pragma solidity ^0.6.0; interface MockInterface { /** * @dev After calling this method, the mock will return `response` when it is called * with any calldata that is not mocked more specifically below * (e.g. using givenMethodReturn). * @param response ABI encoded response that will be returned if method is invoked */ function givenAnyReturn(bytes calldata response) external; function givenAnyReturnBool(bool response) external; function givenAnyReturnUint(uint response) external; function givenAnyReturnAddress(address response) external; function givenAnyRevert() external; function givenAnyRevertWithMessage(string calldata message) external; function givenAnyRunOutOfGas() external; /** * @dev After calling this method, the mock will return `response` when the given * methodId is called regardless of arguments. If the methodId and arguments * are mocked more specifically (using `givenMethodAndArguments`) the latter * will take precedence. * @param method ABI encoded methodId. It is valid to pass full calldata (including arguments). The mock will extract the methodId from it * @param response ABI encoded response that will be returned if method is invoked */ function givenMethodReturn(bytes calldata method, bytes calldata response) external; function givenMethodReturnBool(bytes calldata method, bool response) external; function givenMethodReturnUint(bytes calldata method, uint response) external; function givenMethodReturnAddress(bytes calldata method, address response) external; function givenMethodRevert(bytes calldata method) external; function givenMethodRevertWithMessage(bytes calldata method, string calldata message) external; function givenMethodRunOutOfGas(bytes calldata method) external; /** * @dev After calling this method, the mock will return `response` when the given * methodId is called with matching arguments. These exact calldataMocks will take * precedence over all other calldataMocks. * @param call ABI encoded calldata (methodId and arguments) * @param response ABI encoded response that will be returned if contract is invoked with calldata */ function givenCalldataReturn(bytes calldata call, bytes calldata response) external; function givenCalldataReturnBool(bytes calldata call, bool response) external; function givenCalldataReturnUint(bytes calldata call, uint response) external; function givenCalldataReturnAddress(bytes calldata call, address response) external; function givenCalldataRevert(bytes calldata call) external; function givenCalldataRevertWithMessage(bytes calldata call, string calldata message) external; function givenCalldataRunOutOfGas(bytes calldata call) external; /** * @dev Returns the number of times anything has been called on this mock since last reset */ function invocationCount() external returns (uint); /** * @dev Returns the number of times the given method has been called on this mock since last reset * @param method ABI encoded methodId. It is valid to pass full calldata (including arguments). The mock will extract the methodId from it */ function invocationCountForMethod(bytes calldata method) external returns (uint); /** * @dev Returns the number of times this mock has been called with the exact calldata since last reset. * @param call ABI encoded calldata (methodId and arguments) */ function invocationCountForCalldata(bytes calldata call) external returns (uint); /** * @dev Resets all mocked methods and invocation counts. */ function reset() external; } /** * Implementation of the MockInterface. */ contract MockContract is MockInterface { enum MockType { Return, Revert, OutOfGas } bytes32 public constant MOCKS_LIST_START = hex"01"; bytes public constant MOCKS_LIST_END = "0xff"; bytes32 public constant MOCKS_LIST_END_HASH = keccak256(MOCKS_LIST_END); bytes4 public constant SENTINEL_ANY_MOCKS = hex"01"; bytes public constant DEFAULT_FALLBACK_VALUE = abi.encode(false); // A linked list allows easy iteration and inclusion checks mapping(bytes32 => bytes) calldataMocks; mapping(bytes => MockType) calldataMockTypes; mapping(bytes => bytes) calldataExpectations; mapping(bytes => string) calldataRevertMessage; mapping(bytes32 => uint) calldataInvocations; mapping(bytes4 => bytes4) methodIdMocks; mapping(bytes4 => MockType) methodIdMockTypes; mapping(bytes4 => bytes) methodIdExpectations; mapping(bytes4 => string) methodIdRevertMessages; mapping(bytes32 => uint) methodIdInvocations; MockType fallbackMockType; bytes fallbackExpectation = DEFAULT_FALLBACK_VALUE; string fallbackRevertMessage; uint