mirror of
synced 2024-07-29 22:37:00 +00:00
153 lines
4.3 KiB
153 lines
4.3 KiB
import { execScript } from "../tests/command";
import inquirer from "inquirer";
import { connectors, connectMapping } from "./connectors";
import { join } from "path";
let start: number, end: number;
async function deployRunner() {
const { chain } = await inquirer.prompt([
name: "chain",
message: "What chain do you want to deploy on?",
type: "list",
choices: ["mainnet", "polygon", "avalanche", "arbitrum"],
let { connector } = await inquirer.prompt([
name: "connector",
message: "Which connector do you want to deploy?",
type: "list",
choices: connectors,
connector = connectMapping[connector];
start = Date.now();
await execScript({
cmd: "npx",
args: ["hardhat", "run", "scripts/deployment/deploy.ts"],
env: {
connectorName: connector,
networkType: chain,
end = Date.now();
// let args = process.argv;
// args = args.splice(2, args.length);
// let params: Record<string, string> = {};
// for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i += 2) {
// if (args[i][0] !== "-" || args[i][1] !== "-") {
// console.log("Please add '--' for the key");
// process.exit(-1);
// }
// let key = args[i].slice(2, args[i].length);
// params[key] = args[i + 1];
// }
// if (!params.hasOwnProperty("connector")) {
// console.error("Should include connector params");
// process.exit(-1);
// }
// if (!params.hasOwnProperty("network")) {
// console.error("Should include network params");
// process.exit(-1);
// }
// if (!params.hasOwnProperty("gasPrice")) {
// console.error("Should include gas params");
// process.exit(-1);
// }
// let privateKey = String(process.env.PRIVATE_KEY);
// let provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(
// config.networks[params["network"]].url
// );
// let wallet = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, provider);
// network.name = params["networkName"];
// network.config = config.networks[params["networkName"]];
// network.provider = provider;
// let contracts: (string | string[])[] = [];
// const parseFile = async (filePath: fs.PathOrFileDescriptor) => {
// const data = fs.readFileSync(filePath, "utf-8");
// let parsedData = data.split("contract ");
// parsedData = parsedData[parsedData.length - 1].split(" ");
// return parsedData[0];
// };
// const parseDir = async (
// root: string | any[],
// basePath: string,
// addPath: string
// ) => {
// for (let i = 0; i < root.length; i++) {
// addPath = "/" + root[i];
// const dir = fs.readdirSync(basePath + addPath);
// if (dir.indexOf("main.sol") !== -1) {
// const fileData = await parseFile(basePath + addPath + "/main.sol");
// contracts.push(fileData);
// } else {
// await parseDir(dir, basePath + addPath, "");
// }
// }
// };
// const main = async () => {
// const mainnet = fs.readdirSync("./contracts/mainnet/connectors/");
// const polygon = fs.readdirSync("./contracts/polygon/connectors/");
// let basePathMainnet = "./contracts/mainnet/connectors/";
// let basePathPolygon = "./contracts/polygon/connectors/";
// const connectorName = params["connector"];
// await parseDir(mainnet, basePathMainnet, "");
// await parseDir(polygon, basePathPolygon, "");
// if (contracts.indexOf(connectorName) === -1) {
// throw new Error(
// "can not find the connector!\n" +
// "supported connector names are:\n" +
// contracts.join("\n")
// );
// }
// const Connector = await ethers.getContractFactory(connectorName);
// const connector = await Connector.connect(wallet).deploy({
// gasPrice: ethers.utils.parseUnits(params["gasPrice"], "gwei"),
// });
// await connector.deployed();
// console.log(`${connectorName} Deployed: ${connector.address}`);
// try {
// await hre.run("verify:verify", {
// address: connector.address,
// constructorArguments: [],
// });
// } catch (error) {
// console.log(`Failed to verify: ${connectorName}@${connector.address}`);
// console.log(error);
// }
// return connector.address;
// };
.then(() => {
`Done successfully, total time taken: ${(end - start) / 1000} sec`
.catch((err) => {
console.log("error:", err);