//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.7.6; /** * @title mStable SAVE. * @dev Depositing and withdrawing directly to Save */ import { Helpers } from "./helpers.sol"; import { Events } from "./events.sol"; import { IMasset, IStakingRewardsWithPlatformToken, IFeederPool } from "./interface.sol"; import { TokenInterface } from "../../common/interfaces.sol"; abstract contract PmStableResolver is Events, Helpers { /*************************************** CORE ****************************************/ /** * @dev Deposit to Save via mUSD or bAsset * @notice Deposits token supported by mStable to Save * @param _token Address of token to deposit * @param _amount Amount of token to deposit * @param _minOut Minimum amount of token to mint/deposit, equal to _amount if mUSD * @param _stake stake token in Vault? * @param _getId ID to retrieve amt * @param _setId ID stores the amount of tokens deposited * @return _eventName Event name * @return _eventParam Event parameters */ function deposit( address _token, uint256 _amount, uint256 _minOut, bool _stake, uint256 _getId, uint256 _setId ) external payable returns (string memory _eventName, bytes memory _eventParam) { uint256 amount = getUint(_getId, _amount); amount = amount == uint256(-1) ? TokenInterface(_token).balanceOf(address(this)) : amount; uint256 mintedAmount; address path; // Check if needs to be minted first if (IMasset(mUsdToken).bAssetIndexes(_token) != 0) { // mint first approve(TokenInterface(_token), mUsdToken, amount); mintedAmount = IMasset(mUsdToken).mint( _token, amount, _minOut, address(this) ); path = mUsdToken; } else { require(amount >= _minOut, "mintedAmount < _minOut"); mintedAmount = amount; path = imUsdToken; } setUint(_setId, mintedAmount); (_eventName, _eventParam) = _deposit( _token, mintedAmount, path, _stake ); } /** * @dev Deposit to Save via feeder pool * @notice Deposits token, requires _minOut for minting and _path * @param _token Address of token to deposit * @param _amount Amount of token to deposit * @param _minOut Minimum amount of token to mint * @param _path Feeder Pool address for _token * @param _stake stake token in Vault? * @param _getId ID to retrieve amt * @param _setId ID stores the amount of tokens deposited * @return _eventName Event name * @return _eventParam Event parameters */ function depositViaSwap( address _token, uint256 _amount, uint256 _minOut, address _path, bool _stake, uint256 _getId, uint256 _setId ) external payable returns (string memory _eventName, bytes memory _eventParam) { require(_path != address(0), "Path must be set"); require( IMasset(mUsdToken).bAssetIndexes(_token) == 0, "Token is bAsset" ); uint256 amount = getUint(_getId, _amount); amount = amount == uint256(-1) ? TokenInterface(_token).balanceOf(address(this)) : amount; approve(TokenInterface(_token), _path, amount); uint256 mintedAmount = IFeederPool(_path).swap( _token, mUsdToken, amount, _minOut, address(this) ); setUint(_setId, mintedAmount); (_eventName, _eventParam) = _deposit( _token, mintedAmount, _path, _stake ); } /** * @dev Withdraw from Save to mUSD or bAsset * @notice Withdraws from Save Vault to mUSD * @param _token Address of token to withdraw * @param _credits Credits to withdraw * @param _minOut Minimum amount of token to withdraw * @param _unstake from the Vault first? * @param _getId ID to retrieve amt * @param _setId ID stores the amount of tokens withdrawn * @return _eventName Event name * @return _eventParam Event parameters */ function withdraw( address _token, uint256 _credits, uint256 _minOut, bool _unstake, uint256 _getId, uint256 _setId ) external payable returns (string memory _eventName, bytes memory _eventParam) { uint256 credits = getUint(_getId, _credits); uint256 amountWithdrawn = _withdraw(credits, _unstake); // Check if needs to be redeemed if (IMasset(mUsdToken).bAssetIndexes(_token) != 0) { amountWithdrawn = IMasset(mUsdToken).redeem( _token, amountWithdrawn, _minOut, address(this) ); } else { require(amountWithdrawn >= _minOut, "amountWithdrawn < _minOut"); } setUint(_setId, amountWithdrawn); _eventName = "LogWithdraw(address,uint256,address,bool)"; _eventParam = abi.encode( mUsdToken, amountWithdrawn, imUsdToken, _unstake ); } /** * @dev Withdraw from Save via Feeder Pool * @notice Withdraws from Save Vault to asset via Feeder Pool * @param _token bAsset to withdraw to * @param _credits Credits to withdraw * @param _minOut Minimum amount of token to mint * @param _path Feeder Pool address for _token * @param _unstake from the Vault first? * @param _getId ID to retrieve amt * @param _setId ID stores the amount of tokens withdrawn * @return _eventName