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synced 2024-07-29 22:27:52 +00:00
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337 lines
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pragma solidity ^0.7.0;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
interface IGovernorBravo {
function _acceptAdmin() external;
function _setVotingDelay(uint newVotingDelay) external;
function _setVotingPeriod(uint newVotingPeriod) external;
function _acceptAdminOnTimelock() external;
function _setImplementation(address implementation_) external;
function propose(address[] memory targets, uint[] memory values, string[] memory signatures, bytes[] memory calldatas, string memory description) external returns (uint);
function admin() external view returns(address);
function pendingAdmin() external view returns(address);
function timelock() external view returns(address);
function votingDelay() external view returns(uint256);
function votingPeriod() external view returns(uint256);
interface ITimelock {
function acceptAdmin() external;
function setDelay(uint delay_) external;
function setPendingAdmin(address pendingAdmin_) external;
function queueTransaction(address target, uint value, string memory signature, bytes memory data, uint eta) external returns (bytes32);
function executeTransaction(address target, uint value, string memory signature, bytes memory data, uint eta) external payable returns (bytes memory);
function pendingAdmin() external view returns(address);
function admin() external view returns(address);
function delay() external view returns(uint256);
interface IInstaIndex {
function changeMaster(address _newMaster) external;
function updateMaster() external;
function master() external view returns(address);
interface ILite {
function setAdmin(address newAdmin) external;
function getAdmin() external view returns(address);
interface IDSAV2 {
function cast(
string[] memory _targetNames,
bytes[] memory _datas,
address _origin
returns (bytes32);
function isAuth(address user) external view returns (bool);
contract PayloadIGP7 {
uint256 public constant PROPOSAL_ID = 7;
address public constant PROPOSER = 0xA45f7bD6A5Ff45D31aaCE6bCD3d426D9328cea01;
IGovernorBravo public constant GOVERNOR = IGovernorBravo(0x0204Cd037B2ec03605CFdFe482D8e257C765fA1B);
ITimelock public constant OLD_TIMELOCK = ITimelock(0xC7Cb1dE2721BFC0E0DA1b9D526bCdC54eF1C0eFC);
ITimelock public immutable TIMELOCK;
address public immutable ADDRESS_THIS;
IInstaIndex public constant INSTAINDEX = IInstaIndex(0x2971AdFa57b20E5a416aE5a708A8655A9c74f723);
ILite public constant LITE = ILite(0xA0D3707c569ff8C87FA923d3823eC5D81c98Be78);
IDSAV2 public constant TREASURY = IDSAV2(0x28849D2b63fA8D361e5fc15cB8aBB13019884d09);
uint256 public constant ONE_DAY_TIME_IN_SECONDS = 1 days; // 1 day in seconds. 86400s
uint256 public constant ONE_DAY_TIME_IN_BLOCKS = 7_200; // 1 day in blocks. 12s per block
uint256 public constant TWO_DAY_TIME_IN_BLOCKS = 14_400; // 2 day in blocks. 12s per block
address public constant TEAM_MULTISIG = 0x4F6F977aCDD1177DCD81aB83074855EcB9C2D49e;
constructor (address governor_, address timelock_) {
TIMELOCK = ITimelock(address(timelock_));
ADDRESS_THIS = address(this);
function propose(string memory description) external {
require(msg.sender == PROPOSER, "msg.sender-not-proposer");
uint256 totalActions = 8;
address[] memory targets = new address[](totalActions);
uint256[] memory values = new uint256[](totalActions);
string[] memory signatures = new string[](totalActions);
bytes[] memory calldatas = new bytes[](totalActions);
// Action 1: call cast() - transfer rewards to Team Multisig, add new Timelock as auth & remove old Timelock as auth on Treasury
(targets[0], values[0], signatures[0], calldatas[0]) = action1();
// Action 2: call _setImplementation() - upgrade governor contract to new implementation
(targets[1], values[1], signatures[1], calldatas[1]) = action2();
