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synced 2024-07-29 22:37:00 +00:00
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pragma solidity ^0.6.0;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
import { DSMath } from '../common/math.sol';
// Gelato Data Types
struct Provider {
address addr; // if msg.sender == provider => self-Provider
address module; // e.g. DSA Provider Module
struct Condition {
address inst; // can be AddressZero for self-conditional Actions
bytes data; // can be bytes32(0) for self-conditional Actions
enum Operation { Call, Delegatecall }
enum DataFlow { None, In, Out, InAndOut }
struct Action {
address addr;
bytes data;
Operation operation;
DataFlow dataFlow;
uint256 value;
bool termsOkCheck;
struct Task {
Condition[] conditions; // optional
Action[] actions;
uint256 selfProviderGasLimit; // optional: 0 defaults to gelatoMaxGas
uint256 selfProviderGasPriceCeil; // optional: 0 defaults to NO_CEIL
struct TaskReceipt {
uint256 id;
address userProxy;
Provider provider;
uint256 index;
Task[] tasks;
uint256 expiryDate;
uint256 cycleId; // auto-filled by GelatoCore. 0 for non-cyclic/chained tasks
uint256 submissionsLeft;
struct TaskSpec {
address[] conditions; // Address: optional AddressZero for self-conditional actions
Action[] actions;
uint256 gasPriceCeil;
// Gelato Interface
interface IGelatoInterface {
* @dev API to submit a single Task.
function submitTask(
Provider calldata _provider,
Task calldata _task,
uint256 _expiryDate
* @dev A Gelato Task Cycle consists of 1 or more Tasks that automatically submit
* the next one, after they have been executed, where the total number of tasks can
* be only be an even number
function submitTaskCycle(
Provider calldata _provider,
Task[] calldata _tasks,
uint256 _expiryDate,
uint256 _cycles
* @dev A Gelato Task Chain consists of 1 or more Tasks that automatically submit
* the next one, after they have been executed, where the total number of tasks can
* be an odd number
function submitTaskChain(
Provider calldata _provider,
Task[] calldata _tasks,
uint256 _expiryDate,
uint256 _sumOfRequestedTaskSubmits
* @dev Cancel multiple tasks at once
function multiCancelTasks(TaskReceipt[] calldata _taskReceipts) external;
* @dev Whitelist new executor, TaskSpec(s) and Module(s) in one tx
function multiProvide(
address _executor,
TaskSpec[] calldata _taskSpecs,
address[] calldata _modules
* @dev De-Whitelist TaskSpec(s), Module(s) and withdraw funds from gelato in one tx
function multiUnprovide(
uint256 _withdrawAmount,
TaskSpec[] calldata _taskSpecs,
address[] calldata _modules
interface MemoryInterface {
function setUint(uint _id, uint _val) external;
function getUint(uint _id) external returns (uint);
contract Helpers {
* @dev Return Memory Variable Address
function getMemoryAddr() internal pure returns (address) {
return 0x8a5419CfC711B2343c17a6ABf4B2bAFaBb06957F; // InstaMemory Address
* @dev Set Uint value in InstaMemory Contract.
function setUint(uint setId, uint val) internal {
if (setId != 0) MemoryInterface(getMemoryAddr()).setUint(setId, val);
* @dev Get Uint value from InstaMemory Contract.