Event name * @return _eventParam Event parameters */ function withdrawViaSwap( address _token, uint256 _credits, uint256 _minOut, address _path, bool _unstake, uint256 _getId, uint256 _setId ) external payable returns (string memory _eventName, bytes memory _eventParam) { require(_path != address(0), "Path must be set"); require( IMasset(mUsdToken).bAssetIndexes(_token) == 0, "Token is bAsset" ); uint256 credits = getUint(_getId, _credits); uint256 amountWithdrawn = _withdraw(credits, _unstake); approve(TokenInterface(mUsdToken), _path, amountWithdrawn); uint256 amountRedeemed = IFeederPool(_path).swap( mUsdToken, _token, amountWithdrawn, _minOut, address(this) ); setUint(_setId, amountRedeemed); _eventName = "LogWithdraw(address,uint256,address,bool)"; _eventParam = abi.encode(_token, amountRedeemed, _path, _unstake); } /** * @dev Claims Rewards * @notice Claims accrued rewards from the Vault * @param _getId ID to retrieve amt * @param _setId ID stores the amount of tokens withdrawn * @return _eventName Event name * @return _eventParam Event parameters */ function claimRewards(uint256 _getId, uint256 _setId) external payable returns (string memory _eventName, bytes memory _eventParam) { (address rewardToken, address platformToken) = _getRewardTokens(); (uint256 rewardAmount, uint256 platformAmount) = _getRewardInternalBal( rewardToken, platformToken ); IStakingRewardsWithPlatformToken(imUsdVault).claimReward(); ( uint256 rewardAmountUpdated, uint256 platformAmountUpdated ) = _getRewardInternalBal(rewardToken, platformToken); uint256 claimedRewardToken = sub(rewardAmountUpdated, rewardAmount); uint256 claimedPlatformToken = sub( platformAmountUpdated, platformAmount ); setUint(_setId, claimedRewardToken); _eventName = "LogClaimRewards(address,uint256,address,uint256)"; _eventParam = abi.encode( rewardToken, claimedRewardToken, platformToken, claimedPlatformToken ); } /** * @dev Swap tokens * @notice Swaps tokens via Masset basket * @param _input Token address to swap from * @param _output Token address to swap to * @param _amount Amount of tokens to swap * @param _minOut Minimum amount of token to mint * @param _getId ID to retrieve amt * @param _setId ID stores the amount of tokens swapped * @return _eventName Event name * @return _eventParam Event parameters */ function swap( address _input, address _output, uint256 _amount, uint256 _minOut, uint256 _getId, uint256 _setId ) external payable returns (string memory _eventName, bytes memory _eventParam) { uint256 amount = getUint(_getId, _amount); amount = amount == uint256(-1) ? TokenInterface(_input).balanceOf(address(this)) : amount; approve(TokenInterface(_input), mUsdToken, amount); uint256 amountSwapped; // Check the assets and swap accordingly if (_output == mUsdToken) { // bAsset to mUSD => mint amountSwapped = IMasset(mUsdToken).mint( _input, amount, _minOut, address(this) ); } else if (_input == mUsdToken) { // mUSD to bAsset => redeem amountSwapped = IMasset(mUsdToken).redeem( _output, amount, _minOut, address(this) ); } else { // bAsset to another bAsset => swap amountSwapped = IMasset(mUsdToken).swap( _input, _output, amount, _minOut, address(this) ); } setUint(_setId, amountSwapped); _eventName = "LogSwap(address,address,uint256,uint256)"; _eventParam = abi.encode(_input, _output, amount, amountSwapped); } /** * @dev Swap tokens via Feeder Pool * @notice Swaps tokens via Feeder Pool * @param _input Token address to swap from * @param _output Token address to swap to * @param _amount Amount of tokens to swap * @param _minOut Minimum amount of token to mint * @param _path Feeder Pool address to use * @param _getId ID to retrieve amt * @param _setId ID stores the amount of tokens swapped * @return _eventName Event name * @return _eventParam Event parameters */ function swapViaFeeder( address _input, address _output, uint256 _amount, uint256 _minOut, address _path, uint256 _getId, uint256 _setId ) external payable returns (string memory _eventName, bytes memory _eventParam) { uint256 amountSwapped; uint256 amount = getUint(_getId, _amount); amount = amount == uint256(-1) ? TokenInterface(_input).balanceOf(address(this)) : amount; approve(TokenInterface(_input), _path, amount); // swaps fAsset to mUSD via Feeder Pool // swaps mUSD to fAsset via Feeder Pool amountSwapped = IFeederPool(_path).swap( _input, _output, amount, _minOut, address(this) ); setUint(_setId, amountSwapped); _eventName = "LogSwap(address,address,uint256,uint256)"; _eventParam = abi.encode(_input, _output, amount, amountSwapped); } } contract ConnectV2PmStable is PmStableResolver { string public constant name = "mStable-Polygon-v1.0"; }