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synced 2024-07-29 22:37:00 +00:00
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273 lines
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pragma solidity ^0.7.6;
pragma abicoder v2;
import {SafeMath} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";
import {Token, NotionalInterface, BalanceAction, BalanceActionWithTrades, DepositActionType} from "./interface.sol";
import {SafeInt256} from "./SafeInt256.sol";
import {Basic} from "../../common/basic.sol";
import {TokenInterface} from "../../common/interfaces.sol";
contract Helpers is Basic {
using SafeMath for uint256;
using SafeInt256 for int256;
uint8 internal constant LEND_TRADE = 0;
uint8 internal constant BORROW_TRADE = 1;
int256 internal constant INTERNAL_TOKEN_PRECISION = 1e8;
uint256 internal constant ETH_CURRENCY_ID = 1;
uint256 internal constant MAX_DEPOSIT = uint256(-1);
/// @dev Contract address is different on Kovan: 0x0EAE7BAdEF8f95De91fDDb74a89A786cF891Eb0e
NotionalInterface internal constant notional =
/// @notice Returns the address of the underlying token for a given currency id,
function getUnderlyingToken(uint16 currencyId) internal view returns (address) {
/* Token memory assetToken */,
Token memory underlyingToken
) = notional.getCurrency(currencyId);
return underlyingToken.tokenAddress;
/// @notice Returns the address of the asset token for a given currency id
function getAssetToken(uint16 currencyId) internal view returns (address) {
Token memory assetToken,
/* Token memory underlyingToken */
) = notional.getCurrency(currencyId);
return assetToken.tokenAddress;
function getCashBalance(uint16 currencyId) internal view returns (int256 cashBalance) {
/* int256 nTokenBalance */,
/* int256 lastClaimTime */
) = notional.getAccountBalance(currencyId, address(this));
function getNTokenBalance(uint16 currencyId) internal view returns (int256 nTokenBalance) {
/* int256 cashBalance */,
/* int256 lastClaimTime */
) = notional.getAccountBalance(currencyId, address(this));
function getNTokenRedeemAmount(uint16 currencyId, uint96 _tokensToRedeem, uint256 getId)
returns (uint96 tokensToRedeem) {
tokensToRedeem = uint96(getUint(getId, _tokensToRedeem));
if (tokensToRedeem == uint96(-1)) {
tokensToRedeem = uint96(getNTokenBalance(currencyId));
function getMsgValue(
uint16 currencyId,
bool useUnderlying,
uint256 depositAmount
) internal pure returns (uint256 msgValue) {
msgValue = (currencyId == ETH_CURRENCY_ID && useUnderlying)
? depositAmount
: 0;
function convertToInternal(uint16 currencyId, int256 amount)
internal view
returns (int256)
// If token decimals is greater than INTERNAL_TOKEN_PRECISION then this will truncate
// down to the internal precision. Resulting dust will accumulate to the protocol.
// If token decimals is less than INTERNAL_TOKEN_PRECISION then this will add zeros to the
// end of amount and will not result in dust.
(Token memory assetToken, /* underlyingToken */) = notional.getCurrency(currencyId);
if (assetToken.decimals == INTERNAL_TOKEN_PRECISION) return amount;
return amount.mul(INTERNAL_TOKEN_PRECISION).div(assetToken.decimals);
function encodeLendTrade(
uint8 marketIndex,
uint88 fCashAmount,
uint32 minLendRate
) internal pure returns (bytes32) {
(bytes32(uint256(LEND_TRADE)) << 248) |
(bytes32(uint256(marketIndex)) << 240) |
(bytes32(uint256(fCashAmount)) << 152) |
(bytes32(uint256(minLendRate)) << 120);
function encodeBorrowTrade(
uint8 marketIndex,
uint88 fCashAmount,
uint32 maxBorrowRate
) internal pure returns (bytes32) {
(bytes32(uint256(BORROW_TRADE)) << 248) |
(bytes32(uint256(marketIndex)) << 240) |
(bytes32(uint256(fCashAmount)) << 152) |
(bytes32(uint256(maxBorrowRate)) << 120);
/// @dev Uses getId to set approval for the given token up to the specified deposit
/// amount only
function getDepositAmountAndSetApproval(
uint256 getId,
uint16 currencyId,
bool useUnderlying,
uint256 depositAmount
) internal returns (uint256) {
depositAmount = getUint(getId, depositAmount);
