pragma solidity ^0.7.6; import { DSMath } from "../../common/math.sol"; import { Basic } from "../../common/basic.sol"; import { TokenInterface, AccountInterface } from "../../common/interfaces.sol"; import { ComptrollerInterface, CompoundMappingInterface, CETHInterface, CTokenInterface } from "./interface.sol"; abstract contract Helpers is DSMath, Basic { /** * @dev Compound CEth */ CETHInterface internal constant cEth = CETHInterface(0x4Ddc2D193948926D02f9B1fE9e1daa0718270ED5); /** * @dev Compound Comptroller */ ComptrollerInterface internal constant troller = ComptrollerInterface(0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B); /** * @dev Compound Mapping */ CompoundMappingInterface internal constant compMapping = CompoundMappingInterface(0xe7a85d0adDB972A4f0A4e57B698B37f171519e88); struct ImportData { address[] cTokens; // is the list of all tokens the user has interacted with (supply/borrow) -> used to enter markets uint[] borrowAmts; uint[] supplyAmts; address[] borrowTokens; address[] supplyTokens; CTokenInterface[] borrowCtokens; CTokenInterface[] supplyCtokens; address[] supplyCtokensAddr; address[] borrowCtokensAddr; } struct ImportInputData { address userAccount; string[] supplyIds; string[] borrowIds; } /** * @dev enter compound market */ function enterMarket(address cToken) internal { address[] memory markets = troller.getAssetsIn(address(this)); bool isEntered = false; for (uint i = 0; i < markets.length; i++) { if (markets[i] == cToken) { isEntered = true; } } if (!isEntered) { address[] memory toEnter = new address[](1); toEnter[0] = cToken; troller.enterMarkets(toEnter); } } } contract CompoundHelper is Helpers { /** * @notice fetch the borrow details of the user * @dev approve the cToken to spend (borrowed amount of) tokens to allow for repaying later * @param _importInputData the struct containing borrowIds of the users borrowed tokens * @param data struct used to store the final data on which the CompoundHelper contract functions operate * @return ImportData the final value of param data */ function getBorrowAmounts ( ImportInputData memory _importInputData, ImportData memory data ) internal returns(ImportData memory) { if (_importInputData.borrowIds.length > 0) { // initialize arrays for borrow data data.borrowTokens = new address[](_importInputData.borrowIds.length); data.borrowCtokens = new CTokenInterface[](_importInputData.borrowIds.length); data.borrowCtokensAddr = new address[](_importInputData.borrowIds.length); data.borrowAmts = new uint[](_importInputData.borrowIds.length); // populate the arrays with borrow tokens, cToken addresses and instances, and borrow amounts for (uint i = 0; i < _importInputData.borrowIds.length; i++) { (address _token, address _cToken) = compMapping.getMapping(_importInputData.borrowIds[i]); require(_token != address(0) && _cToken != address(0), "ctoken mapping not found"); data.cTokens[i] = _cToken; data.borrowTokens[i] = _token; data.borrowCtokens[i] = CTokenInterface(_cToken); data.borrowCtokensAddr[i] = _cToken; data.borrowAmts[i] = data.borrowCtokens[i].borrowBalanceCurrent(_importInputData.userAccount); // give the resp. cToken address approval to spend tokens if (_token != ethAddr && data.borrowAmts[i] > 0) { // will be required when repaying the borrow amount on behalf of the user TokenInterface(_token).approve(_cToken, data.borrowAmts[i]); } } } return data; } /** * @notice fetch the supply details of the user * @dev only reads data from blockchain hence view * @param _importInputData the struct containing supplyIds of the users supplied tokens * @param data struct used to store the final data on which the CompoundHelper contract functions operate * @return ImportData the final value of param data */ function getSupplyAmounts ( ImportInputData memory _importInputData, ImportData memory data ) internal view returns(ImportData memory) { // initialize arrays for supply data data.supplyTokens = new address[](_importInputData.supplyIds.length); data.supplyCtokens = new CTokenInterface[](_importInputData.supplyIds.length); data.supplyCtokensAddr = new address[](_importInputData.supplyIds.length); data.supplyAmts = new uint[](_importInputData.supplyIds.length); // populate arrays with supply data (supply tokens address, cToken addresses, cToken instances and supply amounts) for (uint i = 0; i < _importInputData.supplyIds.length; i++) { (address _token, address _cToken) = compMapping.getMapping(_importInputData.supplyIds[i]); require(_token != address(0) && _cToken != address(0), "ctoken mapping not found"); uint _supplyIndex = add(i, _importInputData.borrowIds.length); data.cTokens[_supplyIndex] = _cToken; data.supplyTokens[i] = _token; data.supplyCtokens[i] = CTokenInterface(_cToken); data.supplyCtokensAddr[i] = (_cToken); data.supplyAmts[i] = data.supplyCtokens[i].balanceOf(_importInputData.userAccount); } return data; } /** * @notice repays the debt taken by user on Compound on its behalf to free its collateral for transfer * @dev uses the cEth contract for ETH repays, otherwise the general cToken interface * @param _userAccount the user address for which debt is to be repayed * @param _cTokenContracts array containing all interfaces to the cToken contracts in which the user has debt positions * @param _borrowAmts array containing the amount borrowed for each token */ function _repayUserDebt( address _userAccount, CTokenInterface[] memory _cTokenContracts, uint[] memory _borrowAmts ) internal { for(uint i = 0; i < _cTokenContracts.length; i++){ if(_borrowAmts[i] > 0){ if(address(_cTokenContracts[i]) == address(cEth)){ cEth.repayBorrowBehalf{value: _borrowAmts[i]}(_userAccount); } else{ require(_cTokenContracts[i].repayBorrowBehalf( _userAccount, _borrowAmts[i] ) == 0, "repayOnBehalf-failed"); } } } } /** * @notice used to transfer user's supply position on Compound to DSA * @dev uses the transferFrom token in cToken contracts to transfer positions, requires approval from user first * @param _userAccount address of the user account whose position is to be transferred * @param _cTokenContracts array containing all interfaces to the cToken contracts in which the user has supply positions * @param _amts array containing the amount supplied for each token */ function _transferTokensToDsa( address _userAccount, CTokenInterface[] memory _cTokenContracts, uint[] memory _amts ) internal { for(uint i = 0; i < _cTokenContracts.length; i++) { if(_amts[i] > 0) { require(_cTokenContracts[i].transferFrom( _userAccount, address(this), _amts[i] ), "ctoken-transfer-failed-allowance?"); } } } /** * @notice borrows the user's debt positions from Compound via DSA, so that its debt positions get imported to DSA * @dev actually borrow some extra amount than the original position to cover the flash loan fee * @param _cTokenContracts array containing all interfaces to the cToken contracts in which the user has debt positions * @param _amts array containing the amounts the user had borrowed originally from Compound plus the flash loan fee * @param _flashLoanFees flash loan fee (in percentage and scaled up to 10**2) */ function _borrowDebtPosition( CTokenInterface[] memory _cTokenContracts, uint256[] memory _amts, uint256[] memory _flashLoanFees ) internal { for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenContracts.length; i++) { if (_amts[i] > 0) { require(_cTokenContracts[i].borrow( add( _amts[i], _flashLoanFees[i] )) == 0, "borrow-failed-collateral?"); } } } }