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2022-05-14 17:13:14 +00:00
//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.7.6;
pragma abicoder v2;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721Metadata.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721Enumerable.sol";
struct ExactInputSingleParams {
address tokenIn;
address tokenOut;
uint24 fee;
address recipient;
uint256 amountIn;
uint256 amountOutMinimum;
uint160 sqrtPriceLimitX96;
struct ExactInputParams {
bytes path;
address recipient;
uint256 amountIn;
uint256 amountOutMinimum;
struct ExactOutputSingleParams {
address tokenIn;
address tokenOut;
uint24 fee;
address recipient;
uint256 amountOut;
uint256 amountInMaximum;
uint160 sqrtPriceLimitX96;
struct ExactOutputParams {
bytes path;
address recipient;
uint256 amountOut;
uint256 amountInMaximum;
/// @title Callback for IUniswapV3PoolActions#swap
/// @notice Any contract that calls IUniswapV3PoolActions#swap must implement this interface
interface IUniswapV3SwapCallback {
/// @notice Called to `msg.sender` after executing a swap via IUniswapV3Pool#swap.
/// @dev In the implementation you must pay the pool tokens owed for the swap.
/// The caller of this method must be checked to be a UniswapV3Pool deployed by the canonical UniswapV3Factory.
/// amount0Delta and amount1Delta can both be 0 if no tokens were swapped.
/// @param amount0Delta The amount of token0 that was sent (negative) or must be received (positive) by the pool by
/// the end of the swap. If positive, the callback must send that amount of token0 to the pool.
/// @param amount1Delta The amount of token1 that was sent (negative) or must be received (positive) by the pool by
/// the end of the swap. If positive, the callback must send that amount of token1 to the pool.
/// @param data Any data passed through by the caller via the IUniswapV3PoolActions#swap call
function uniswapV3SwapCallback(
int256 amount0Delta,
int256 amount1Delta,
bytes calldata data
) external;
interface IV3SwapRouter is IUniswapV3SwapCallback {
/// @notice Swaps `amountIn` of one token for as much as possible of another token
/// @dev Setting `amountIn` to 0 will cause the contract to look up its own balance,
/// and swap the entire amount, enabling contracts to send tokens before calling this function.
/// @param params The parameters necessary for the swap, encoded as `ExactInputSingleParams` in calldata
/// @return amountOut The amount of the received token
function exactInputSingle(ExactInputSingleParams calldata params)
returns (uint256 amountOut);
/// @notice Swaps `amountIn` of one token for as much as possible of another along the specified path
/// @dev Setting `amountIn` to 0 will cause the contract to look up its own balance,
/// and swap the entire amount, enabling contracts to send tokens before calling this function.
/// @param params The parameters necessary for the multi-hop swap, encoded as `ExactInputParams` in calldata
/// @return amountOut The amount of the received token
function exactInput(ExactInputParams calldata params)
returns (uint256 amountOut);
/// @notice Swaps as little as possible of one token for `amountOut` of another token
/// that may remain in the router after the swap.
/// @param params The parameters necessary for the swap, encoded as `ExactOutputSingleParams` in calldata
/// @return amountIn The amount of the input token
function exactOutputSingle(ExactOutputSingleParams calldata params)
returns (uint256 amountIn);
/// @notice Swaps as little as possible of one token for `amountOut` of another along the specified path (reversed)
/// that may remain in the router after the swap.
/// @param params The parameters necessary for the multi-hop swap, encoded as `ExactOutputParams` in calldata
/// @return amountIn The amount of the input token
function exactOutput(ExactOutputParams calldata params)
returns (uint256 amountIn);
interface IApproveAndCall {}
/// @title Multicall interface
/// @notice Enables calling multiple methods in a single call to the contract
interface IMulticall {
/// @title MulticallExtended interface
/// @notice Enables calling multiple methods in a single call to the contract with optional validation
interface IMulticallExtended is IMulticall {
/// @title Self Permit
/// @notice Functionality to call permit on any EIP-2612-compliant token for use in the route
interface ISelfPermit {
/// @title Router token swapping functionality
/// @notice Functions for swapping tokens via Uniswap V2
interface IV2SwapRouter {
interface ISwapRouter02 is