Thrilok kumar 4ccbfd17f7 fix
2024-03-14 21:18:47 -04:00

535 lines
19 KiB

pragma solidity ^0.7.0;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
interface IGovernorBravo {
function _acceptAdmin() external;
function _setVotingDelay(uint newVotingDelay) external;
function _setVotingPeriod(uint newVotingPeriod) external;
function _acceptAdminOnTimelock() external;
function _setImplementation(address implementation_) external;
function propose(
address[] memory targets,
uint[] memory values,
string[] memory signatures,
bytes[] memory calldatas,
string memory description
) external returns (uint);
function admin() external view returns (address);
function pendingAdmin() external view returns (address);
function timelock() external view returns (address);
function votingDelay() external view returns (uint256);
function votingPeriod() external view returns (uint256);
interface ITimelock {
function acceptAdmin() external;
function setDelay(uint delay_) external;
function setPendingAdmin(address pendingAdmin_) external;
function queueTransaction(
address target,
uint value,
string memory signature,
bytes memory data,
uint eta
) external returns (bytes32);
function executeTransaction(
address target,
uint value,
string memory signature,
bytes memory data,
uint eta
) external payable returns (bytes memory);
function pendingAdmin() external view returns (address);
function admin() external view returns (address);
function delay() external view returns (uint256);
interface IInstaIndex {
function changeMaster(address _newMaster) external;
function updateMaster() external;
function master() external view returns (address);
interface AdminModuleStructs {
struct AddressBool {
address addr;
bool value;
struct AddressUint256 {
address addr;
uint256 value;
struct RateDataV1Params {
address token;
uint256 kink;
uint256 rateAtUtilizationZero;
uint256 rateAtUtilizationKink;
uint256 rateAtUtilizationMax;
struct RateDataV2Params {
address token;
uint256 kink1;
uint256 kink2;
uint256 rateAtUtilizationZero;
uint256 rateAtUtilizationKink1;
uint256 rateAtUtilizationKink2;
uint256 rateAtUtilizationMax;
struct TokenConfig {
address token;
uint256 fee;
uint256 threshold;
struct UserSupplyConfig {
address user;
address token;
uint8 mode;
uint256 expandPercent;
uint256 expandDuration;
uint256 baseWithdrawalLimit;
struct UserBorrowConfig {
address user;
address token;
uint8 mode;
uint256 expandPercent;
uint256 expandDuration;
uint256 baseDebtCeiling;
uint256 maxDebtCeiling;
interface IFluidLiquidityAdmin {
/// @notice adds/removes auths. Auths generally could be contracts which can have restricted actions defined on contract.
/// auths can be helpful in reducing governance overhead where it's not needed.
/// @param authsStatus_ array of structs setting allowed status for an address.
/// status true => add auth, false => remove auth
function updateAuths(
AdminModuleStructs.AddressBool[] calldata authsStatus_
) external;
/// @notice adds/removes guardians. Only callable by Governance.
/// @param guardiansStatus_ array of structs setting allowed status for an address.
/// status true => add guardian, false => remove guardian
function updateGuardians(
AdminModuleStructs.AddressBool[] calldata guardiansStatus_
) external;
/// @notice changes the revenue collector address (contract that is sent revenue). Only callable by Governance.
/// @param revenueCollector_ new revenue collector address
function updateRevenueCollector(address revenueCollector_) external;
/// @notice changes current status, e.g. for pausing or unpausing all user operations. Only callable by Auths.
/// @param newStatus_ new status
/// status = 2 -> pause, status = 1 -> resume.
function changeStatus(uint256 newStatus_) external;
/// @notice update tokens rate data version 1. Only callable by Auths.
/// @param tokensRateData_ array of RateDataV1Params with rate data to set for each token
function updateRateDataV1s(
AdminModuleStructs.RateDataV1Params[] calldata tokensRateData_
) external;
/// @notice update tokens rate data version 2. Only callable by Auths.
/// @param tokensRateData_ array of RateDataV2Params with rate data to set for each token
function updateRateDataV2s(
AdminModuleStructs.RateDataV2Params[] calldata tokensRateData_
) external;
/// @notice updates token configs: fee charge on borrowers interest & storage update utilization threshold.
/// Only callable by Auths.
/// @param tokenConfigs_ contains token address, fee & utilization threshold
function updateTokenConfigs(
AdminModuleStructs.TokenConfig[] calldata tokenConfigs_
) external;
/// @notice updates user classes: 0 is for new protocols, 1 is for established protocols.
/// Only callable by Auths.
/// @param userClasses_ struct array of uint256 value to assign for each user address
function updateUserClasses(
AdminModuleStructs.AddressUint256[] calldata userClasses_
) external;
/// @notice sets user supply configs per token basis. Eg: with interest or interest-free and automated limits.
/// Only callable by Auths.
/// @param userSupplyConfigs_ struct array containing user supply config, see `UserSupplyConfig` struct for more info
function updateUserSupplyConfigs(
AdminModuleStructs.UserSupplyConfig[] memory userSupplyConfigs_
) external;
/// @notice setting user borrow configs per token basis. Eg: with interest or interest-free and automated limits.
