Shriya Tyagi 34a4ad41bd new fixes
2022-08-13 02:56:20 +08:00

539 lines
15 KiB

import { expect } from "chai";
import hre from "hardhat";
import { abis } from "../../../scripts/constant/abis";
import { addresses } from "../../../scripts/tests/mainnet/addresses";
import { deployAndEnableConnector } from "../../../scripts/tests/deployAndEnableConnector";
import { getMasterSigner } from "../../../scripts/tests/getMasterSigner";
import { buildDSAv2 } from "../../../scripts/tests/buildDSAv2";
import { ConnectV2Euler__factory, IERC20__factory } from "../../../typechain";
import { parseEther, parseUnits } from "@ethersproject/units";
import { encodeSpells } from "../../../scripts/tests/encodeSpells";
import { tokens } from "../../../scripts/tests/mainnet/tokens";
const { ethers } = hre;
import type { Signer, Contract } from "ethers";
const USDC = '0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48'
const ACC_USDC = '0xe78388b4ce79068e89bf8aa7f218ef6b9ab0e9d0'
const Usdc = parseUnits('5000', 6)
const DAI = '0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f'
const ACC_DAI = '0xcd6Eb888e76450eF584E8B51bB73c76ffBa21FF2'
const Dai = parseUnits('5000', 18)
const WETH = '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2'
const ACC_WETH = '0x05547D4e1A2191B91510Ea7fA8555a2788C70030'
const Weth = parseUnits('50', 18)
const token_usdc = new ethers.Contract(
describe("Euler", function () {
const connectorName = "EULER-TEST-A";
let connector: any;
let wallet0: Signer, wallet1:Signer;
let dsaWallet0: any;
let instaConnectorsV2: Contract;
let masterSigner: Signer;
before(async () => {
await hre.network.provider.request({
method: "hardhat_reset",
params: [
forking: {
// @ts-ignore
jsonRpcUrl: hre.config.networks.hardhat.forking.url,
blockNumber: 15078000,
[wallet0, wallet1] = await ethers.getSigners();
masterSigner = await getMasterSigner();
instaConnectorsV2 = await ethers.getContractAt(
connector = await deployAndEnableConnector({
contractArtifact: ConnectV2Euler__factory,
signer: masterSigner,
connectors: instaConnectorsV2,
console.log("Connector address", connector.address);
it("should have contracts deployed", async () => {
expect(!!(await masterSigner.getAddress())).to.be.true;
describe("DSA wallet setup", function () {
it("Should build DSA v2", async function () {
dsaWallet0 = await buildDSAv2(wallet0.getAddress());
it("Deposit ETH into DSA wallet", async function () {
await wallet0.sendTransaction({
to: dsaWallet0.address,
value: parseEther("10"),
expect(await ethers.provider.getBalance(dsaWallet0.address)).to.be.gte(
it("Deposit USDC into DSA wallet", async function () {
await hre.network.provider.request({
method: 'hardhat_impersonateAccount',
params: [ACC_USDC],
const signer_usdc = await ethers.getSigner(ACC_USDC)
await token_usdc.connect(signer_usdc).transfer(wallet0.getAddress(), Usdc)
await hre.network.provider.request({
method: 'hardhat_stopImpersonatingAccount',
params: [ACC_USDC],
await token_usdc.connect(wallet0).transfer(dsaWallet0.address, Usdc);
expect(await token_usdc.connect(masterSigner).balanceOf(dsaWallet0.address)).to.be.gte(
parseUnits('5000', 6)
it("Deposit DAI into DSA wallet", async function () {
const token_dai = new ethers.Contract(
await hre.network.provider.request({
method: 'hardhat_impersonateAccount',
params: [ACC_DAI],
const signer_dai = await ethers.getSigner(ACC_DAI)
await token_dai.connect(signer_dai).transfer(wallet0.getAddress(), Dai)
await hre.network.provider.request({
method: 'hardhat_stopImpersonatingAccount',
params: [ACC_DAI],
await token_dai.connect(wallet0).transfer(dsaWallet0.address, Dai);
expect(await token_dai.connect(masterSigner).balanceOf(dsaWallet0.address)).to.be.gte(
parseUnits('5000', 18)
it("Deposit WETH into DSA wallet", async function () {
