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This commit is contained in:
Jeff Wu 2021-12-17 07:13:17 -08:00
parent 3373ac90ff
commit cfd1eec589
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 3E6E4F431F4D40C3
2 changed files with 99 additions and 72 deletions

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@ -23,4 +23,9 @@ library SafeInt256 {
function neg(int256 x) internal pure returns (int256 y) {
return mul(-1, x);
function toInt(uint256 x) internal pure returns (int256 y) {
require(x <= uint256(type(int256).max));
return int256(x);

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@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ abstract contract NotionalResolver is Events, Helpers {
using SafeInt256 for int256;
* @notice Deposit collateral into Notional
* @notice Deposit collateral into Notional, this should only be used for reducing risk of
* liquidation. Deposits into Notional are not earning fixed rates, they are earning the cToken
* lending rate. In order to lend at fixed rates use `depositAndLend`
* @param currencyId notional defined currency id to deposit
* @param useUnderlying if true, will accept a deposit in the underlying currency (i.e DAI), if false
* will use the asset currency (i.e. cDAI)
@ -92,14 +94,15 @@ abstract contract NotionalResolver is Events, Helpers {
withdrawAmount = getUint(getId, withdrawAmount);
uint88 amountInternalPrecision = withdrawAmount == uint256(-1)
? uint88(getCashBalance(currencyId))
: uint88(convertToInternal(currencyId, int256(withdrawAmount)));
: uint88(convertToInternal(currencyId, SafeInt256.toInt(withdrawAmount)));
uint256 amountWithdrawn = notional.withdraw(
// Sets the amount of tokens withdrawn to address(this)
// Sets the amount of tokens withdrawn to address(this), Notional returns this value
// in the native precision of the token that was withdrawn
setUint(setId, amountWithdrawn);
_eventName = "LogWithdrawCollateral(address,uint16,bool,uint256)";
@ -117,7 +120,6 @@ abstract contract NotionalResolver is Events, Helpers {
function claimNOTE(uint256 setId)
returns (string memory _eventName, bytes memory _eventParam)
uint256 notesClaimed = notional.nTokenClaimIncentives();
@ -145,9 +147,8 @@ abstract contract NotionalResolver is Events, Helpers {
uint256 getId,
uint256 setId
) external returns (string memory _eventName, bytes memory _eventParam) {
tokensToRedeem = uint96(getUint(getId, tokensToRedeem));
if (tokensToRedeem == uint96(-1))
tokensToRedeem = uint96(getNTokenBalance(currencyId));
tokensToRedeem = getNTokenRedeemAmount(currencyId, tokensToRedeem, getId);
int256 _assetCashChange = notional.nTokenRedeem(
@ -193,9 +194,7 @@ abstract contract NotionalResolver is Events, Helpers {
uint256 getId,
uint256 setId
) external returns (string memory _eventName, bytes memory _eventParam) {
tokensToRedeem = uint96(getUint(getId, uint256(tokensToRedeem)));
if (tokensToRedeem == uint96(-1))
tokensToRedeem = uint96(getNTokenBalance(currencyId));
tokensToRedeem = getNTokenRedeemAmount(currencyId, tokensToRedeem, getId);
BalanceAction[] memory action = new BalanceAction[](1);
action[0].actionType = DepositActionType.RedeemNToken;
@ -203,6 +202,7 @@ abstract contract NotionalResolver is Events, Helpers {
action[0].depositActionAmount = tokensToRedeem;
action[0].redeemToUnderlying = redeemToUnderlying;
if (amountToWithdraw == uint256(-1)) {
// This setting will override the withdrawAmountInternalPrecision
action[0].withdrawEntireCashBalance = true;
} else {
action[0].withdrawAmountInternalPrecision = amountToWithdraw;
@ -234,8 +234,9 @@ abstract contract NotionalResolver is Events, Helpers {
* @param currencyId notional defined currency id of nToken
* @param tokensToRedeem amount of nTokens to redeem
* @param marketIndex the market index that references where the account will lend
* @param fCashAmount amount of fCash to lend into the market, the corresponding amount of cash will
* be taken from the account after redeeming nTokens
* @param fCashAmount amount of fCash to lend into the market (this has the effect or repaying
* the borrowed cash at current market rates), the corresponding amount of cash will be taken
* from the account after redeeming nTokens.
