2021-12-06 11:17:50 +00:00
import hre from "hardhat" ;
import { ethers } from "hardhat" ;
import hardhatConfig from "../../../hardhat.config" ;
// Instadapp deployment and testing helpers
import { deployAndEnableConnector } from "../../../scripts/tests/deployAndEnableConnector.js"
import { buildDSAv2 } from "../../../scripts/tests/buildDSAv2"
import { encodeSpells } from "../../../scripts/tests/encodeSpells.js"
import { getMasterSigner } from "../../../scripts/tests/getMasterSigner"
// Instadapp instadappAddresses/ABIs
import { instadappAddresses } from "../../../scripts/important/addresses" ;
import { instadappAbi } from "../../../scripts/constant/abis" ;
// Instadapp Liquity Connector artifacts
import { ConnectV2Liquity__factory , ConnectV2Basic__factory } from "../../../typechain" ;
// Instadapp uses a fake address to represent native ETH
import { constants } from "../../../scripts/constant/constant.js" ;
import type { Signer , Contract } from "ethers" ;
const LUSD_GAS_COMPENSATION = hre . ethers . utils . parseUnits ( "200" , 18 ) ; // 200 LUSD gas compensation repaid after loan repayment
const LIQUIDATABLE_TROVES_BLOCK_NUMBER = 12478159 ; // Deterministic block number for tests to run against, if you change this, tests will break.
const JUSTIN_SUN_ADDRESS = "0x903d12bf2c57a29f32365917c706ce0e1a84cce3" ; // LQTY whale address
const LIQUIDATABLE_TROVE_ADDRESS = "0xafbeb4cb97f3b08ec2fe07ef0dac15d37013a347" ; // Trove which is liquidatable at blockNumber: LIQUIDATABLE_TROVES_BLOCK_NUMBER
// const MAX_GAS = hardhatConfig.networks.hardhat.blockGasLimit; // Maximum gas limit (12000000)
const openTroveSpell = async (
dsa : any ,
signer : Signer ,
depositAmount : any ,
borrowAmount : any ,
upperHint : any ,
lowerHint : any ,
maxFeePercentage : any
) = > {
let address = await signer . getAddress ( ) ;
const openTroveSpell = {
method : "open" ,
args : [
depositAmount ,
maxFeePercentage ,
borrowAmount ,
upperHint ,
lowerHint ,
[ 0 , 0 ] ,
[ 0 , 0 ] ,
] ,
} ;
return await dsa
. connect ( signer )
. cast ( . . . encodeSpells ( [ openTroveSpell ] ) , address , {
value : depositAmount ,
} ) ;
} ;
const createDsaTrove = async (
dsa : any ,
signer : any ,
liquity : any ,
depositAmount = hre . ethers . utils . parseEther ( "5" ) ,
borrowAmount = hre . ethers . utils . parseUnits ( "2000" , 18 )
) = > {
const maxFeePercentage = hre . ethers . utils . parseUnits ( "0.5" , 18 ) ; // 0.5% max fee
const { upperHint , lowerHint } = await getTroveInsertionHints (
depositAmount ,
borrowAmount ,
) ;
return await openTroveSpell (
dsa ,
signer ,
depositAmount ,
borrowAmount ,
upperHint ,
lowerHint ,
) ;
} ;
const sendToken = async ( token : any , amount : any , from : any , to : any ) = > {
await hre . network . provider . request ( {
method : "hardhat_impersonateAccount" ,
params : [ from ] ,
} ) ;
const signer = hre . ethers . provider . getSigner ( from ) ;
return await token . connect ( signer ) . transfer ( to , amount , {
gasPrice : 0 ,
} ) ;
} ;
const resetInitialState = async ( walletAddress : any , contracts : any , isDebug = false ) = > {
const liquity = await deployAndConnect ( contracts , isDebug ) ;
const dsa = await buildDSAv2 ( walletAddress ) ;
return [ liquity , dsa ] ;
} ;
const resetHardhatBlockNumber = async ( blockNumber : number ) = > {
return await hre . network . provider . request ( {
method : "hardhat_reset" ,
params : [
forking : {
// @ts-ignore
jsonRpcUrl : hre.config.networks.hardhat.forking.url ,
blockNumber ,
} ,
} ,
] ,
} ) ;
} ;
const deployAndConnect = async ( contracts : any , isDebug = false ) = > {
// Pin Liquity tests to a particular block number to create deterministic state (Ether price etc.)