const token_weth = new ethers.Contract(
await hre.network.provider.request({
method: 'hardhat_impersonateAccount',
params: [ACC_WETH],
const signer_weth = await ethers.getSigner(ACC_WETH)
await token_weth.connect(signer_weth).transfer(wallet0.getAddress(), Weth)
await hre.network.provider.request({
method: 'hardhat_stopImpersonatingAccount',
params: [ACC_WETH],
await token_weth.connect(wallet0).transfer(dsaWallet0.address, Weth);
expect(await token_weth.connect(masterSigner).balanceOf(dsaWallet0.address)).to.be.gte(
parseUnits('50', 18)
describe("Main", function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
const spells = [
connector: connectorName,
method: "deposit",
args: ["0", tokens.usdc.address, "10000000", "true", "0", "0"],
const tx = await dsaWallet0
.cast(...encodeSpells(spells), wallet1.getAddress());
await tx.wait();
it("Should deposit in sub-account 1", async function () {
const spells = [
connector: connectorName,
method: "deposit",
args: ["1", tokens.usdc.address, "10000000", "true", "0", "0"],
const tx = await dsaWallet0
.cast(...encodeSpells(spells), wallet1.getAddress());
await tx.wait();
expect(await ethers.provider.getBalance(dsaWallet0.address)).to.be.gte(
parseUnits('1', 18)
it("Should borrow DAI into DSA wallet sub-account 0", async function () {
const spells = [
connector: connectorName,
method: "borrow",
args: ["0", tokens.dai.address, "1000000000000000000", "0", "0"],
const tx = await dsaWallet0
.cast(...encodeSpells(spells), wallet1.getAddress());
await tx.wait();
expect(await ethers.provider.getBalance(dsaWallet0.address)).to.be.gte(
parseUnits('1', 18)
it("Should repay DAI sub-account 0", async function () {
const spells = [
connector: connectorName,
method: "repay",
args: ["0", tokens.dai.address, "500000000000000000", "0", "0"],
const tx = await dsaWallet0
.cast(...encodeSpells(spells), wallet1.getAddress());
await tx.wait();
expect(await ethers.provider.getBalance(dsaWallet0.address)).to.be.lte(
parseUnits('5000', 18)
it("Should withdraw USDC into DSA wallet from sub-account 0", async function () {
const spells = [
connector: connectorName,
method: "withdraw",
args: ["0", tokens.usdc.address, "2000000", "0", "0"],
const tx = await dsaWallet0
.cast(...encodeSpells(spells), wallet1.getAddress());
await tx.wait();
expect(await token_usdc.connect(masterSigner).balanceOf(dsaWallet0.address)).to.be.gte(
parseUnits('2', 6)
it("Should borrow ENS into DSA wallet sub-account 1", async function () {
const spells = [
connector: connectorName,
method: "borrow",
args: ["1", tokens.ens.address, "100000000000000", "0", "0"],
const tx = await dsaWallet0
.cast(...encodeSpells(spells), wallet1.getAddress());
await tx.wait();
expect(await ethers.provider.getBalance(dsaWallet0.address)).to.be.gte(
parseUnits('1', 18)
it("Should withdraw USDC from sub-account 1", async function () {
const spells = [
connector: connectorName,
method: "withdraw",
args: ["1", tokens.usdc.address, "20000", "0", "0"],
const tx = await dsaWallet0
.cast(...encodeSpells(spells), wallet1.getAddress());
await tx.wait();
it("Should eTransfer from subAccount 0 to sub account 2", async function () {
const spells = [
connector: connectorName,
method: "eTransfer",
args: ["0", "2", tokens.usdc.address, "2000000", "0", "0"],
const tx = await dsaWallet0
.cast(...encodeSpells(spells), wallet1.getAddress());
await tx.wait();
it("Should eTransfer from subAccount 1 to sub account 2", async function () {
const spells = [
connector: connectorName,
method: "eTransfer",
args: ["1", "2", tokens.usdc.address, "10000", "0", "0"],
const tx = await dsaWallet0
.cast(...encodeSpells(spells), wallet1.getAddress());
await tx.wait();
it("Should eTransfer from subAccount 2 to sub account 0", async function () {
