//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.7.0; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; /** * @title Compound. * @dev Rewards. */ import { TokenInterface } from "../../../common/interfaces.sol"; import { Stores } from "../../../common/stores.sol"; import { Helpers } from "./helpers.sol"; import { Events } from "./events.sol"; abstract contract CompoundV3RewardsResolver is Events, Helpers { /** * @dev Claim rewards and interests accrued in supplied/borrowed base asset. * @notice Claim rewards and interests accrued. * @param market The address of the market. * @param setId ID stores the amount of rewards claimed. */ function claimRewards( address market, uint256 setId ) public returns (string memory eventName_, bytes memory eventParam_) { uint256 rewardsOwed = cometRewards.getRewardOwed(market, address(this)).owed; cometRewards.claim(market, address(this), true); setUint(setId, rewardsOwed); eventName_ = "LogRewardsClaimed(address,address,uint256,uint256)"; eventParam_ = abi.encode(market, address(this), rewardsOwed, setId); } /** * @dev Claim rewards and interests accrued in supplied/borrowed base asset. * @notice Claim rewards and interests accrued and transfer to dest address. * @param market The address of the market. * @param owner The account of which the rewards are to be claimed. * @param to The account where to transfer the claimed rewards. * @param setId ID stores the amount of rewards claimed. */ function claimRewardsOnBehalfOf( address market, address owner, address to, uint256 setId ) public returns (string memory eventName_, bytes memory eventParam_) { //in reward token decimals uint256 rewardsOwed = cometRewards.getRewardOwed(market, owner).owed; cometRewards.claimTo(market, owner, to, true); setUint(setId, rewardsOwed); eventName_ = "LogRewardsClaimedOnBehalf(address,address,address,uint256,uint256)"; eventParam_ = abi.encode( market, owner, to, rewardsOwed, setId ); } } contract ConnectV2CompoundV3PolygonRewards is CompoundV3RewardsResolver { string public name = "CompoundV3-Polygon-Rewards-v1.0"; }