// Action 3: call changeMaster() - change ownership of DSA to new timelock contract
(targets[2], values[2], signatures[2], calldatas[2]) = action3();
// Action 4: call setAdmin() - change ownership of Lite to new timelock contract
(targets[3], values[3], signatures[3], calldatas[3]) = action4();
// Action 5: call _setPendingAdmin() - on governor contract with new timelock address
(targets[4], values[4], signatures[4], calldatas[4]) = action5();
// Action 6: call setPendingAdmin() - on old timelock to change team multisig
(targets[5], values[5], signatures[5], calldatas[5]) = action6();
// Action 7: call queueTransaction - new timelock contract to queue below payload
(targets[6], values[6], signatures[6], calldatas[6]) = action7();
// Action 8: call executeTransaction - new timelock contract to execute below payload
(targets[7], values[7], signatures[7], calldatas[7]) = action8();
uint256 proposedId = GOVERNOR.propose(
require(proposedId == PROPOSAL_ID, "PROPOSAL_IS_NOT_SAME");
function execute() external {
// Action 1: updateMaster() function on DSA instaIndex
// Action 2: _acceptAdmin() function on governor contract
// Action 3: _setVotingDelay() function on governor contract with 1 days
// Action 4: _setVotingPeriod() function on governor contract with 2 days
// Action 5: setPendingAdmin() on new timelock contract
// Action 6: _acceptAdminOnTimelock() on governor contract
// Action 7: setDelay() on new timelock contract with 1 day
// Action 8: call verifyProposal() - on this payload contract to verify proposal execution
function verifyProposal() external view {
// Verify 1 : Verify DSA Master
require(INSTAINDEX.master() == address(TIMELOCK), "InstaIndex-wrong-master");
// Verify 2 : Verify Lite Admin
require(LITE.getAdmin() == address(TIMELOCK), "Lite-wrong-admin");
// Verify 3 : Verify Governor Admin
require(GOVERNOR.admin() == address(TIMELOCK), "Governor-wrong-admin");
// Verify 4 : Verify Governor Timelock
require(GOVERNOR.timelock() == address(TIMELOCK), "Governor-wrong-timelock");
// Verify 5 : Verify Governor Pending Admin
require(GOVERNOR.pendingAdmin() == address(0), "Governor-wrong-pending-admin");
// Verify 6 : Verify Old Timelock Admin
require(OLD_TIMELOCK.admin() == address(GOVERNOR), "Old-timelock-wrong-admin");
// Verify 7 : Verify Old Timelock Pending Admin
require(OLD_TIMELOCK.pendingAdmin() == address(TEAM_MULTISIG), "Old-timelock-wrong-pending-admin");
// Verify 8 : Verify New Timelock Admin
require(TIMELOCK.admin() == address(GOVERNOR), "Timelock-wrong-admin");
// Verify 9 : Verify Timelock Pending Admin
require(TIMELOCK.pendingAdmin() == address(0), "Timelock-wrong-pending-admin");
// Verify 10 : Verify Treasury remove of old timelock
require(TREASURY.isAuth(address(OLD_TIMELOCK)) == false, "Treasury-old-timelock-not-removed");
// Verify 11: Verify Treasury add of new timelock
require(TREASURY.isAuth(address(TIMELOCK)) == true, "Treasury-new-timelock-not-added");
// Verify 12: Verify voting delay
require(GOVERNOR.votingDelay() == ONE_DAY_TIME_IN_BLOCKS, "Voting-delay-not-set-to-one-day");
// Verify 13: Verify voting period
require(GOVERNOR.votingPeriod() == TWO_DAY_TIME_IN_BLOCKS, "Voting-period-not-set-to-two-day");
// Verify 14: Verify queueing period
require(TIMELOCK.delay() == ONE_DAY_TIME_IN_SECONDS, "Timelock-delay-not-set-to-one-day");
///////// PROPOSAL ACTIONS - 8 Actions ///////
/// @notice Action 1: call cast() - transfer rewards to Team Multisig, add new Timelock as auth & remove old Timelock as auth on Treasury
function action1() public view returns(address target, uint256 value, string memory signature, bytes memory calldatas) {
string[] memory targets = new string[](7);
bytes[] memory encodedSpells = new bytes[](7);
string memory withdrawSignature = "withdraw(address,uint256,address,uint256,uint256)";
// Spell 1: Transfer wETH
address ETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2;
uint256 ETH_AMOUNT = 230 * 1e18; // 230 ETH
targets[0] = "BASIC-A";