* @param minLendRate minimum rate where the user will lend, if the rate is lower will revert
* @param getId id of amount of tokens to redeem
@ -247,9 +248,7 @@ abstract contract NotionalResolver is Events, Helpers {
uint32 minLendRate,
uint256 getId
) external returns (string memory _eventName, bytes memory _eventParam) {
tokensToRedeem = uint96(getUint(getId, tokensToRedeem));
if (tokensToRedeem == uint96(-1))
tokensToRedeem = uint96(getNTokenBalance(currencyId));
tokensToRedeem = getNTokenRedeemAmount(currencyId, tokensToRedeem, getId);
BalanceActionWithTrades[] memory action = new BalanceActionWithTrades[](
@ -282,7 +281,7 @@ abstract contract NotionalResolver is Events, Helpers {
* @param useUnderlying if true, will accept a deposit in the underlying currency (i.e DAI), if false
* will use the asset currency (i.e. cDAI)
* @param getId id of depositAmount
* @param setId id to set the value of notional cash deposit increase (denominated in asset cash, i.e. cDAI)
* @param setId id to set the value of nToken balance change
function depositAndMintNToken(
uint16 currencyId,
@ -311,10 +310,7 @@ abstract contract NotionalResolver is Events, Helpers {
// withdraw amount, withdraw cash and redeem to underlying are all 0 and false
int256 nTokenBefore = getNTokenBalance(currencyId);
uint256 msgValue = 0;
if (currencyId == ETH_CURRENCY_ID && useUnderlying)
msgValue = depositAmount;
uint256 msgValue = getMsgValue(currencyId, useUnderlying, depositAmount);
notional.batchBalanceAction{value: msgValue}(address(this), action);
@ -337,6 +333,14 @@ abstract contract NotionalResolver is Events, Helpers {
* @notice Uses existing Notional cash balance (deposits in Notional held as cTokens) and uses them to mint
* nTokens.
* @param currencyId notional defined currency id of the cash balance
* @param cashBalanceToMint amount of account's cash balance to convert to nTokens
* @param getId id of cash balance
* @param setId id to set the value of nToken increase
function mintNTokenFromCash(
uint16 currencyId,
uint256 cashBalanceToMint,
@ -344,7 +348,6 @@ abstract contract NotionalResolver is Events, Helpers {
uint256 setId
returns (string memory _eventName, bytes memory _eventParam)
cashBalanceToMint = getUint(getId, cashBalanceToMint);
@ -379,6 +382,24 @@ abstract contract NotionalResolver is Events, Helpers {
* @notice Deposits some amount of tokens and lends them in the specified market
* @dev Setting the fCash amount and minLendRate are best calculated using the Notional SDK off chain. They can
* be calculated on chain but there is a significant gas cost to doing so. If there is insufficient depositAmount for the
* fCashAmount specified Notional will revert. In most cases there will be some dust amount of cash left after lending and
* this method will withdraw that dust back to the account.
* @param currencyId notional defined currency id to lend
* @param depositAmount amount of cash to deposit to lend
* @param useUnderlying if true, will accept a deposit in the underlying currency (i.e DAI), if false
* will use the asset currency (i.e. cDAI)
* @param marketIndex the market index to lend to. This is a number from 1 to 7 which corresponds to the tenor
* of the fCash asset to lend. Tenors are described here: https://docs.notional.finance/notional-v2/quarterly-rolls/tenors
* @param fCashAmount amount of fCash for the account to receive, this is equal to how much the account will receive
* at maturity (principal plus interest).
* @param minLendRate the minimum interest rate that the account is willing to lend at, if set to zero the account will accept
* any lending rate
* @param getId returns the deposit amount
function depositAndLend(
uint16 currencyId,
uint256 depositAmount,
@ -415,10 +436,7 @@ abstract contract NotionalResolver is Events, Helpers {
trades[0] = encodeLendTrade(marketIndex, fCashAmount, minLendRate);
action[0].trades = trades;
uint256 msgValue = 0;
if (currencyId == ETH_CURRENCY_ID && useUnderlying)
msgValue = depositAmount;
uint256 msgValue = getMsgValue(currencyId, useUnderlying, depositAmount);
notional.batchBalanceAndTradeAction{value: msgValue}(
@ -436,48 +454,28 @@ abstract contract NotionalResolver is Events, Helpers {
function getDepositCollateralBorrowAndWithdrawActions(
uint16 depositCurrencyId,
bool useUnderlying,
uint256 depositAmount,
uint16 borrowCurrencyId,
uint8 marketIndex,
uint88 fCashAmount,
uint32 maxBorrowRate,
bool redeemToUnderlying
) internal returns (BalanceActionWithTrades[] memory action) {
memory actions = new BalanceActionWithTrades[](2);
uint256 depositIndex;
uint256 borrowIndex;
if (depositCurrencyId < borrowCurrencyId) {
depositIndex = 0;
borrowIndex = 1;
} else {
depositIndex = 1;
borrowIndex = 0;
actions[depositIndex].actionType = useUnderlying
? DepositActionType.DepositUnderlying
: DepositActionType.DepositAsset;
actions[depositIndex].currencyId = depositCurrencyId;
actions[depositIndex].depositActionAmount = depositAmount;
actions[borrowIndex].actionType = DepositActionType.None;
actions[borrowIndex].currencyId = borrowCurrencyId;
// Withdraw borrowed amount to wallet
actions[borrowIndex].withdrawEntireCashBalance = true;
actions[borrowIndex].redeemToUnderlying = redeemToUnderlying;
bytes32[] memory trades = new bytes32[](1);
trades[0] = encodeBorrowTrade(marketIndex, fCashAmount, maxBorrowRate);
actions[borrowIndex].trades = trades;
return actions;
* @notice Deposits some amount of tokens as collateral and borrows
* @dev Setting the fCash amount and maxBorrowRate are best calculated using the Notional SDK off chain. The amount of fCash
* when borrowing is more forgiving compared to lending since generally accounts will over collateralize and dust amounts are
* less likely to cause reverts. The Notional SDK will also provide calculations to tell the user what their LTV is for a given
* borrowing action.
