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synced 2024-07-29 22:37:00 +00:00
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@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
import hre from "hardhat";
import axios from "axios";
import { expect } from "chai";
const { ethers } = hre; //check
import { BigNumber } from "bignumber.js";
import { deployAndEnableConnector } from "../../../scripts/tests/deployAndEnableConnector";
import { buildDSAv2 } from "../../../scripts/tests/buildDSAv2";
import { encodeSpells } from "../../../scripts/tests/encodeSpells";
import { getMasterSigner } from "../../../scripts/tests/getMasterSigner";
import { addresses } from "../../../scripts/tests/mainnet/addresses";
import { abis } from "../../../scripts/constant/abis";
import { ConnectV2Swap__factory } from "../../../typechain";
import er20abi from "../../../scripts/constant/abi/basics/erc20.json";
import type { Signer, Contract } from "ethers";
describe("Swap | Mainnet", function () {
const connectorName = "swap-test";
let dsaWallet0: Contract;
let wallet0: Signer, wallet1: Signer;
let masterSigner: Signer;
let instaConnectorsV2: Contract;
let connector: Contract;
before(async () => {
await hre.network.provider.request({
method: "hardhat_reset",
params: [
forking: {
// @ts-ignore
jsonRpcUrl: hre.config.networks.hardhat.forking.url
[wallet0, wallet1] = await ethers.getSigners();
masterSigner = await getMasterSigner();
instaConnectorsV2 = await ethers.getContractAt(abis.core.connectorsV2, addresses.core.connectorsV2);
connector = await deployAndEnableConnector({
contractArtifact: ConnectV2Swap__factory,
signer: masterSigner,
connectors: instaConnectorsV2
console.log("Connector address", connector.address);
it("Should have contracts deployed.", async function () {
expect(!!(await masterSigner.getAddress())).to.be.true;
describe("DSA wallet setup", function () {
it("Should build DSA v2", async function () {
dsaWallet0 = await buildDSAv2(await wallet0.getAddress());
it("Deposit matic into DSA wallet", async function () {
await wallet0.sendTransaction({
to: dsaWallet0.address,
value: ethers.utils.parseEther("10")
expect(await ethers.provider.getBalance(dsaWallet0.address)).to.be.gte(ethers.utils.parseEther("10"));
describe("Main", function () {
it("should swap the tokens", async function () {
let buyTokenAmountZeroX: any;
let buyTokenAmount1Inch: any;
let buyTokenAmountParaswap: any;
async function getArg() {
// const slippage = 0.5;
/* matic -> usdt */
const sellTokenAddress = "0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE"; // matic, decimals 18
const sellTokenDecimals = 18;
const buyTokenAddress = "0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7"; // USDT, decimals 6
const buyTokenDecimals = 6;
const amount = 2;
const srcAmount = new BigNumber(amount).times(new BigNumber(10).pow(sellTokenDecimals)).toFixed(0);
let zeroXUrl = `https://api.0x.org/swap/v1/quote`;
let paraswapUrl1 = `https://apiv5.paraswap.io/prices/`;
let paraswapUrl2 = `https://apiv5.paraswap.io/transactions/1?ignoreChecks=true`;
const paramsZeroX = {
buyToken: "USDT",
sellToken: "ETH",
sellAmount: "2000000000000000000" // Always denominated in wei
const responseZeroX = await axios.get(zeroXUrl, { params: paramsZeroX }).then((data: any) => data);
buyTokenAmountZeroX = responseZeroX.data.buyAmount;
const calldataZeroX = responseZeroX.data.data;
let paramsPara = {
srcToken: sellTokenAddress,
destToken: buyTokenAddress,
srcDecimals: sellTokenDecimals,
destDecimals: buyTokenDecimals,
amount: srcAmount,
side: "SELL",
network: 1
const priceRoute = (await axios.get(paraswapUrl1, { params: paramsPara })).data.priceRoute;
buyTokenAmountParaswap = priceRoute.destAmount;
let minAmount = new BigNumber(priceRoute.destAmount).times((100 - 1) / 100).toFixed(0);
let txConfig = {
priceRoute: priceRoute,
srcToken: sellTokenAddress,
destToken: buyTokenAddress,
srcDecimals: sellTokenDecimals,
destDecimals: buyTokenDecimals,
srcAmount: srcAmount,
destAmount: minAmount,
userAddress: dsaWallet0.address
const calldataPara = (await axios.post(paraswapUrl2, txConfig)).data.data;
let calculateUnitAmt = (buyAmount: any) => {
const buyTokenAmountRes = new BigNumber(buyAmount)
.dividedBy(new BigNumber(10).pow(buyTokenDecimals))
let unitAmt: any = new BigNumber(buyTokenAmountRes).dividedBy(new BigNumber(amount));
unitAmt = unitAmt.multipliedBy((100 - 1) / 100);
unitAmt = unitAmt.multipliedBy(1e18).toFixed(0);
return unitAmt;
let unitAmt0x = calculateUnitAmt(buyTokenAmountZeroX);
let unitAmtParaswap = calculateUnitAmt(buyTokenAmountParaswap);
let unitAmts = [unitAmt0x, unitAmtParaswap];
let calldatas = [calldataZeroX, calldataPara];
let connectors = ["ZEROX-A", "PARASWAP-A"];
return [connectors, buyTokenAddress, sellTokenAddress, srcAmount, unitAmts, calldatas, 0];
let arg = await getArg();
const spells = [
connector: connectorName,
method: "swap",
args: arg
const tx = await dsaWallet0.connect(wallet0).cast(...encodeSpells(spells), await wallet1.getAddress());
const receipt = await tx.wait();
const usdtToken = await ethers.getContractAt(
"0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7" // dai address
expect(await usdtToken.balanceOf(dsaWallet0.address)).to.be.gte(buyTokenAmountZeroX);
expect(await ethers.provider.getBalance(dsaWallet0.address)).to.be.lte(ethers.utils.parseEther("9"));
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