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2022-01-14 13:14:48 +00:00
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
pragma solidity =0.7.6;
pragma abicoder v2;
import '@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721Receiver.sol';
import '@uniswap/v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IUniswapV3Factory.sol';
import '@uniswap/v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IUniswapV3Pool.sol';
import '@uniswap/v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IERC20Minimal.sol';
import '@uniswap/v3-periphery/contracts/interfaces/INonfungiblePositionManager.sol';
import '@uniswap/v3-periphery/contracts/interfaces/IMulticall.sol';
/// @title Uniswap V3 Staker Interface
/// @notice Allows staking nonfungible liquidity tokens in exchange for reward tokens
interface IUniswapV3Staker is IERC721Receiver, IMulticall {
/// @param rewardToken The token being distributed as a reward
/// @param pool The Uniswap V3 pool
/// @param startTime The time when the incentive program begins
/// @param endTime The time when rewards stop accruing
/// @param refundee The address which receives any remaining reward tokens when the incentive is ended
struct IncentiveKey {
IERC20Minimal rewardToken;
IUniswapV3Pool pool;
uint256 startTime;
uint256 endTime;
address refundee;
/// @notice The Uniswap V3 Factory
function factory() external view returns (IUniswapV3Factory);
/// @notice The nonfungible position manager with which this staking contract is compatible
function nonfungiblePositionManager() external view returns (INonfungiblePositionManager);
/// @notice The max duration of an incentive in seconds
function maxIncentiveDuration() external view returns (uint256);
/// @notice The max amount of seconds into the future the incentive startTime can be set
function maxIncentiveStartLeadTime() external view returns (uint256);
/// @notice Represents a staking incentive
/// @param incentiveId The ID of the incentive computed from its parameters
/// @return totalRewardUnclaimed The amount of reward token not yet claimed by users
/// @return totalSecondsClaimedX128 Total liquidity-seconds claimed, represented as a UQ32.128
/// @return numberOfStakes The count of deposits that are currently staked for the incentive
function incentives(bytes32 incentiveId)
returns (
uint256 totalRewardUnclaimed,
uint160 totalSecondsClaimedX128,
uint96 numberOfStakes
/// @notice Returns information about a deposited NFT
/// @return owner The owner of the deposited NFT
/// @return numberOfStakes Counter of how many incentives for which the liquidity is staked
/// @return tickLower The lower tick of the range
/// @return tickUpper The upper tick of the range
function deposits(uint256 tokenId)
returns (
address owner,
uint48 numberOfStakes,
int24 tickLower,
int24 tickUpper
/// @notice Returns information about a staked liquidity NFT
/// @param tokenId The ID of the staked token
/// @param incentiveId The ID of the incentive for which the token is staked
/// @return secondsPerLiquidityInsideInitialX128 secondsPerLiquidity represented as a UQ32.128
/// @return liquidity The amount of liquidity in the NFT as of the last time the rewards were computed
function stakes(uint256 tokenId, bytes32 incentiveId)
returns (uint160 secondsPerLiquidityInsideInitialX128, uint128 liquidity);
/// @notice Returns amounts of reward tokens owed to a given address according to the last time all stakes were updated
/// @param rewardToken The token for which to check rewards
/// @param owner The owner for which the rewards owed are checked
/// @return rewardsOwed The amount of the reward token claimable by the owner
function rewards(IERC20Minimal rewardToken, address owner) external view returns (uint256 rewardsOwed);
/// @notice Creates a new liquidity mining incentive program
/// @param key Details of the incentive to create
/// @param reward The amount of reward tokens to be distributed
function createIncentive(IncentiveKey memory key, uint256 reward) external;
/// @notice Ends an incentive after the incentive end time has passed and all stakes have been withdrawn
/// @param key Details of the incentive to end
/// @return refund The remaining reward tokens when the incentive is ended
