pragma solidity ^0.7.0; import { DSMath } from "../../../common/math.sol"; import { Basic } from "../../../common/basic.sol"; import { TokenInterface, AccountInterface } from "../../../common/interfaces.sol"; import { AaveInterface, AaveLendingPoolProviderInterface, AaveDataProviderInterface } from "./interface.sol"; import "./events.sol"; import "./interface.sol"; abstract contract Helper is DSMath, Basic { /** * @dev Aave referal code */ uint16 internal constant referalCode = 3228; /** * @dev Aave Lending Pool Provider */ AaveLendingPoolProviderInterface internal constant aaveProvider = AaveLendingPoolProviderInterface( 0xB53C1a33016B2DC2fF3653530bfF1848a515c8c5 // v2 address TODO: need to update this ); /** * @dev Aave Protocol Data Provider */ AaveDataProviderInterface internal constant aaveData = AaveDataProviderInterface(0x057835Ad21a177dbdd3090bB1CAE03EaCF78Fc6d); // TODO: need to update this function getIsColl(address token, address user) internal view returns (bool isCol) { (, , , , , , , , isCol) = aaveData.getUserReserveData(token, user); } struct ImportData { address[] _supplyTokens; address[] _borrowTokens; ATokenInterface[] aTokens; uint256[] supplyAmts; uint256[] variableBorrowAmts; uint256[] variableBorrowAmtsWithFee; uint256[] stableBorrowAmts; uint256[] stableBorrowAmtsWithFee; uint256[] totalBorrowAmts; uint256[] totalBorrowAmtsWithFee; bool convertStable; } struct ImportInputData { address[] supplyTokens; address[] borrowTokens; bool convertStable; uint256[] flashLoanFees; } } contract AaveHelpers is Helper { function getBorrowAmount(address _token, address userAccount) internal view returns (uint256 stableBorrow, uint256 variableBorrow) { ( , address stableDebtTokenAddress, address variableDebtTokenAddress ) = aaveData.getReserveTokensAddresses(_token); stableBorrow = ATokenInterface(stableDebtTokenAddress).balanceOf( userAccount ); variableBorrow = ATokenInterface(variableDebtTokenAddress).balanceOf( userAccount ); } function getBorrowAmounts( address userAccount, AaveInterface aave, ImportInputData memory inputData, ImportData memory data ) internal returns (ImportData memory) { if (inputData.borrowTokens.length > 0) { data._borrowTokens = new address[](inputData.borrowTokens.length); data.variableBorrowAmts = new uint256[]( inputData.borrowTokens.length ); data.stableBorrowAmts = new uint256[]( inputData.borrowTokens.length ); data.totalBorrowAmts = new uint256[](inputData.borrowTokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < inputData.borrowTokens.length; i++) { for (uint256 j = i; j < inputData.borrowTokens.length; j++) { if (j != i) { require( inputData.borrowTokens[i] != inputData.borrowTokens[j], "token-repeated" ); } } } for (uint256 i = 0; i < inputData.borrowTokens.length; i++) { address _token = inputData.borrowTokens[i] == ethAddr ? wethAddr : inputData.borrowTokens[i]; data._borrowTokens[i] = _token; ( data.stableBorrowAmts[i], data.variableBorrowAmts[i] ) = getBorrowAmount(_token, userAccount); if (data.variableBorrowAmts[i] != 0) { data.variableBorrowAmtsWithFee[i] = add( data.variableBorrowAmts[i], inputData.flashLoanFees[i] ); data.stableBorrowAmtsWithFee[i] = data.stableBorrowAmts[i]; } else { data.stableBorrowAmtsWithFee[i] = add( data.stableBorrowAmts[i], inputData.flashLoanFees[i] ); } data.totalBorrowAmts[i] = add( data.stableBorrowAmts[i], data.variableBorrowAmts[i] ); data.totalBorrowAmtsWithFee[i] = add( data.stableBorrowAmtsWithFee[i], data.variableBorrowAmtsWithFee[i] ); if (data.totalBorrowAmts[i] > 0) { uint256 _amt = data.totalBorrowAmts[i]; TokenInterface(_token).approve(address(aave), _amt); } } } return data; } function getSupplyAmounts( address userAccount, ImportInputData memory inputData, ImportData memory data ) internal view returns (ImportData memory) { data.supplyAmts = new uint256[](inputData.supplyTokens.length); data._supplyTokens = new address[](inputData.supplyTokens.length); data.aTokens = new ATokenInterface[](inputData.supplyTokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < inputData.supplyTokens.length; i++) { for (uint256 j = i; j < inputData.supplyTokens.length; j++) { if (j != i) { require( inputData.supplyTokens[i] != inputData.supplyTokens[j], "token-repeated" ); } } } for (uint256 i = 0; i < inputData.supplyTokens.length; i++) { address _token = inputData.supplyTokens[i] == ethAddr ? wethAddr : inputData.supplyTokens[i]; (address _aToken, , ) = aaveData.getReserveTokensAddresses(_token); data._supplyTokens[i] = _token; data.aTokens[i] = ATokenInterface(_aToken); data.supplyAmts[i] = data.aTokens[i].balanceOf(userAccount); } return data; } function _paybackBehalfOne( AaveInterface aave, address token, uint256 amt, uint256 rateMode, address user ) private { aave.repay(token, amt, rateMode, user); } function _PaybackStable( uint256 _length, AaveInterface aave, address[] memory tokens, uint256[] memory amts, address user ) internal { for (uint256 i = 0; i < _length; i++) { if (amts[i] > 0) { _paybackBehalfOne(aave, tokens[i], amts[i], 1, user); } } } function _PaybackVariable( uint256 _length, AaveInterface aave, address[] memory tokens, uint256[] memory amts, address user ) internal { for (uint256 i = 0; i < _length; i++) { if (amts[i] > 0) { _paybackBehalfOne(aave, tokens[i], amts[i], 2, user); } } } function _TransferAtokens( uint256 _length, AaveInterface aave, ATokenInterface[] memory atokenContracts, uint256[] memory amts, address[] memory tokens, address userAccount ) internal { for (uint256 i = 0; i < _length; i++) { if (amts[i] > 0) { uint256 _amt = amts[i]; require( atokenContracts[i].transferFrom( userAccount, address(this), _amt ), "allowance?" ); if (!getIsColl(tokens[i], address(this))) { aave.setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(tokens[i], true); } } } } function _BorrowVariable( uint256 _length, AaveInterface aave, address[] memory tokens, uint256[] memory amts ) internal { for (uint256 i = 0; i < _length; i++) { if (amts[i] > 0) { _borrowOne(aave, tokens[i], amts[i], 2); } } } function _BorrowStable( uint256 _length, AaveInterface aave, address[] memory tokens, uint256[] memory amts ) internal { for (uint256 i = 0; i < _length; i++) { if (amts[i] > 0) { _borrowOne(aave, tokens[i], amts[i], 1); } } } function _borrowOne( AaveInterface aave, address token, uint256 amt, uint256 rateMode ) private { aave.borrow(token, amt, rateMode, referalCode, address(this)); } }