
279 lines
12 KiB

pragma solidity ^0.7.6;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
import { TokenInterface, AccountInterface } from "../../common/interfaces.sol";
import { CTokenInterface } from "./interface.sol";
import { Helpers } from "./helpers.sol";
import { Events } from "./events.sol";
// 1. Get info for all the assets the user has supplied as collateral and the assets he borrowed.
// 2. Using the flash loan funds, pay back the user's debt in the EOA account.
// 3. After paying the debt, transfer the user's tokens from EOA to DSA.
// 4. Then borrow debt of same tokens but include flash loan fee in it.
contract CompoundHelper is Helpers, Events {
* @notice repays the debt taken by user on Compound on its behalf to free its collateral for transfer
* @dev uses the cEth contract for ETH repays, otherwise the general cToken interface
* @param _userAccount the user address for which debt is to be repayed
* @param _cTokenContracts array containing all interfaces to the cToken contracts in which the user has debt positions
* @param _borrowAmts array containing the amount borrowed for each token
function _repayUserDebt(
address _userAccount,
CTokenInterface[] memory _cTokenContracts,
uint[] memory _borrowAmts
) internal {
for(uint i = 0; i < _cTokenContracts.length; i++){
if(_borrowAmts[i] > 0){
if(address(_cTokenContracts[i]) == address(cEth)){
cEth.repayBorrowBehalf{value: _borrowAmts[i]}(_userAccount);
require(_cTokenContracts[i].repayBorrowBehalf(_userAccount, _borrowAmts[i]) == 0, "repayOnBehalf-failed");
* @notice used to transfer user's supply position on Compound to DSA
* @dev uses the transferFrom token in cToken contracts to transfer positions, requires approval from user first
* @param _userAccount address of the user account whose position is to be transferred
* @param _cTokenContracts array containing all interfaces to the cToken contracts in which the user has supply positions
* @param _amts array containing the amount supplied for each token
function _transferTokensToDsa(
address _userAccount,
CTokenInterface[] memory _cTokenContracts,
uint[] memory _amts
) internal {
for(uint i = 0; i < _cTokenContracts.length; i++) {
if(_amts[i] > 0) {
require(_cTokenContracts[i].transferFrom(_userAccount, address(this), _amts[i]), "ctoken-transfer-failed-allowance?");
* @notice borrows the user's debt positions from Compound via DSA, so that its debt positions get imported to DSA
* @dev actually borrow some extra amount than the original position to cover the flash loan fee
* @param _cTokenContracts array containing all interfaces to the cToken contracts in which the user has debt positions
* @param _amts array containing the amounts the user had borrowed originally from Compound plus the flash loan fee
function _borrowDebtPosition(
CTokenInterface[] memory _cTokenContracts,
uint[] memory _amts
) internal {
for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenContracts.length; i++) {
if (_amts[i] > 0) {
require(_cTokenContracts[i].borrow(_amts[i]) == 0, "borrow-failed-collateral?");
contract CompoundResolver is CompoundHelper {
struct ImportData {
address[] cTokens; // is the list of all tokens the user has interacted with (supply/borrow) -> used to enter markets
uint[] borrowAmts;
uint[] supplyAmts;
address[] borrowTokens;
address[] supplyTokens;
CTokenInterface[] borrowCtokens;
CTokenInterface[] supplyCtokens;
address[] supplyCtokensAddr;
address[] borrowCtokensAddr;
struct ImportInputData {
address userAccount;
string[] supplyIds;
string[] borrowIds;
* @notice fetch the borrow details of the user
* @dev approve the cToken to spend (borrowed amount of) tokens to allow for repaying later
* @param _importInputData the struct containing borrowIds of the users borrowed tokens
* @param data struct used to store the final data on which the CompoundHelper contract functions operate
* @return ImportData the final value of param data
function getBorrowAmounts (
ImportInputData memory _importInputData,
ImportData memory data
) internal returns(ImportData memory) {
if (_importInputData.borrowIds.length > 0) {
// initialize arrays for borrow data
data.borrowTokens = new address[](_importInputData.borrowIds.length);
data.borrowCtokens = new CTokenInterface[](_importInputData.borrowIds.length);
data.borrowCtokensAddr = new address[](_importInputData.borrowIds.length);
data.borrowAmts = new uint[](_importInputData.borrowIds.length);
// check for repeated tokens
for (uint i = 0; i < _importInputData.borrowIds.length; i++) {
bytes32 i_hash = keccak256(abi.encode(_importInputData.borrowIds[i]));
for (uint j = i + 1; j < _importInputData.borrowIds.length; j++) {
bytes32 j_hash = keccak256(abi.encode(_importInputData.borrowIds[j]));
require(i_hash != j_hash, "token-repeated");
// populate the arrays with borrow tokens, cToken addresses and instances, and borrow amounts
for (uint i = 0; i < _importInputData.borrowIds.length; i++) {
(address _token, address _cToken) = compMapping.getMapping(_importInputData.borrowIds[i]);
require(_token != address(0) && _cToken != address(0), "ctoken mapping not found");
data.cTokens[i] = _cToken;
data.borrowTokens[i] = _token;
