import hre from "hardhat"; import axios from "axios"; import { expect } from "chai"; const { ethers } = hre; //check import { BigNumber } from "bignumber.js"; import { deployAndEnableConnector } from "../../../scripts/tests/deployAndEnableConnector"; import { buildDSAv2 } from "../../../scripts/tests/buildDSAv2"; import { encodeSpells } from "../../../scripts/tests/encodeSpells"; import { getMasterSigner } from "../../../scripts/tests/getMasterSigner"; import { addresses } from "../../../scripts/tests/mainnet/addresses"; import { abis } from "../../../scripts/constant/abis"; import { ConnectV2LidoStEth__factory } from "../../../typechain"; import lido_abi from "./abi.json"; import type { Signer, Contract } from "ethers"; describe("LidoStEth", function() { const connectorName = "LidoStEth-test"; let dsaWallet0: Contract; let wallet0: Signer, wallet1: Signer; let masterSigner: Signer; let instaConnectorsV2: Contract; let connector: Contract; before(async () => { // await{ // method: "hardhat_reset", // params: [ // { // forking: { // // @ts-ignore // jsonRpcUrl: hre.config.networks.hardhat.forking.url, // blockNumber: 14334859 // }, // }, // ], // }); [wallet0, wallet1] = await ethers.getSigners(); masterSigner = await getMasterSigner(); instaConnectorsV2 = await ethers.getContractAt( abis.core.connectorsV2, addresses.core.connectorsV2 ); connector = await deployAndEnableConnector({ connectorName, contractArtifact: ConnectV2LidoStEth__factory, signer: masterSigner, connectors: instaConnectorsV2, }); console.log("Connector address", connector.address); }); it("Should have contracts deployed.", async function() { expect(!!instaConnectorsV2.address); expect(!!connector.address); expect(!!(await masterSigner.getAddress())); }); describe("DSA wallet setup", function() { it("Should build DSA v2", async function() { dsaWallet0 = await buildDSAv2(await wallet0.getAddress()); expect(!!dsaWallet0.address); }); it("Deposit ETH into DSA wallet", async function() { await wallet0.sendTransaction({ to: dsaWallet0.address, value: ethers.utils.parseEther("10"), }); expect(await ethers.provider.getBalance(dsaWallet0.address)) ethers.utils.parseEther("10") ); }); }); describe("Main", function() { it("should stake the eth", async function() { const _amt = ethers.utils.parseEther("1"); const stETHToken = await ethers.getContractAt( lido_abi, "0xae7ab96520DE3A18E5e111B5EaAb095312D7fE84" ); const initialstEthBalance = await stETHToken.balanceOf(dsaWallet0.address) const spells = [ { connector: connectorName, method: "deposit", args: [_amt,0,0] }, ]; const tx = await dsaWallet0 .connect(wallet0) .cast(...encodeSpells(spells), await wallet1.getAddress()); const receipt = await tx.wait(); const finalstEthBalance = await stETHToken.balanceOf(dsaWallet0.address) expect(finalstEthBalance); expect(await ethers.provider.getBalance(dsaWallet0.address)) ethers.utils.parseEther("9") ); }); }); });