if (currencyId == ETH_CURRENCY_ID && useUnderlying) {
// No approval required for ETH so we can return the deposit amount
return depositAmount == MAX_DEPOSIT
? address(this).balance
: depositAmount;
address tokenAddress = useUnderlying
? getUnderlyingToken(currencyId)
: getAssetToken(currencyId);
if (depositAmount == MAX_DEPOSIT) {
depositAmount = TokenInterface(tokenAddress).balanceOf(
approve(TokenInterface(tokenAddress), address(notional), depositAmount);
return depositAmount;
function getBalance(address addr) internal view returns (uint256) {
if (addr == ethAddr) {
return address(this).balance;
return TokenInterface(addr).balanceOf(address(this));
function getAddress(uint16 currencyId, bool useUnderlying)
returns (address)
if (currencyId == ETH_CURRENCY_ID && useUnderlying) {
return ethAddr;
? getUnderlyingToken(currencyId)
: getAssetToken(currencyId);
/// @dev Executes a trade action and sets the balance change to setId
function executeTradeActionWithBalanceChange(
BalanceActionWithTrades[] memory action,
uint256 msgValue,
uint16 currencyId,
bool useUnderlying,
uint256 setId
) internal {
address tokenAddress;
uint256 balanceBefore;
if (setId != 0) {
tokenAddress = getAddress(currencyId, useUnderlying);
balanceBefore = getBalance(tokenAddress);
notional.batchBalanceAndTradeAction{value: msgValue}(
if (setId != 0) {
uint256 balanceAfter = getBalance(tokenAddress);
setUint(setId, balanceAfter.sub(balanceBefore));
/// @dev Executes a balance action and sets the balance change to setId
function executeActionWithBalanceChange(
BalanceAction[] memory action,
uint256 msgValue,
uint16 currencyId,
bool useUnderlying,
uint256 setId
) internal {
address tokenAddress;
uint256 balanceBefore;
if (setId != 0) {
tokenAddress = getAddress(currencyId, useUnderlying);
balanceBefore = getBalance(tokenAddress);
notional.batchBalanceAction{value: msgValue}(address(this), action);
if (setId != 0) {
uint256 balanceAfter = getBalance(tokenAddress);
setUint(setId, balanceAfter.sub(balanceBefore));
function getDepositCollateralBorrowAndWithdrawActions(
uint16 depositCurrencyId,
DepositActionType depositAction,
uint256 depositAmount,
uint16 borrowCurrencyId,
uint8 marketIndex,
uint88 fCashAmount,
uint32 maxBorrowRate,
bool redeemToUnderlying
) internal returns (BalanceActionWithTrades[] memory action) {
BalanceActionWithTrades[] memory actions;
bytes32[] memory trades = new bytes32[](1);
trades[0] = encodeBorrowTrade(marketIndex, fCashAmount, maxBorrowRate);
if (depositCurrencyId == borrowCurrencyId) {
// In this case the account is likely borrowing against newly minted nTokens
// in the same currency. Technically the other deposit actions may work but
// there's no good reason to borrow against cToken collateral
actions = new BalanceActionWithTrades[](1);
actions[0].actionType = depositAction;
actions[0].currencyId = depositCurrencyId;
actions[0].depositActionAmount = depositAmount;
// Withdraw borrowed amount to wallet
actions[0].withdrawEntireCashBalance = true;
actions[0].redeemToUnderlying = redeemToUnderlying;
actions[0].trades = trades;
return actions;
// This is the more common case that the account is borrowing against
// collateral in a different currency
actions = new BalanceActionWithTrades[](2);
uint256 depositIndex;
uint256 borrowIndex;
// Notional requires the batch actions to be ordered by currency id
if (depositCurrencyId < borrowCurrencyId) {
depositIndex = 0;
borrowIndex = 1;
} else {
depositIndex = 1;
borrowIndex = 0;
actions[depositIndex].actionType = depositAction;
actions[depositIndex].currencyId = depositCurrencyId;
actions[depositIndex].depositActionAmount = depositAmount;
actions[borrowIndex].actionType = DepositActionType.None;
actions[borrowIndex].currencyId = borrowCurrencyId;
// Withdraw borrowed amount to wallet
actions[borrowIndex].withdrawEntireCashBalance = true;
actions[borrowIndex].redeemToUnderlying = redeemToUnderlying;
actions[borrowIndex].trades = trades;
return actions;