encodedSpells[0] = abi.encodeWithSignature(withdrawSignature, ETH_ADDRESS, ETH_AMOUNT, TEAM_MULTISIG, 0, 0);
// Spell 2: Transfer USDC
address USDC_ADDRESS = 0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48;
uint256 USDC_AMOUNT = 247_900 * 1e6; // 247.9k USDC
targets[1] = "BASIC-A";
encodedSpells[1] = abi.encodeWithSignature(withdrawSignature, USDC_ADDRESS, USDC_AMOUNT, TEAM_MULTISIG, 0, 0);
// Spell 3: Transfer DAI
address DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F;
uint256 DAI_AMOUNT = 59_000 * 1e18; // 59k DAI
targets[2] = "BASIC-A";
encodedSpells[2] = abi.encodeWithSignature(withdrawSignature, DAI_ADDRESS, DAI_AMOUNT, TEAM_MULTISIG, 0, 0);
// Spell 4: Transfer USDT
address USDT_ADDRESS = 0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7;
uint256 USDT_AMOUNT = 28_700 * 1e6; // 28.8k USDT
targets[3] = "BASIC-A";
encodedSpells[3] = abi.encodeWithSignature(withdrawSignature, USDT_ADDRESS, USDT_AMOUNT, TEAM_MULTISIG, 0, 0);
// Spell 5: Transfer stETH
address STETH_ADDRESS = 0xae7ab96520DE3A18E5e111B5EaAb095312D7fE84;
uint256 STETH_AMOUNT = 320 * 1e18; // 320 stETH
targets[4] = "BASIC-A";
encodedSpells[4] = abi.encodeWithSignature(withdrawSignature, STETH_ADDRESS, STETH_AMOUNT, TEAM_MULTISIG, 0, 0);
// Spell 6: Add new Timelock as auth
targets[5] = "AUTHORITY-A";
encodedSpells[5] = abi.encodeWithSignature("add(address)", address(TIMELOCK));
// Spell 7: Remove old Timelock as auth
targets[6] = "AUTHORITY-A";
encodedSpells[6] = abi.encodeWithSignature("remove(address)", address(OLD_TIMELOCK));
target = address(TREASURY);
value = 0;
signature = "cast(string[],bytes[],address)";
calldatas = abi.encode(targets, encodedSpells, address(this));
/// @notice Action 2: call _setImplementation() - upgrade governor contract to new implementation
function action2() public view returns(address target, uint256 value, string memory signature, bytes memory calldatas) {
target = address(GOVERNOR);
value = 0;
signature = "_setImplementation(address)";
/// @notice Action 3: call changeMaster() - change ownership of DSA to new timelock contract
function action3() public view returns(address target, uint256 value, string memory signature, bytes memory calldatas) {
target = address(INSTAINDEX);
value = 0;
signature = "changeMaster(address)";
calldatas = abi.encode(TIMELOCK);
/// @notice Action 4: call setAdmin() - change ownership of Lite to new timelock contract
function action4() public view returns(address target, uint256 value, string memory signature, bytes memory calldatas) {
target = address(LITE);
value = 0;
signature = "setAdmin(address)";
calldatas = abi.encode(TIMELOCK);
/// @notice Action 5: call _setPendingAdmin() - on governor contract with new timelock address
function action5() public view returns(address target, uint256 value, string memory signature, bytes memory calldatas) {
target = address(GOVERNOR);
value = 0;
signature = "_setPendingAdmin(address)";
calldatas = abi.encode(TIMELOCK);
/// @notice Action 6: call setPendingAdmin() - on old timelock to change team multisig
function action6() public pure returns(address target, uint256 value, string memory signature, bytes memory calldatas) {
target = address(OLD_TIMELOCK);
value = 0;
signature = "setPendingAdmin(address)";
calldatas = abi.encode(TEAM_MULTISIG);
/// @notice Action 7: call queueTransaction - new timelock contract to queue below payload
function action7() public view returns(address target, uint256 value, string memory signature, bytes memory calldatas) {
target = address(TIMELOCK);
value = 0;
signature = "queueTransaction(address,uint256,string,bytes,uint256)";
calldatas = abi.encode(
/// @notice Action 8: call executeTransaction - new timelock contract to execute below payload
function action8() public view returns(address target, uint256 value, string memory signature, bytes memory calldatas) {
target = address(TIMELOCK);
value = 0;
signature = "executeTransaction(address,uint256,string,bytes,uint256)";
calldatas = abi.encode(
} |