import hre, { ethers } from "hardhat"; import { execScript } from "../tests/command"; export const deployConnector = async (connectorName?: string) => { connectorName = String(process.env.connectorName) ?? connectorName; const Connector = await ethers.getContractFactory(connectorName); const connector = await Connector.deploy(); await connector.deployed(); console.log(`${connectorName} Deployed: ${connector.address}`); const chain = String(; if (chain !== "hardhat") { const allPaths = await hre.artifacts.getArtifactPaths(); let connectorPath; for (const path of allPaths) if (path.split("/").includes(connectorName + ".json")) connectorPath = path.slice(path.indexOf("contracts"), path.indexOf(connectorName) - 1) + `:${connectorName}`; try { await execScript({ cmd: "npx", args: ["hardhat", "verify", "--network", `${chain}`, `${connector.address}`, "--contract", `${connectorPath}`], env: { networkType: chain } }); } catch (error) { console.log(`Failed to verify: ${connectorName}@${connector.address}`); console.log(error); console.log(); } } return connector.address; };