function endIncentive(IncentiveKey memory key) external returns (uint256 refund);
/// @notice Transfers ownership of a deposit from the sender to the given recipient
/// @param tokenId The ID of the token (and the deposit) to transfer
/// @param to The new owner of the deposit
function transferDeposit(uint256 tokenId, address to) external;
/// @notice Withdraws a Uniswap V3 LP token `tokenId` from this contract to the recipient `to`
/// @param tokenId The unique identifier of an Uniswap V3 LP token
/// @param to The address where the LP token will be sent
/// @param data An optional data array that will be passed along to the `to` address via the NFT safeTransferFrom
function withdrawToken(
uint256 tokenId,
address to,
bytes memory data
) external;
/// @notice Stakes a Uniswap V3 LP token
/// @param key The key of the incentive for which to stake the NFT
/// @param tokenId The ID of the token to stake
function stakeToken(IncentiveKey memory key, uint256 tokenId) external;
/// @notice Unstakes a Uniswap V3 LP token
/// @param key The key of the incentive for which to unstake the NFT
/// @param tokenId The ID of the token to unstake
function unstakeToken(IncentiveKey memory key, uint256 tokenId) external;
/// @notice Transfers `amountRequested` of accrued `rewardToken` rewards from the contract to the recipient `to`
/// @param rewardToken The token being distributed as a reward
/// @param to The address where claimed rewards will be sent to
/// @param amountRequested The amount of reward tokens to claim. Claims entire reward amount if set to 0.
/// @return reward The amount of reward tokens claimed
function claimReward(
IERC20Minimal rewardToken,
address to,
uint256 amountRequested
) external returns (uint256 reward);
/// @notice Calculates the reward amount that will be received for the given stake
/// @param key The key of the incentive
/// @param tokenId The ID of the token
/// @return reward The reward accrued to the NFT for the given incentive thus far
function getRewardInfo(IncentiveKey memory key, uint256 tokenId)
returns (uint256 reward, uint160 secondsInsideX128);
/// @notice Event emitted when a liquidity mining incentive has been created
/// @param rewardToken The token being distributed as a reward
/// @param pool The Uniswap V3 pool
/// @param startTime The time when the incentive program begins
/// @param endTime The time when rewards stop accruing
/// @param refundee The address which receives any remaining reward tokens after the end time
/// @param reward The amount of reward tokens to be distributed
event IncentiveCreated(
IERC20Minimal indexed rewardToken,
IUniswapV3Pool indexed pool,
uint256 startTime,
uint256 endTime,
address refundee,
uint256 reward
/// @notice Event that can be emitted when a liquidity mining incentive has ended
/// @param incentiveId The incentive which is ending
/// @param refund The amount of reward tokens refunded
event IncentiveEnded(bytes32 indexed incentiveId, uint256 refund);
/// @notice Emitted when ownership of a deposit changes
/// @param tokenId The ID of the deposit (and token) that is being transferred
/// @param oldOwner The owner before the deposit was transferred
/// @param newOwner The owner after the deposit was transferred
event DepositTransferred(uint256 indexed tokenId, address indexed oldOwner, address indexed newOwner);
/// @notice Event emitted when a Uniswap V3 LP token has been staked
/// @param tokenId The unique identifier of an Uniswap V3 LP token
/// @param liquidity The amount of liquidity staked
/// @param incentiveId The incentive in which the token is staking
event TokenStaked(uint256 indexed tokenId, bytes32 indexed incentiveId, uint128 liquidity);
/// @notice Event emitted when a Uniswap V3 LP token has been unstaked
/// @param tokenId The unique identifier of an Uniswap V3 LP token
/// @param incentiveId The incentive in which the token is staking
event TokenUnstaked(uint256 indexed tokenId, bytes32 indexed incentiveId);
/// @notice Event emitted when a reward token has been claimed
/// @param to The address where claimed rewards were sent to
/// @param reward The amount of reward tokens claimed
event RewardClaimed(address indexed to, uint256 reward);