/// Only callable by Auths.
/// @param userBorrowConfigs_ struct array containing user borrow config, see `UserBorrowConfig` struct for more info
function updateUserBorrowConfigs(
AdminModuleStructs.UserBorrowConfig[] memory userBorrowConfigs_
) external;
/// @notice pause operations for a particular user in class 0 (class 1 users can't be paused by guardians).
/// Only callable by Guardians.
/// @param user_ address of user to pause operations for
/// @param supplyTokens_ token addresses to pause withdrawals for
/// @param borrowTokens_ token addresses to pause borrowings for
function pauseUser(
address user_,
address[] calldata supplyTokens_,
address[] calldata borrowTokens_
) external;
/// @notice unpause operations for a particular user in class 0 (class 1 users can't be paused by guardians).
/// Only callable by Guardians.
/// @param user_ address of user to unpause operations for
/// @param supplyTokens_ token addresses to unpause withdrawals for
/// @param borrowTokens_ token addresses to unpause borrowings for
function unpauseUser(
address user_,
address[] calldata supplyTokens_,
address[] calldata borrowTokens_
) external;
/// @notice collects revenue for tokens to configured revenueCollector address.
/// @param tokens_ array of tokens to collect revenue for
/// @dev Note that this can revert if token balance is < revenueAmount (utilization > 100%)
function collectRevenue(address[] calldata tokens_) external;
/// @notice gets the current updated exchange prices for n tokens and updates all prices, rates related data in storage.
/// @param tokens_ tokens to update exchange prices for
/// @return supplyExchangePrices_ new supply rates of overall system for each token
/// @return borrowExchangePrices_ new borrow rates of overall system for each token
function updateExchangePrices(
address[] calldata tokens_
returns (
uint256[] memory supplyExchangePrices_,
uint256[] memory borrowExchangePrices_
interface IFluidVaultT1Factory {
function deployVault(
address vaultDeploymentLogic_,
bytes calldata vaultDeploymentData_
) external returns (address vault_);
interface IFluidVaultT1DeploymentLogic {
function vaultT1(address supplyToken_, address borrowToken_) external;
interface IFluidVaultT1 {
/// @notice updates the Vault oracle to `newOracle_`. Must implement the FluidOracle interface.
function updateOracle(address newOracle_) external;
/// @notice updates the all Vault core settings according to input params.
/// All input values are expected in 1e2 (1% = 100, 100% = 10_000).
function updateCoreSettings(
uint256 supplyRateMagnifier_,
uint256 borrowRateMagnifier_,
uint256 collateralFactor_,
uint256 liquidationThreshold_,
uint256 liquidationMaxLimit_,
uint256 withdrawGap_,
uint256 liquidationPenalty_,
uint256 borrowFee_
) external;
/// @notice updates the allowed rebalancer to `newRebalancer_`.
function updateRebalancer(address newRebalancer_) external;
/// @notice updates the supply rate magnifier to `supplyRateMagnifier_`. Input in 1e2 (1% = 100, 100% = 10_000).
function updateSupplyRateMagnifier(uint supplyRateMagnifier_) external;
contract PayloadIGP11 {
uint256 public constant PROPOSAL_ID = 11;
address public constant PROPOSER =
address public constant PROPOSER_AVO_MULTISIG =
IGovernorBravo public constant GOVERNOR =
ITimelock public constant TIMELOCK =
address public constant TEAM_MULTISIG =
address public immutable ADDRESS_THIS;
IFluidLiquidityAdmin public constant LIQUIDITY =
IFluidVaultT1Factory public constant VAULT_T1_FACTORY =
IFluidVaultT1DeploymentLogic public constant VAULT_T1_DEPLOYMENT_LOGIC =
address public constant ETH_ADDRESS =
address public constant weETH_ADDRESS =
address public constant wstETH_ADDRESS =
constructor() {
ADDRESS_THIS = address(this);
function propose(string memory description) external {
msg.sender == PROPOSER ||
msg.sender == TEAM_MULTISIG
) ||
address(this) == PROPOSER_AVO_MULTISIG,
uint256 totalActions = 1;
address[] memory targets = new address[](totalActions);
uint256[] memory values = new uint256[](totalActions);
string[] memory signatures = new string[](totalActions);
bytes[] memory calldatas = new bytes[](totalActions);
// Action 1: call executePayload on timelock contract to execute payload related to Fluid
targets[0] = address(TIMELOCK);
values[0] = 0;
signatures[0] = "executePayload(address,string,bytes)";
calldatas[0] = abi.encode(ADDRESS_THIS, "execute()", abi.encode());
uint256 proposedId = GOVERNOR.propose(
require(proposedId == PROPOSAL_ID, "PROPOSAL_IS_NOT_SAME");
function execute() external {
require(address(this) == address(TIMELOCK), "not-valid-caller");
// Action 1: Set market rates for weETH on Liquidity.