* @param depositCurrencyId notional defined currency id of the collateral to deposit
* @param useUnderlying if true, will accept a deposit collateralin the underlying currency (i.e DAI), if false
* will use the asset currency (i.e. cDAI)
* @param depositAmount amount of cash to deposit as collateral
* @param borrowCurrencyId id of the currency to borrow
* @param marketIndex the market index to borrow from. This is a number from 1 to 7 which corresponds to the tenor
* of the fCash asset to borrow. Tenors are described here: https://docs.notional.finance/notional-v2/quarterly-rolls/tenors
* @param fCashAmount amount of fCash for the account to borrow, this is equal to how much the account must pay
* at maturity (principal plus interest).
* @param maxBorrowRate the maximum interest rate that the account is willing to borrow at, if set to zero the account will accept
* any borrowing rate
* @param redeemToUnderlying if true, redeems the borrowed balance from cTokens down to the underlying token before transferring
* to the account
* @param getId returns the collateral deposit amount
* @param setId sets the amount that the account borrowed (i.e. how much of borrowCurrencyId it has received)
function depositCollateralBorrowAndWithdraw(
uint16 depositCurrencyId,
bool useUnderlying,
@ -515,13 +513,9 @@ abstract contract NotionalResolver is Events, Helpers {
uint256 msgValue = 0;
if (depositCurrencyId == ETH_CURRENCY_ID && useUnderlying)
msgValue = depositAmount;
getMsgValue(depositCurrencyId, useUnderlying, depositAmount),
@ -540,6 +534,19 @@ abstract contract NotionalResolver is Events, Helpers {
* @notice Allows an account to withdraw from a fixed rate lend by selling the fCash back to the market. Equivalent to
* borrowing from the Notional perspective.
* @dev Setting the fCash amount and maxBorrowRate are best calculated using the Notional SDK off chain. Similar to borrowing,
* setting these amounts are a bit more forgiving since there is no change of reverts due to dust amounts.
* @param currencyId notional defined currency id of the lend asset to withdraw
* @param marketIndex the market index of the fCash asset. This is a number from 1 to 7 which corresponds to the tenor
* of the fCash asset. Tenors are described here: https://docs.notional.finance/notional-v2/quarterly-rolls/tenors
* @param fCashAmount amount of fCash at the marketIndex that should be sold
* @param maxBorrowRate the maximum interest rate that the account is willing to sell fCash at at, if set to zero the
* account will accept any rate
* @param setId sets the amount that the account has received when withdrawing its lend
function withdrawLend(
uint16 currencyId,
uint8 marketIndex,
@ -583,6 +590,19 @@ abstract contract NotionalResolver is Events, Helpers {
* @notice Allows an account to repay a borrow before maturity at current market rates. Equivalent to lending from the Notional
* perspective.
* @dev Setting the fCash amount and minLendRate are best calculated using the Notional SDK off chain. Similar to lending,
* setting these amounts
* @param currencyId notional defined currency id of the lend asset to withdraw
* @param marketIndex the market index of the fCash asset. This is a number from 1 to 7 which corresponds to the tenor
* of the fCash asset. Tenors are described here: https://docs.notional.finance/notional-v2/quarterly-rolls/tenors
* @param netCashToAccount amount of fCash at the marketIndex that should be sold
* @param minLendRate the maximum interest rate that the account is willing to repay fCash at at, if set to zero the
* account will accept any rate
* @param setId sets the amount that the account has received when withdrawing its lend
function repayBorrow(
uint16 currencyId,
uint8 marketIndex,
@ -594,8 +614,10 @@ abstract contract NotionalResolver is Events, Helpers {
returns (string memory _eventName, bytes memory _eventParam)
// TODO: test this a bit more, will this cause issues?
int256 fCashAmount = notional.getfCashAmountGivenCashAmount(
// NOTE: no chance of overflow here