//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.7.0; pragma abicoder v2; import { InstaConnectors } from "../../common/interfaces.sol"; abstract contract Helper { /** * @dev Instadapp Connectors Registry */ InstaConnectors internal constant instaConnectors = InstaConnectors(0x127d8cD0E2b2E0366D522DeA53A787bfE9002C14); struct InputData { address buyAddr; address sellAddr; uint256 sellAmt; uint256[] unitAmts; bytes[] callDatas; uint256 setId; } } contract SwapHelpers is Helper { /** *@dev Swap using the dex aggregators. *@param _connectors name of the connectors in preference order. *@param _inputData data for the swap cast. */ function _swap(string[] memory _connectors, InputData memory _inputData) internal returns ( bool success, bytes memory returnData, string memory _connector ) { require(_connectors.length > 0, "zero-length-not-allowed"); require( _inputData.unitAmts.length == _connectors.length, "unitAmts-length-invalid" ); require( _inputData.callDatas.length == _connectors.length, "callDatas-length-invalid" ); // require _connectors[i] == "1INCH-A" || "ZEROX-A" || "PARASWAP-A" || similar connectors for (uint256 i = 0; i < _connectors.length; i++) { bytes4 swapData = bytes4( keccak256("swap(address,address,uint256,uint256,bytes,uint256)") ); string memory _1INCH = "1INCH-A"; if (keccak256(bytes(_connectors[i])) == keccak256(bytes(_1INCH))) { swapData = bytes4( keccak256( "sell(address,address,uint256,uint256,bytes,uint256)" ) ); } bytes memory _data = abi.encodeWithSelector( swapData, _inputData.buyAddr, _inputData.sellAddr, _inputData.sellAmt, _inputData.unitAmts[i], _inputData.callDatas[i], _inputData.setId ); (success, returnData) = instaConnectors .connectors(_connectors[i]) .delegatecall(_data); if (success) { _connector = _connectors[i]; break; } } } function decodeEvents(string memory _connector, bytes memory returnData) internal view returns (uint256 _buyAmt, uint256 _sellAmt) { (, bytes memory _eventParam) = abi.decode(returnData, (string, bytes)); if (keccak256(bytes(_connector)) == keccak256(bytes("PARASWAP-A"))) { (, , _buyAmt, _sellAmt, ) = abi.decode( _eventParam, (address, address, uint256, uint256, uint256) ); } else { (, , _buyAmt, _sellAmt, , ) = abi.decode( _eventParam, (address, address, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256) ); } } }