import "@nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle"; import "@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers"; import "@tenderly/hardhat-tenderly"; import "@nomiclabs/hardhat-etherscan"; import "@nomiclabs/hardhat-web3"; import "hardhat-deploy"; import "hardhat-deploy-ethers"; import "@typechain/hardhat"; import { resolve } from "path"; import { config as dotenvConfig } from "dotenv"; import { HardhatUserConfig } from "hardhat/config"; import { NetworkUserConfig } from "hardhat/types"; import { utils } from "ethers"; import Web3 from "web3"; dotenvConfig({ path: resolve(__dirname, "./.env") }); const chainIds = { ganache: 1337, goerli: 5, hardhat: 31337, kovan: 42, mainnet: 1, rinkeby: 4, ropsten: 3, avalanche: 43114, polygon: 137, }; // Ensure that we have all the environment variables we need. const mnemonic = process.env.MNEMONIC; if (!mnemonic) { throw new Error("Please set your MNEMONIC in a .env file"); } const alchemyApiKey = process.env.ALCHEMY_API_KEY; if (!alchemyApiKey) { throw new Error("Please set your ALCHEMY_ETH_API_KEY in a .env file"); } const PRIVATE_KEY = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY; const ETHERSCAN_API_KEY = process.env.ETHERSCAN_API_KEY; function createTestnetConfig(network: keyof typeof chainIds): NetworkUserConfig { const url: string = "https://eth-" + network + "" + alchemyApiKey; return { accounts: { count: 10, initialIndex: 0, mnemonic, path: "m/44'/60'/0'/0", }, chainId: chainIds[network], url, }; } function getNetworkUrl(networkType: string) { //console.log(process.env); if (networkType === "avalanche") return ""; else if (networkType === "polygon") return `${alchemyApiKey}`; else if (networkType === "arbitrum") return `${alchemyApiKey}`; else return `${alchemyApiKey}`; } function getBlockNumber(networkType: string) { let web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(getNetworkUrl(networkType))); let blockNumber; web3.eth.getBlockNumber().then((x: any) => { blockNumber = x; }); return blockNumber; } /** * @type import('hardhat/config').HardhatUserConfig */ const config: HardhatUserConfig = { solidity: { compilers: [ { version: "0.7.6", settings: { optimizer: { enabled: true, runs: 200, }, }, }, { version: "0.6.0", }, { version: "0.6.2", }, { version: "0.6.5", }, ], }, networks: { hardhat: { accounts: { mnemonic, }, chainId: chainIds.hardhat, forking: { url: String(getNetworkUrl(String(process.env.networkType))), blockNumber: getBlockNumber(String(process.env.networkType)), }, }, goerli: createTestnetConfig("goerli"), kovan: createTestnetConfig("kovan"), rinkeby: createTestnetConfig("rinkeby"), ropsten: createTestnetConfig("ropsten"), }, paths: { artifacts: "./artifacts", cache: "./cache", sources: "./contracts", tests: "./test", }, etherscan: { apiKey: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY, }, tenderly: { project: process.env.TENDERLY_PROJECT, username: process.env.TENDERLY_USERNAME, }, typechain: { outDir: "typechain", target: "ethers-v5", }, mocha: { timeout: 10000 * 1000, }, }; export default config;