tokenPricesInEth) {
tokenPricesInEth = AavePriceOracle(aaveProvider.getPriceOracle()).getAssetsPrices(tokens);
// Liquidation threshold
function getTokenLt(address[] memory tokens) internal view returns (uint[] memory decimals, uint[] memory tokenLts) {
for (uint i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
(decimals[i],,tokenLts[i],,,,,,,) = aaveData.getReserveConfigurationData(tokens[i]);
function convertTo18(uint amount, uint decimal) internal pure returns (uint) {
return amount * (10 ** (18 - decimal)); // TODO: verify this
// TODO: need to verify this throughly
* Checks the position to migrate should have a safe gap from liquidation
function _checkRatio(AaveData memory data) public view {
uint[] memory supplyTokenPrices = getTokensPrices(data.supplyTokens);
(uint[] memory supplyDecimals, uint[] memory supplyLts) = getTokenLt(data.supplyTokens);
uint[] memory borrowTokenPrices = getTokensPrices(data.borrowTokens);
(uint[] memory borrowDecimals,) = getTokenLt(data.borrowTokens);
uint netSupply;
uint netBorrow;
uint liquidation;
for (uint i = 0; i < data.supplyTokens.length; i++) {
uint _amt = wmul(convertTo18(data.supplyAmts[i], supplyDecimals[i]), supplyTokenPrices[i]);
netSupply += _amt;
liquidation += (_amt * supplyLts[i]) / 10000; // convert the number 8000 to 0.8
for (uint i = 0; i < data.borrowTokens.length; i++) {
uint _amt = wmul(convertTo18(data.borrowAmts[i], borrowDecimals[i]), borrowTokenPrices[i]);
netBorrow += _amt;
uint _dif = wmul(netSupply, sub(1e18, safeRatioGap));
require(netBorrow < sub(liquidation, _dif), "position-is-risky-to-migrate");