data.borrowCtokens[i] = CTokenInterface(_cToken);
data.borrowCtokensAddr[i] = _cToken;
data.borrowAmts[i] = data.borrowCtokens[i].borrowBalanceCurrent(_importInputData.userAccount);
// give the resp. cToken address approval to spend tokens
if (_token != ethAddr && data.borrowAmts[i] > 0) {
// will be required when repaying the borrow amount on behalf of the user
TokenInterface(_token).approve(_cToken, data.borrowAmts[i]);
return data;
* @notice fetch the supply details of the user
* @dev only reads data from blockchain hence view
* @param _importInputData the struct containing supplyIds of the users supplied tokens
* @param data struct used to store the final data on which the CompoundHelper contract functions operate
* @return ImportData the final value of param data
function getSupplyAmounts (
ImportInputData memory _importInputData,
ImportData memory data
) internal view returns(ImportData memory) {
// initialize arrays for supply data
data.supplyTokens = new address[](_importInputData.supplyIds.length);
data.supplyCtokens = new CTokenInterface[](_importInputData.supplyIds.length);
data.supplyCtokensAddr = new address[](_importInputData.supplyIds.length);
data.supplyAmts = new uint[](_importInputData.supplyIds.length);
// check for repeated tokens
for (uint i = 0; i < _importInputData.supplyIds.length; i++) {
bytes32 i_hash = keccak256(abi.encode(_importInputData.supplyIds[i]));
for (uint j = i + 1; j < _importInputData.supplyIds.length; j++) {
bytes32 j_hash = keccak256(abi.encode(_importInputData.supplyIds[j]));
require(i_hash != j_hash, "token-repeated");
// populate arrays with supply data (supply tokens address, cToken addresses, cToken instances and supply amounts)
for (uint i = 0; i < _importInputData.supplyIds.length; i++) {
(address _token, address _cToken) = compMapping.getMapping(_importInputData.supplyIds[i]);
require(_token != address(0) && _cToken != address(0), "ctoken mapping not found");
uint _supplyIndex = add(i, _importInputData.borrowIds.length);
data.cTokens[_supplyIndex] = _cToken;
data.supplyTokens[i] = _token;
data.supplyCtokens[i] = CTokenInterface(_cToken);
data.supplyCtokensAddr[i] = (_cToken);
data.supplyAmts[i] = data.supplyCtokens[i].balanceOf(_importInputData.userAccount);
return data;
contract CompoundImport is CompoundResolver {
* @notice this function performs the import of user's Compound positions into its DSA
* @dev called internally by the importCompound and migrateCompound functions
* @param _importInputData the struct containing borrowIds of the users borrowed tokens
function _importCompound(
ImportInputData memory _importInputData
) internal returns (string memory _eventName, bytes memory _eventParam) {
require(AccountInterface(address(this)).isAuth(_importInputData.userAccount), "user-account-not-auth");
require(_importInputData.supplyIds.length > 0, "0-length-not-allowed");
ImportData memory data;
uint _length = add(_importInputData.supplyIds.length, _importInputData.borrowIds.length);
data.cTokens = new address[](_length);
// get info about all borrowings and lendings by the user on Compound
data = getBorrowAmounts(_importInputData, data);
data = getSupplyAmounts(_importInputData, data);
for(uint i = 0; i < data.cTokens.length; i++){
// pay back user's debt using flash loan funds
_repayUserDebt(_importInputData.userAccount, data.borrowCtokens, data.borrowAmts);
// transfer user's tokens to DSA
_transferTokensToDsa(_importInputData.userAccount, data.supplyCtokens, data.supplyAmts);
// borrow the earlier position from Compound with flash loan fee added
_borrowDebtPosition(data.borrowCtokens, data.borrowAmts);
_eventName = "LogCompoundImport(address,address[],string[],string[],uint256[],uint256[])";
_eventParam = abi.encode(
* @notice import Compound position of the address passed in as userAccount
* @dev internally calls _importContract to perform the actual import
* @param _userAccount address of user whose position is to be imported to DSA
* @param _supplyIds Ids of all tokens the user has supplied to Compound
* @param _borrowIds Ids of all token borrowed by the user
function importCompound(
address _userAccount,
string[] memory _supplyIds,
string[] memory _borrowIds
) external payable returns (string memory _eventName, bytes memory _eventParam) {
ImportInputData memory inputData = ImportInputData({
userAccount: _userAccount,
supplyIds: _supplyIds,
borrowIds: _borrowIds
(_eventName, _eventParam) = _importCompound(inputData);
* @notice import msg.sender's Compound position (which is the user since this is a delegateCall)
* @dev internally calls _importContract to perform the actual import
* @param _supplyIds Ids of all tokens the user has supplied to Compound
* @param _borrowIds Ids of all token borrowed by the user
function migrateCompound(
string[] memory _supplyIds,
string[] memory _borrowIds
) external payable returns (string memory _eventName, bytes memory _eventParam) {
ImportInputData memory inputData = ImportInputData({
userAccount: msg.sender,
supplyIds: _supplyIds,
borrowIds: _borrowIds
(_eventName, _eventParam) = _importCompound(inputData);
contract ConnectV2CompoundImport is CompoundImport {
string public constant name = "Compound-Import-v2";