await resetHardhatBlockNumber ( LIQUIDATABLE_TROVES_BLOCK_NUMBER ) ;
let liquity = {
troveManager : Contract ,
borrowerOperations : null ,
stabilityPool : null ,
lusdToken : null ,
lqtyToken : null ,
activePool : null ,
priceFeed : null ,
hintHelpers : null ,
sortedTroves : null ,
staking : null ,
collSurplus : null ,
} ;
const masterSigner = await getMasterSigner ( ) ;
const instaConnectorsV2 = await ethers . getContractAt (
instadappAbi . core . connectorsV2 ,
instadappAddresses . core . connectorsV2
) ;
const connector = await deployAndEnableConnector ( {
connectorName : LIQUITY_CONNECTOR ,
contractArtifact : ConnectV2Liquity__factory ,
signer : masterSigner ,
connectors : instaConnectorsV2 ,
} ) ;
isDebug &&
console . log ( ` ${ LIQUITY_CONNECTOR } Connector address ` , connector . address ) ;
const basicConnector = await deployAndEnableConnector ( {
connectorName : "Basic-v1" ,
contractArtifact : ConnectV2Basic__factory ,
signer : masterSigner ,
connectors : instaConnectorsV2 ,
} ) ;
isDebug && console . log ( "Basic-v1 Connector address" , basicConnector . address ) ;
liquity . troveManager = new ethers . Contract (
contracts . TROVE_MANAGER_ABI ,
ethers . provider
) ;
liquity . borrowerOperations = new ethers . Contract (
ethers . provider
) ;
liquity . stabilityPool = new ethers . Contract (
contracts . STABILITY_POOL_ABI ,
ethers . provider
) ;
liquity . lusdToken = new ethers . Contract (
contracts . LUSD_TOKEN_ADDRESS ,
contracts . LUSD_TOKEN_ABI ,
ethers . provider
) ;
liquity . lqtyToken = new ethers . Contract (
contracts . LQTY_TOKEN_ADDRESS ,
contracts . LQTY_TOKEN_ABI ,
ethers . provider
) ;
liquity . activePool = new ethers . Contract (
contracts . ACTIVE_POOL_ABI ,
ethers . provider
) ;
liquity . priceFeed = new ethers . Contract (
contracts . PRICE_FEED_ADDRESS ,
contracts . PRICE_FEED_ABI ,
ethers . provider
) ;
liquity . hintHelpers = new ethers . Contract (
contracts . HINT_HELPERS_ABI ,
ethers . provider
) ;
liquity . sortedTroves = new ethers . Contract (
contracts . SORTED_TROVES_ABI ,
ethers . provider
) ;
liquity . staking = new ethers . Contract (
contracts . STAKING_ADDRESS ,
contracts . STAKING_ABI ,
ethers . provider
) ;
liquity . collSurplus = new ethers . Contract (
contracts . COLL_SURPLUS_ABI ,
ethers . provider
) ;
return liquity ;
} ;
const getTroveInsertionHints = async ( depositAmount , borrowAmount , liquity : any ) = > {
const nominalCR = await liquity . hintHelpers . computeNominalCR (
depositAmount ,
) ;
const {
hintAddress ,
latestRandomSeed ,
} = await liquity . hintHelpers . getApproxHint ( nominalCR , 50 , 1298379 , {
gasLimit : MAX_GAS ,
} ) ;
randomSeed = latestRandomSeed ;
const {
0 : upperHint ,
1 : lowerHint ,
} = await liquity . sortedTroves . findInsertPosition (
nominalCR ,
hintAddress ,
hintAddress ,
gasLimit : MAX_GAS ,
) ;
return {
upperHint ,
lowerHint ,
} ;
} ;
let randomSeed = 4223 ;
const getRedemptionHints = async ( amount , liquity ) = > {
const ethPrice = await liquity . priceFeed . callStatic . fetchPrice ( ) ;
const [
firstRedemptionHint ,
partialRedemptionHintNicr ,
] = await liquity . hintHelpers . getRedemptionHints ( amount , ethPrice , 0 ) ;
const {
hintAddress ,
latestRandomSeed ,
} = await liquity . hintHelpers . getApproxHint (
partialRedemptionHintNicr ,
50 ,
randomSeed ,
gasLimit : MAX_GAS ,
) ;
randomSeed = latestRandomSeed ;
const {
0 : upperHint ,
1 : lowerHint ,
} = await liquity . sortedTroves . findInsertPosition (
partialRedemptionHintNicr ,
hintAddress ,
hintAddress ,
gasLimit : MAX_GAS ,
) ;
return {
partialRedemptionHintNicr ,
firstRedemptionHint ,
upperHint ,
lowerHint ,
} ;
} ;
const redeem = async ( amount , from , wallet , liquity ) = > {
await sendToken ( liquity . lusdToken , amount , from , wallet . address ) ;
const {
partialRedemptionHintNicr ,
firstRedemptionHint ,
upperHint ,
lowerHint ,
} = await getRedemptionHints ( amount , liquity ) ;
const maxFeePercentage = ethers . utils . parseUnits ( "0.5" , 18 ) ; // 0.5% max fee
return await liquity . troveManager
. connect ( wallet )
. redeemCollateral (
amount ,
firstRedemptionHint ,
upperHint ,
lowerHint ,
partialRedemptionHintNicr ,
0 ,
maxFeePercentage ,
gasLimit : MAX_GAS , // permit max gas
) ;
} ;
module .exports = {
deployAndConnect ,
resetInitialState ,
createDsaTrove ,
sendToken ,
getTroveInsertionHints ,
getRedemptionHints ,
redeem ,
} ;