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2024-03-21 22:31:22 +00:00
{"metadata":"{\"defaultCompiler\":{\"version\":\"0.7.3\"},\"sources\":{\"contracts/payloads/IGP14/PayloadIGP14.sol\":{\"content\":\"pragma solidity ^0.7.0;\\npragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;\\n\\ninterface IGovernorBravo {\\n function _acceptAdmin() external;\\n\\n function _setVotingDelay(uint newVotingDelay) external;\\n\\n function _setVotingPeriod(uint newVotingPeriod) external;\\n\\n function _acceptAdminOnTimelock() external;\\n\\n function _setImplementation(address implementation_) external;\\n\\n function propose(\\n address[] memory targets,\\n uint[] memory values,\\n string[] memory signatures,\\n bytes[] memory calldatas,\\n string memory description\\n ) external returns (uint);\\n\\n function admin() external view returns (address);\\n\\n function pendingAdmin() external view returns (address);\\n\\n function timelock() external view returns (address);\\n\\n function votingDelay() external view returns (uint256);\\n\\n function votingPeriod() external view returns (uint256);\\n}\\n\\ninterface ITimelock {\\n function acceptAdmin() external;\\n\\n function setDelay(uint delay_) external;\\n\\n function setPendingAdmin(address pendingAdmin_) external;\\n\\n function queueTransaction(\\n address target,\\n uint value,\\n string memory signature,\\n bytes memory data,\\n uint eta\\n ) external returns (bytes32);\\n\\n function executeTransaction(\\n address target,\\n uint value,\\n string memory signature,\\n bytes memory data,\\n uint eta\\n ) external payable returns (bytes memory);\\n\\n function pendingAdmin() external view returns (address);\\n\\n function admin() external view returns (address);\\n\\n function delay() external view returns (uint256);\\n}\\n\\ninterface ILite {\\n function setAdmin(address newAdmin) external;\\n\\n function getAdmin() external view returns (address);\\n\\n function removeImplementation(address implementation_) external;\\n\\n function addImplementation(\\n address implementation_,\\n bytes4[] calldata sigs_\\n ) external;\\n\\n function setDummyImplementation(address newDummyImplementation_) external;\\n\\n function updateMaxRiskRatio(\\n uint8[] memory protocolId_,\\n uint256[] memory newRiskRatio_\\n ) external;\\n\\n function updateAggrMaxVaultRatio(uint256 newAggrMaxVaultRatio_) external;\\n}\\n\\ninterface IFluidVaultT1 {\\n /// @notice updates the Vault oracle to `newOracle_`. Must implement the FluidOracle interface.\\n function updateOracle(address newOracle_) external;\\n\\n /// @notice updates the all Vault core settings according to input params.\\n /// All input values are expected in 1e2 (1% = 100, 100% = 10_000).\\n function updateCoreSettings(\\n uint256 supplyRateMagnifier_,\\n uint256 borrowRateMagnifier_,\\n uint256 collateralFactor_,\\n uint256 liquidationThreshold_,\\n uint256 liquidationMaxLimit_,\\n uint256 withdrawGap_,\\n uint256 liquidationPenalty_,\\n uint256 borrowFee_\\n ) external;\\n\\n /// @notice updates the allowed rebalancer to `newRebalancer_`.\\n function updateRebalancer(address newRebalancer_) external;\\n\\n /// @notice updates the supply rate magnifier to `supplyRateMagnifier_`. Input in 1e2 (1% = 100, 100% = 10_000).\\n function updateSupplyRateMagnifier(uint supplyRateMagnifier_) external;\\n\\n /// @notice updates the collateral factor to `collateralFactor_`. Input in 1e2 (1% = 100, 100% = 10_000).\\n function updateCollateralFactor(uint collateralFactor_) external;\\n}\\n\\ninterface IstETHProtocol {\\n /// @notice initializes the contract with `owner_` as owner\\n function initialize(address owner_) external;\\n\\n /// @notice Sets an address as allowed user or not. Only callable by auths.\\n /// @param user_ address to set allowed value for\\n /// @p