function getUint(uint getId, uint val) internal returns (uint returnVal) {
returnVal = getId == 0 ? val : MemoryInterface(getMemoryAddr()).getUint(getId);
* @dev Connector Details
function connectorID() public pure returns(uint _type, uint _id) {
(_type, _id) = (1, 42);
contract GelatoHelpers is Helpers, DSMath {
* @dev Return Gelato Core Address
function getGelatoCoreAddr() internal pure returns (address) {
return 0x1d681d76ce96E4d70a88A00EBbcfc1E47808d0b8; // Gelato Core address
* @dev Return Instapp DSA Provider Module Address
function getInstadappProviderModuleAddr() internal pure returns (address) {
return 0x0C25452d20cdFeEd2983fa9b9b9Cf4E81D6f2fE2; // ProviderModuleDSA Address
contract GelatoResolver is GelatoHelpers {
event LogMultiProvide(address indexed executor, TaskSpec[] indexed taskspecs, address[] indexed modules, uint256 ethToDeposit, uint256 getId, uint256 setId);
event LogSubmitTask(Provider indexed provider, Task indexed task, uint256 indexed expiryDate, uint256 getId, uint256 setId);
event LogSubmitTaskCycle(Provider indexed provider, Task[] indexed tasks, uint256 indexed expiryDate, uint256 getId, uint256 setId);
event LogSubmitTaskChain(Provider indexed provider, Task[] indexed tasks, uint256 indexed expiryDate, uint256 getId, uint256 setId);
event LogMultiUnprovide(TaskSpec[] indexed taskspecs, address[] indexed modules, uint256 ethToWithdraw, uint256 getId, uint256 setId);
event LogMultiCancelTasks(TaskReceipt[] indexed taskReceipt, uint256 getId, uint256 setId);
// ===== Gelato ENTRY APIs ======
* @dev Enables first time users to pre-fund eth, whitelist an executor & register the
* ProviderModuleDSA.sol to be able to use Gelato
* @param _executor address of single execot node or gelato'S decentralized execution market
* @param _taskSpecs enables external providers to whitelist TaskSpecs on gelato
* @param _modules address of ProviderModuleDSA
* @param _ethToDeposit amount of eth to deposit on Gelato, only for self-providers
function multiProvide(
address _executor,
TaskSpec[] calldata _taskSpecs,
address[] calldata _modules,
uint256 _ethToDeposit,
uint256 _getId,
uint256 _setId
uint256 ethToDeposit = getUint(_getId, _ethToDeposit);
ethToDeposit = ethToDeposit == uint(-1) ? address(this).balance : ethToDeposit;
IGelatoInterface(getGelatoCoreAddr()).multiProvide{value: ethToDeposit}(
setUint(_setId, ethToDeposit);
emit LogMultiProvide(_executor, _taskSpecs, _modules, ethToDeposit, _getId, _setId);
* @dev Submits a single, one-time task to Gelato
* @param _provider Consists of proxy module address (DSA) and provider address ()
* who will pay for the transaction execution
* @param _task Task specifying the condition and the action connectors
* @param _expiryDate Default 0, othweise timestamp after which the task expires
function submitTask(
Provider calldata _provider,
Task calldata _task,
uint256 _expiryDate
IGelatoInterface(getGelatoCoreAddr()).submitTask(_provider, _task, _expiryDate);
emit LogSubmitTask(_provider, _task, _expiryDate, 0, 0);
* @dev Submits single or mulitple Task Sequences to Gelato
* @param _provider Consists of proxy module address (DSA) and provider address ()
* who will pay for the transaction execution
* @param _tasks A sequence of Tasks, can be a single or multiples
* @param _expiryDate Default 0, othweise timestamp after which the task expires
* @param _cycles How often the Task List should be executed, e.g. 5 times
function submitTaskCycle(
Provider calldata _provider,
Task[] calldata _tasks,
uint256 _expiryDate,
uint256 _cycles
emit LogSubmitTaskCycle(_provider, _tasks, _expiryDate, 0, 0);
* @dev Submits single or mulitple Task Chains to Gelato
* @param _provider Consists of proxy module address (DSA) and provider address ()
* who will pay for the transaction execution
* @param _tasks A sequence of Tasks, can be a single or multiples
* @param _expiryDate Default 0, othweise timestamp after which the task expires
* @param _sumOfRequestedTaskSubmits The TOTAL number of Task auto-submits
* that should have occured once the cycle is complete
function submitTaskChain(
Provider calldata _provider,
Task[] calldata _tasks,
uint256 _expiryDate,
uint256 _sumOfRequestedTaskSubmits
emit LogSubmitTaskChain(_provider, _tasks, _expiryDate, 0, 0);
// ===== Gelato EXIT APIs ======
* @dev Withdraws funds from Gelato, de-whitelists TaskSpecs and Provider Modules
* in one tx
* @param _withdrawAmount Amount of ETH to withdraw from Gelato
* @param _taskSpecs List of Task Specs to de-whitelist, default empty []
* @param _modules List of Provider Modules to de-whitelist, default empty []
function multiUnprovide(
uint256 _withdrawAmount,
TaskSpec[] calldata _taskSpecs,
address[] calldata _modules,
uint256 _getId,
uint256 _setId
uint256 withdrawAmount = getUint(_getId, _withdrawAmount);
uint256 balanceBefore = address(this).balance;
uint256 actualWithdrawAmount = sub(address(this).balance, balanceBefore);
setUint(_setId, actualWithdrawAmount);
emit LogMultiUnprovide(_taskSpecs, _modules, actualWithdrawAmount, _getId, _setId);
* @dev Cancels outstanding Tasks
* @param _taskReceipts List of Task Receipts to cancel
function multiCancelTasks(TaskReceipt[] calldata _taskReceipts)
emit LogMultiCancelTasks(_taskReceipts, 0, 0);
contract ConnectGelato is GelatoResolver {
string public name = "Gelato-v1.0";
} |