Connectors Auth, Basic & Compound done

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Samyak Jain 2020-04-15 22:35:48 +10:00
parent 727caf167d
commit 49db38839a

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# Connectors
Connectors are used for the interaction between DSA and Protocols / other contracts. Connectors are called by the help of `cast` function in DSA.
Note: Most of the connectors function have 2 extra parameters as `setId` and `getId`. They will be used to set/store data from one connector and use it in another connector which will make cross protocol transaction possible without the need of solidity.
## Basics
Used to do basic operations like depositing and withdrawing tokens from DSA.
Connector address - `0x9370236a085A99Aa359f4bD2f0424b8c3bf25C99`
### deposit()
To Deposit ETH/tokens into the DSA. There are two ways to deposit in DSA:-
1. Normal ETH/Token transfer to DSA address.
2. Give `Allowance` of Tokens to DSA and deposit by using the below function.
let spells = dsa.Spell();
connector: "basic", // name
method: "deposit", // method
args: ["token_address", "amount", "getId", "uint setId"] // method arguments
### Parameters
`token_address` (address) - Address of token to deposit. You can get tokens details from ``.
`amount` (uint) - Amount of token to deposit. Eg:- if user wants to deposit `1` ETH then `amount` will be `1000000000000000000`.
`getId` (uint) - Used to get data stored in particular Id. If not set then it'll return `0`. If not needed then send `0`.
`setId` (uint) - Used to set data stored in particular Id. If not needed then send `0`.
### withdraw()
To Withdraw ETH/tokens from the DSA.
let spells = dsa.Spell();
connector: "basic", // name
method: "withdraw", // method
args: ["token_address", "amount", "withdraw_address", "getId", "uint setId"] // method arguments
### Parameters
`token_address` (address) - Address of token to withdraw. You can get tokens details from ``.
`amount` (uint) - Amount of token to withdraw. Eg:- if user wants to withdraw `1` ETH then `amount` will be `1000000000000000000`.
`withdraw_address` (address) - Address on which tokens needs to be withdrawn. Note:- `Address should be an Authority`.
`getId` (uint) - Used to get data stored in particular Id. If not set then it'll return `0`. By default keep it `0`.
`setId` (uint) - Used to set data stored in particular Id. If not needed then send `0`.
## Auth
Used to add/remove authority from DSA.
Connector address - `0x627cd0DbD5eE33F8456Aa8143aCd68a13d641588`
### addModule()
To Add Auth module (Authority) - an address. It can be Owner, Guardian, manager, etc.
let spells = dsa.Spell();
connector: "auth", // name
method: "addModule", // method
args: ["authority"] // method arguments
### Parameters
`authority` (address) - Address of new authority.
### removeModule()
To remove Auth module (Authority) - an address.
let spells = dsa.Spell();
connector: "auth", // name
method: "removeModule", // method
args: ["authority"] // method arguments
### Parameters
`authority` (address) - Address of authority to remove.
## Compound
For Compound Protocol interaction. Eg:- deposit, borrow, etc.
Connector address - `0x547f1508A2a1AB0cB84DCe4b3e09beB560Bb44Cb`
### deposit()
To deposit/supply tokens into Compound as Lending or Collateral.
let spells = dsa.Spell();
connector: "compound", // name
method: "deposit", // method
args: ["token_address", "amount", "getId", "setId"] // method arguments
### Parameters
`token_address` (address) - Address of token. You can get tokens details from ``.
`amount` (uint) - Amount of token. Send `"-1"` to deposit 100%.
`getId` (uint) - Id will be used to get the amount of token to deposit.
`setId` (uint) - Id will be used to set the amount of token deposited.
### withdraw()
To withdraw tokens from Compound that you've supplied.
let spells = dsa.Spell();
connector: "compound", // name
method: "withdraw", // method
args: ["token_address", "amount", "getId", "setId"] // method arguments
### Parameters
`token_address` (address) - Address of token. You can get tokens details from ``.
`amount` (uint) - Amount of token. Send `"-1"` to withdraw 100%.
`getId` (uint) - Id will be used to get the amount of token to withdraw.
`setId` (uint) - Id will be used to set the amount of token withdrawn.
### borrow()
To borrow tokens from Compound.
let spells = dsa.Spell();
connector: "compound", // name
method: "borrow", // method
args: ["token_address", "amount", "getId", "setId"] // method arguments
### Parameters
`token_address` (address) - Address of token. You can get tokens details from ``.
`amount` (uint) - Amount of token.
`getId` (uint) - Id will be used to get the amount of token to borrow.
`setId` (uint) - Id will be used to set the amount of token borrowed.
### payback()
To payback tokens from Compound.
let spells = dsa.Spell();
connector: "compound", // name
method: "payback", // method
args: ["token_address", "amount", "getId", "setId"] // method arguments
### Parameters
`token_address` (address) - Address of token. You can get tokens details from ``.
`amount` (uint) - Amount of token. Send `"-1"` to payback 100%.
`getId` (uint) - Id will be used to get the amount of token to payback.
`setId` (uint) - Id will be used to set the amount of token payed back.
### Extras functions
### depositCToken()
To deposit/supply tokens into Compound as Lending or Collateral. The only difference between this and deposit is it'll set in CToken amount.
let spells = dsa.Spell();
connector: "compound", // name
method: "depositCToken", // method
args: ["token_address", "amount", "getId", "setId"] // method arguments
### Parameters
`token_address` (address) - Address of token. You can get tokens details from ``.
`amount` (uint) - Amount of token. Eg:- if user wants to deposit `1` ETH then `amount` will be `1000000000000000000`.
`getId` (uint) - Id will be used to get the amount of token to deposit.
`setId` (uint) - Id will be used to set the amount of ctoken minted.
### withdrawCToken()
To withdraw tokens from Compound. The only difference between this and withdraw amount and getId.
let spells = dsa.Spell();
connector: "compound", // name
method: "withdrawCToken", // method
args: ["token_address", "ctoken_amount", "getId", "setId"] // method arguments
### Parameters
`token_address` (address) - Address of token. You can get tokens details from ``.
`ctoken_amount` (uint) - Amount of token to withdraw in terms of CToken. Eg:- if user wants to deposit `1` ETH then `amount` will be `1000000000000000000`.
`getId` (uint) - Id will be used to get the amount of ctoken to withdraw. (You'll recieve tokens)
`setId` (uint) - Id will be used to set the amount of token withdrawn.
### paybackBehalf()
To payback tokens on behalf of someone else.
let spells = dsa.Spell();
connector: "compound", // name
method: "paybackBehalf", // method
args: ["borrower", "token_address", "amount", "getId", "setId"] // method arguments
### Parameters
`borrower` (address) - Address of which Ctokens needs to be payed back.
`token_address` (address) - Address of token. You can get tokens details from ``.
`amount` (uint) - Amount of token. Send `"-1"` to payback 100%.
`getId` (uint) - Id will be used to get the amount of token to payback.
`setId` (uint) - Id will be used to set the amount of token payed back.