Lecky Lao 7f896a12de change connectorID method in stores to virtual view;
adding connectorID method in connector as override and set model, id in constructor;
modify migration to deploy and set model, id;
update ganache to unlock master;
fixing curveProtocol test to use master address and get dai from uniswap;
fixing curveSBTCProtocol test to use cast for the sell connector method;
2020-07-04 00:43:19 +10:00

13 lines
556 B

const CurveProtocol = artifacts.require("CurveProtocol");
const ConnectSBTCCurve = artifacts.require("ConnectSBTCCurve");
const connectorsABI = require("../test/abi/connectors.json");
let connectorsAddr = "0xD6A602C01a023B98Ecfb29Df02FBA380d3B21E0c";
let connectorInstance = new web3.eth.Contract(connectorsABI, connectorsAddr);
module.exports = async function(deployer) {
let connectorLength = await connectorInstance.methods.connectorLength().call();
deployer.deploy(ConnectSBTCCurve, 1, +connectorLength + 1);