// Action 2: Set token config for weETH on Liquidity.
// Action 3: Deploy weETH/wstETH vault.
address vault_ = action3();
// Action 4: Set user supply config for the vault on Liquidity Layer.
// Action 5: Set user borrow config for the vault on Liquidity Layer.
// Action 6: Update core settings on weETH/wstETH vault.
// Action 7: Update oracle on weETH/wstETH vault.
// Action 8: Update rebalancer on weETH/wstETH vault.
// Action 9: Update supply magnifier on wstETH/ETH, wstETH/USDC & wstETH/USDT vault
// Action 10: Update market rates for wstETH on Liquidity.
// Action 11: Update token config for wstETH on Liquidity.
function verifyProposal() external view {}
| Proposal Payload Actions |
/// @notice Action 1: Set market rates for weETH on Liquidity.
function action1() internal {
memory params_ = new AdminModuleStructs.RateDataV2Params[](1);
params_[0] = AdminModuleStructs.RateDataV2Params({
token: weETH_ADDRESS, // weETH
kink1: 50 * 1e2, // 50%
kink2: 80 * 1e2, // 80%
rateAtUtilizationZero: 0, // 0%
rateAtUtilizationKink1: 20 * 1e2, // 20%
rateAtUtilizationKink2: 40 * 1e2, // 40%
rateAtUtilizationMax: 100 * 1e2 // 100%
/// @notice Action 2: Set token config for weETH on Liquidity.
function action2() internal {
memory params_ = new AdminModuleStructs.TokenConfig[](1);
params_[0] = AdminModuleStructs.TokenConfig({
token: weETH_ADDRESS, // weETH
threshold: 0.3 * 1e2, // 0.3
fee: 10 * 1e2 // 10%
/// @notice Action 3: Deploy weETH/wstETH vault.
function action3() internal returns (address vault_) {
vault_ = VAULT_T1_FACTORY.deployVault(
/// @notice Action 4: Set user supply config for the vault on Liquidity Layer.
function action4(address vault_) internal {
memory configs_ = new AdminModuleStructs.UserSupplyConfig[](1);
configs_[0] = AdminModuleStructs.UserSupplyConfig({
user: address(vault_),
token: weETH_ADDRESS,
mode: 1,
expandPercent: 25 * 1e2,
expandDuration: 12 hours,
baseWithdrawalLimit: 4000 * 1e18
/// @notice Action 5: Set user borrow config for the vault on Liquidity Layer.
function action5(address vault_) internal {
memory configs_ = new AdminModuleStructs.UserBorrowConfig[](1);
configs_[0] = AdminModuleStructs.UserBorrowConfig({
user: address(vault_),
token: wstETH_ADDRESS,
mode: 1,
expandPercent: 25 * 1e2,
expandDuration: 12 hours,
baseDebtCeiling: 4000 * 1e18,
maxDebtCeiling: 10000 * 1e18
/// @notice Action 6: Update core settings on weETH/wstETH vault.
function action6(address vault_) internal {
100 * 1e2, // 1x supplyRateMagnifier
100 * 1e2, // 1x borrowRateMagnifier
90.5 * 1e2, // 90.5% collateralFactor
93 * 1e2, // 93% liquidationThreshold
95 * 1e2, // 95% liquidationMaxLimit
5 * 1e2, // 5% withdrawGap
1 * 1e2, // 1% liquidationPenalty
0 // 0% borrowFee
/// @notice Action 7: Update oracle on weETH/wstETH vault.
function action7(address vault_) internal {
/// @notice Action 8: Update rebalancer on weETH/wstETH vault.
function action8(address vault_) internal {
/// @notice Action 9: UpdateSupplyMagnifier on wstETH/ETH, wstETH/USDC & wstETH/USDT vault
function action9() internal {
// wstETH/ETH
.updateSupplyRateMagnifier(1 * 1e4); // 1x
// wstETH/USDC
.updateSupplyRateMagnifier(1 * 1e4); // 1x
// wstETH/USDT
.updateSupplyRateMagnifier(1 * 1e4); // 1x
/// @notice Action 10: Update market rates for wstETH on Liquidity.
function action10() internal {
memory params_ = new AdminModuleStructs.RateDataV2Params[](1);
params_[0] = AdminModuleStructs.RateDataV2Params({
token: wstETH_ADDRESS, // wstETH
kink1: 50 * 1e2, // 50%
kink2: 80 * 1e2, // 80%
rateAtUtilizationZero: 0, // 0%
rateAtUtilizationKink1: 15 * 1e2, // 15%
rateAtUtilizationKink2: 30 * 1e2, // 30%
rateAtUtilizationMax: 150 * 1e2 // 150%
/// @notice Action 11: Update token config for wstETH on Liquidity.
function action11() internal {
memory params_ = new AdminModuleStructs.TokenConfig[](1);
params_[0] = AdminModuleStructs.TokenConfig({
token: wstETH_ADDRESS, // wstETH
threshold: 0.3 * 1e2, // 0.3
fee: 70 * 1e2 // 70%