import hre from "hardhat"; import { expect } from "chai"; const { ethers } = hre; //check import { BigNumber } from "bignumber.js"; import { deployAndEnableConnector } from "../../../scripts/tests/deployAndEnableConnector"; import { buildDSAv2 } from "../../../scripts/tests/buildDSAv2"; import { encodeSpells } from "../../../scripts/tests/encodeSpells"; import { getMasterSigner } from "../../../scripts/tests/getMasterSigner"; import { addresses } from "../../../scripts/tests/mainnet/addresses"; import { addLiquidity } from "../../../scripts/tests/addLiquidity"; import { abis } from "../../../scripts/constant/abis"; import { ConnectV2UniswapV3AutoRouter__factory } from "../../../typechain"; import er20abi from "../../../scripts/constant/abi/basics/erc20.json"; import type { Signer, Contract } from "ethers"; import { CurrencyAmount, Token, TradeType, Currency, Percent } from "@uniswap/sdk-core"; import { AlphaRouter } from "@uniswap/smart-order-router"; const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(process.env.ETH_NODE_URL); const router = new AlphaRouter({ chainId: 1, provider: provider }); describe("Auto Router", function () { const connectorName = "Auto-Router-test"; let dsaWallet0: Contract; let wallet0: Signer, wallet1: Signer; let masterSigner: Signer; let instaConnectorsV2: Contract; let connector: Contract; // @ts-ignore const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(hre.config.networks.hardhat.forking.url); const router = new AlphaRouter({ chainId: 1, provider }); before(async () => { await{ method: "hardhat_reset", params: [ { forking: { // @ts-ignore jsonRpcUrl: hre.config.networks.hardhat.forking.url } } ] }); [wallet0, wallet1] = await ethers.getSigners(); masterSigner = await getMasterSigner(); instaConnectorsV2 = await ethers.getContractAt(abis.core.connectorsV2, addresses.core.connectorsV2); connector = await deployAndEnableConnector({ connectorName, contractArtifact: ConnectV2UniswapV3AutoRouter__factory, signer: masterSigner, connectors: instaConnectorsV2 }); console.log("Connector address", connector.address); }); it("Should have contracts deployed.", async function () { expect(!!instaConnectorsV2.address); expect(!!connector.address); expect(!!(await masterSigner.getAddress())); }); describe("DSA wallet setup", function () { it("Should build DSA v2", async function () { dsaWallet0 = await buildDSAv2(await wallet0.getAddress()); expect(!!dsaWallet0.address); }); it("Deposit ETH and DAI into DSA wallet", async function () { await wallet0.sendTransaction({ to: dsaWallet0.address, value: ethers.utils.parseEther("10") }); await addLiquidity("dai", dsaWallet0.address, ethers.utils.parseEther("5000")); // console.log(dsaWallet0.address); const daiToken = await ethers.getContractAt( er20abi, "0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f" // dai address ); expect(await daiToken.balanceOf(dsaWallet0.address)); expect(await ethers.provider.getBalance(dsaWallet0.address))"10")); }); }); describe("Main", function () { it("should swap the tokens ", async function () { const buyTokenAddress = "0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48"; //usdc const sellTokenAddress = "0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f"; //dai const sellTokenDecimals = 18; const buyTokenDecimals = 6; const amount = 1; const srcAmount = new BigNumber(amount).times(new BigNumber(10).pow(sellTokenDecimals)).toFixed(0); const sellToken = new Token(1, sellTokenAddress, sellTokenDecimals); const buyToken = new Token(1, buyTokenAddress, buyTokenDecimals); const daiAmount = CurrencyAmount.fromRawAmount(sellToken, srcAmount); const deadline = 1696000000 // Fri Sep 29 2023 15:06:40 GMT+0000 const route = await router.route(daiAmount, buyToken , TradeType.EXACT_INPUT, { recipient: dsaWallet0.address, slippageTolerance: new Percent(5, 100), deadline }); const calldata = route?.methodParameters?.calldata; const _buyAmount = route?.quote.toFixed(); const buyTokenAmount = new BigNumber(String(_buyAmount)).times(new BigNumber(10).pow(buyTokenDecimals)).toFixed(0); function caculateUnitAmt( buyAmount: any, sellAmount: any, buyDecimal: any, sellDecimal: any, maxSlippage: any ) { let unitAmt: any; unitAmt = new BigNumber(buyAmount) .dividedBy(10 ** buyDecimal) .dividedBy(new BigNumber(sellAmount).dividedBy(10 ** sellDecimal)); unitAmt = unitAmt.multipliedBy((100 - maxSlippage) / 100); unitAmt = unitAmt.multipliedBy(1e18).toFixed(0); return unitAmt; } const unitAmt = caculateUnitAmt( buyTokenAmount, srcAmount, buyTokenDecimals, sellTokenDecimals, 1 ); const spells = [ { connector: connectorName, method: "sell", args: [buyTokenAddress, sellTokenAddress, srcAmount, unitAmt, calldata, 0] } ]; const buyTokenContract = await