const spells = [
connector: connectorName,
method: "eTransfer",
args: ["2", "0", tokens.usdc.address, "10000", "0", "0"],
const tx = await dsaWallet0
.cast(...encodeSpells(spells), wallet1.getAddress());
await tx.wait();
it("Should deposit in sub-account 2", async function () {
const spells = [
connector: connectorName,
method: "deposit",
args: ["2", tokens.usdc.address, "10000000", "true", "0", "0"],
const tx = await dsaWallet0
.cast(...encodeSpells(spells), wallet1.getAddress());
await tx.wait();
expect(await ethers.provider.getBalance(dsaWallet0.address)).to.be.gte(
parseUnits('1', 18)
it("Should dTransfer from subAccount 0 to sub account 2", async function () {
const spells = [
connector: connectorName,
method: "dTransfer",
args: ["0", "2", tokens.dai.address, "50000000000000", "0", "0"],
const tx = await dsaWallet0
.cast(...encodeSpells(spells), wallet1.getAddress());
await tx.wait();
it("Should dTransfer from subAccount 1 to sub account 2", async function () {
const spells = [
connector: connectorName,
method: "dTransfer",
args: ["1", "2", tokens.ens.address, "100000", "0", "0"],
const tx = await dsaWallet0
.cast(...encodeSpells(spells), wallet1.getAddress());
await tx.wait();
it("Should dTransfer from sub account 2 to subAccount 0", async function () {
const spells = [
connector: connectorName,
method: "dTransfer",
args: ["2", "0", tokens.dai.address, "5000000000000", "0", "0"],
const tx = await dsaWallet0
.cast(...encodeSpells(spells), wallet1.getAddress());
await tx.wait();
it("Should give debt transfer allowance", async function () {
const spell = [
connector: connectorName,
method: "approveSpenderDebt",
args: ["0", "0x85c2ac24a8BD9Ff6E2Ef6cf76C198E36550f41D7", tokens.dai.address, "10000000", "0"],
const txn = await dsaWallet0
.cast(...encodeSpells(spell), wallet1.getAddress());
await txn.wait();
it("Should enter the market", async function () {
const spell = [
connector: connectorName,
method: "enterMarket",
args: ["0", [tokens.weth.address]],
const txn = await dsaWallet0
.cast(...encodeSpells(spell), wallet1.getAddress());
await txn.wait();
it("Should exit the market", async function () {
const spell = [
connector: connectorName,
method: "exitMarket",
args: ["0", tokens.weth.address],
const txn = await dsaWallet0
.cast(...encodeSpells(spell), wallet1.getAddress());
await txn.wait();
it("Should mint in sub-account 3", async function () {
const spells = [
connector: connectorName,
method: "deposit",
args: ["3", tokens.weth.address, "1000000000000000000", "true", "0", "0"],
const tx = await dsaWallet0
.cast(...encodeSpells(spells), wallet1.getAddress());
await tx.wait();
const spell = [
connector: connectorName,
method: "mint",
args: ["3", tokens.weth.address, "100000000", "0", "0"],
const txn = await dsaWallet0
.cast(...encodeSpells(spell), wallet1.getAddress());
await txn.wait();
it("Should burn in sub account 3", async function () {
const spell = [
connector: connectorName,
method: "burn",
args: ["3", tokens.weth.address, "10000000", "0", "0"],
const txn = await dsaWallet0
.cast(...encodeSpells(spell), wallet1.getAddress());
await txn.wait();
it("Should deposit in sub account 4", async function () {
const spells = [
connector: connectorName,
method: "deposit",
args: ["4", tokens.weth.address, "1000000000000000000", "true", "0", "0"],
const tx = await dsaWallet0
.cast(...encodeSpells(spells), wallet1.getAddress());
await tx.wait();
it("Should withdraw from sub account 4", async function () {
const spell = [
connector: connectorName,
method: "withdraw",
args: ["4", tokens.weth.address, "115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935", "0", "0"],
const txn = await dsaWallet0
.cast(...encodeSpells(spell), wallet1.getAddress());
await txn.wait();