pragma solidity ^0.7.0; /** * @title WETH. * @dev Wrap and Unwrap WETH. */ import { DSMath } from "../../common/math.sol"; import { Basic } from "../../common/basic.sol"; import { Events } from "./events.sol"; import { Helpers } from "./helpers.sol"; abstract contract Resolver is Events, DSMath, Basic, Helpers { /** * @dev Deposit ETH into WETH. * @notice Wrap ETH into WETH * @param amt The amount of ETH to deposit. (For max: `uint256(-1)`) * @param getId ID to retrieve amt. * @param setId ID stores the amount of ETH deposited. */ function deposit( uint256 amt, uint256 getId, uint256 setId ) public payable returns (string memory _eventName, bytes memory _eventParam) { uint _amt = getUint(getId, amt); _amt = _amt == uint(-1) ? address(this).balance : _amt; wftmContract.deposit{value: _amt}(); setUint(setId, _amt); _eventName = "LogDeposit(uint256,uint256,uint256)"; _eventParam = abi.encode(_amt, getId, setId); } /** * @dev Withdraw ETH from WETH from Smart Account * @notice Unwrap ETH from WETH * @param amt The amount of weth to withdraw. (For max: `uint256(-1)`) * @param getId ID to retrieve amt. * @param setId ID stores the amount of ETH withdrawn. */ function withdraw( uint amt, uint getId, uint setId ) public payable returns (string memory _eventName, bytes memory _eventParam) { uint _amt = getUint(getId, amt); _amt = _amt == uint(-1) ? wftmContract.balanceOf(address(this)) : _amt; approve(wftmContract, wftmAddr, _amt); wftmContract.withdraw(_amt); setUint(setId, _amt); _eventName = "LogWithdraw(uint256,uint256,uint256)"; _eventParam = abi.encode(_amt, getId, setId); } } contract ConnectV2WETHArbitrum is Resolver { string constant public name = "WETH-v1.0"; }