ethers.getContractAt( er20abi, buyTokenAddress, ); const initialBuyTokenBalance = await buyTokenContract.balanceOf(dsaWallet0.address) const tx = await dsaWallet0.connect(wallet0).cast(...encodeSpells(spells), await wallet1.getAddress()); const receipt = await tx.wait(); const finalBuyTokenBalance = await buyTokenContract.balanceOf(dsaWallet0.address) expect(finalBuyTokenBalance); }); it("should swap the tokens when selltoken is eth in the spell", async function () { const buyTokenAddress = "0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f"; //dai const sellTokenAddress = "0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE"; //eth const sellTokenDecimals = 18; const buyTokenDecimals = 18; const amount = 1; const wethAddr = "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2"; const srcAmount = new BigNumber(amount).times(new BigNumber(10).pow(sellTokenDecimals)).toFixed(0); const sellToken = new Token(1, wethAddr, sellTokenDecimals); const buyToken = new Token(1, buyTokenAddress, buyTokenDecimals); const sellAmount = CurrencyAmount.fromRawAmount(sellToken, srcAmount); const deadline = 1696000000 // Fri Sep 29 2023 15:06:40 GMT+0000 const route = await router.route(sellAmount, buyToken, TradeType.EXACT_INPUT, { recipient: dsaWallet0.address, slippageTolerance: new Percent(5, 100), deadline }); const calldata = route?.methodParameters?.calldata; const _buyAmount = route?.quote.toFixed(); const buyTokenAmount = new BigNumber(String(_buyAmount)).times(new BigNumber(10).pow(buyTokenDecimals)).toFixed(0); function caculateUnitAmt( buyAmount: any, sellAmount: any, buyDecimal: any, sellDecimal: any, maxSlippage: any ) { let unitAmt: any; unitAmt = new BigNumber(buyAmount) .dividedBy(10 ** buyDecimal) .dividedBy(new BigNumber(sellAmount).dividedBy(10 ** sellDecimal)); unitAmt = unitAmt.multipliedBy((100 - maxSlippage) / 100); unitAmt = unitAmt.multipliedBy(1e18).toFixed(0); return unitAmt; } const unitAmt = caculateUnitAmt( buyTokenAmount, srcAmount, buyTokenDecimals, sellTokenDecimals, 1 ); const spells = [ { connector: connectorName, method: "sell", args: [buyTokenAddress, sellTokenAddress, srcAmount, unitAmt, calldata, 0] } ]; const buyTokenContract = await ethers.getContractAt( er20abi, buyTokenAddress, ); const initialBuyTokenBalance = await buyTokenContract.balanceOf(dsaWallet0.address) const tx = await dsaWallet0.connect(wallet0).cast(...encodeSpells(spells), await wallet1.getAddress()); const receipt = await tx.wait(); const finalBuyTokenBalance = await buyTokenContract.balanceOf(dsaWallet0.address) expect(finalBuyTokenBalance); }); it("should swap the tokens when buytoken is weth in the spell", async function () { const buyTokenAddress = "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2"; // weth const sellTokenAddress = "0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f"; // dai const sellTokenDecimals = 18; const buyTokenDecimals = 18; const amount = 4000; const srcAmount = new BigNumber(amount).times(new BigNumber(10).pow(sellTokenDecimals)).toFixed(0); const sellToken = new Token(1, sellTokenAddress, sellTokenDecimals); const buyToken = new Token(1, buyTokenAddress, buyTokenDecimals); const daiAmount = CurrencyAmount.fromRawAmount(sellToken, srcAmount); const deadline = 1696000000 // Fri Sep 29 2023 15:06:40 GMT+0000 const route = await router.route(daiAmount, buyToken , TradeType.EXACT_INPUT, { recipient: dsaWallet0.address, slippageTolerance: new Percent(5, 100), deadline }); const calldata = route?.methodParameters?.calldata; const _buyAmount = route?.quote.toFixed(); const buyTokenAmount = new BigNumber(String(_buyAmount)).times(new BigNumber(10).pow(buyTokenDecimals)).toFixed(0); function caculateUnitAmt( buyAmount: any, sellAmount: any, buyDecimal: any, sellDecimal: any, maxSlippage: any ) { let unitAmt: any; unitAmt = new BigNumber(buyAmount) .dividedBy(10 ** buyDecimal) .dividedBy(new BigNumber(sellAmount).dividedBy(10 ** sellDecimal)); unitAmt = unitAmt.multipliedBy((100 - maxSlippage) / 100); unitAmt = unitAmt.multipliedBy(1e18).toFixed(0); return unitAmt; } const unitAmt = caculateUnitAmt( buyTokenAmount, srcAmount, buyTokenDecimals, sellTokenDecimals, 1 ); const spells = [ { connector: connectorName, method: "sell", args: [buyTokenAddress, sellTokenAddress, srcAmount, unitAmt, calldata, 0] } ]; const buyTokenContract = await ethers.getContractAt( er20abi, buyTokenAddress, ); const initialBuyTokenBalance = await buyTokenContract.balanceOf(dsaWallet0.address) const tx = await dsaWallet0.connect(wallet0).cast(...encodeSpells(spells), await wallet1.getAddress()); const receipt = await tx.wait(); const finalBuyTokenBalance = await buyTokenContract.balanceOf(dsaWallet0.address) expect(finalBuyTokenBalance); }); }); });