ftoken update rewards

This commit is contained in:
Thrilok kumar 2024-03-22 15:40:03 -04:00
parent 2ad50ff6c3
commit b329f66375

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@ -260,6 +260,34 @@ interface IFluidVaultT1 {
function updateCollateralFactor(uint collateralFactor_) external;
interface IFTokenAdmin {
/// @notice updates the rewards rate model contract.
/// Only callable by LendingFactory auths.
/// @param rewardsRateModel_ the new rewards rate model contract address.
/// can be set to address(0) to set no rewards (to save gas)
function updateRewards(address rewardsRateModel_) external;
/// @notice Balances out the difference between fToken supply at Liquidity vs totalAssets().
/// Deposits underlying from rebalancer address into Liquidity but doesn't mint any shares
/// -> thus making deposit available as rewards.
/// Only callable by rebalancer.
/// @return assets_ amount deposited to Liquidity
function rebalance() external payable returns (uint256 assets_);
/// @notice gets the liquidity exchange price of the underlying asset, calculates the updated exchange price (with reward rates)
/// and writes those values to storage.
/// Callable by anyone.
/// @return tokenExchangePrice_ exchange price of fToken share to underlying asset
/// @return liquidityExchangePrice_ exchange price at Liquidity for the underlying asset
function updateRates() external returns (uint256 tokenExchangePrice_, uint256 liquidityExchangePrice_);
/// @notice sends any potentially stuck funds to Liquidity contract. Only callable by LendingFactory auths.
function rescueFunds(address token_) external;
/// @notice Updates the rebalancer address (ReserveContract). Only callable by LendingFactory auths.
function updateRebalancer(address rebalancer_) external;
contract PayloadIGP15 {
uint256 public constant PROPOSAL_ID = 15;
@ -287,6 +315,9 @@ contract PayloadIGP15 {
address public constant F_USDT = 0x5C20B550819128074FD538Edf79791733ccEdd18;
address public constant F_USDC = 0x9Fb7b4477576Fe5B32be4C1843aFB1e55F251B33;
address public constant sUSDCe_ADDRESS = 0x9D39A5DE30e57443BfF2A8307A4256c8797A3497;
address public constant USDC_ADDRESS = 0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48;
@ -433,6 +464,16 @@ contract PayloadIGP15 {
/// @notice Action 7: Update rewards for fUSDT.
function action7() internal {
IFTokenAdmin(F_USDT).updateRewards(address(0)); // TODO
/// @notice Action 8: Update rewards for fUSDC.
function action8() internal {
IFTokenAdmin(F_USDC).updateRewards(address(0)); // TODO
| Vault Deployment Helper |