invocations; uint resetCount; constructor() public { calldataMocks[MOCKS_LIST_START] = MOCKS_LIST_END; methodIdMocks[SENTINEL_ANY_MOCKS] = SENTINEL_ANY_MOCKS; } function trackCalldataMock(bytes memory call) private { bytes32 callHash = keccak256(call); if (calldataMocks[callHash].length == 0) { calldataMocks[callHash] = calldataMocks[MOCKS_LIST_START]; calldataMocks[MOCKS_LIST_START] = call; } } function trackMethodIdMock(bytes4 methodId) private { if (methodIdMocks[methodId] == 0x0) { methodIdMocks[methodId] = methodIdMocks[SENTINEL_ANY_MOCKS]; methodIdMocks[SENTINEL_ANY_MOCKS] = methodId; } } function _givenAnyReturn(bytes memory response) internal { fallbackMockType = MockType.Return; fallbackExpectation = response; } function givenAnyReturn(bytes calldata response) override external { _givenAnyReturn(response); } function givenAnyReturnBool(bool response) override external { uint flag = response ? 1 : 0; _givenAnyReturn(uintToBytes(flag)); } function givenAnyReturnUint(uint response) override external { _givenAnyReturn(uintToBytes(response)); } function givenAnyReturnAddress(address response) override external { _givenAnyReturn(uintToBytes(uint(response))); } function givenAnyRevert() override external { fallbackMockType = MockType.Revert; fallbackRevertMessage = ""; } function givenAnyRevertWithMessage(string calldata message) override external { fallbackMockType = MockType.Revert; fallbackRevertMessage = message; } function givenAnyRunOutOfGas() override external { fallbackMockType = MockType.OutOfGas; } function _givenCalldataReturn(bytes memory call, bytes memory response) private { calldataMockTypes[call] = MockType.Return; calldataExpectations[call] = response; trackCalldataMock(call); } function givenCalldataReturn(bytes calldata call, bytes calldata response) override external { _givenCalldataReturn(call, response); } function givenCalldataReturnBool(bytes calldata call, bool response) override external { uint flag = response ? 1 : 0; _givenCalldataReturn(call, uintToBytes(flag)); } function givenCalldataReturnUint(bytes calldata call, uint response) override external { _givenCalldataReturn(call, uintToBytes(response)); } function givenCalldataReturnAddress(bytes calldata call, address response) override external { _givenCalldataReturn(call, uintToBytes(uint(response))); } function _givenMethodReturn(bytes memory call, bytes memory response) private { bytes4 method = bytesToBytes4(call); methodIdMockTypes[method] = MockType.Return; methodIdExpectations[method] = response; trackMethodIdMock(method); } function givenMethodReturn(bytes calldata call, bytes calldata response) override external { _givenMethodReturn(call, response); } function givenMethodReturnBool(bytes calldata call, bool response) override external { uint flag = response ? 1 : 0; _givenMethodReturn(call, uintToBytes(flag)); } function givenMethodReturnUint(bytes calldata call, uint response) override external { _givenMethodReturn(call, uintToBytes(response)); } function givenMethodReturnAddress(bytes calldata call, address response) override external { _givenMethodReturn(call, uintToBytes(uint(response))); } function givenCalldataRevert(bytes calldata call) override external { calldataMockTypes[call] = MockType.Revert; calldataRevertMessage[call] = ""; trackCalldataMock(call); } function givenMethodRevert(bytes calldata call) override external { bytes4 method = bytesToBytes4(call); methodIdMockTypes[method] = MockType.Revert; trackMethodIdMock(method); } function givenCalldataRevertWithMessage(bytes calldata call, string calldata message) override external { calldataMockTypes[call] = MockType.Revert; calldataRevertMessage[call] = message; trackCalldataMock(call); } function givenMethodRevertWithMessage(bytes calldata call, string calldata message) override external { bytes4 method = bytesToBytes4(call); methodIdMockTypes[method] = MockType.Revert; methodIdRevertMessages[method] = message; trackMethodIdMock(method); } function givenCalldataRunOutOfGas(bytes calldata call) override external { calldataMockTypes[call] = MockType.OutOfGas; trackCalldataMock(call); } function givenMethodRunOutOfGas(bytes calldata call) override external { bytes4 method = bytesToBytes4(call); methodIdMockTypes[method] = MockType.OutOfGas; trackMethodIdMock(method); } function invocationCount() override external returns (uint) { return invocations; } function invocationCountForMethod(bytes calldata call) override external returns (uint) { bytes4 method = bytesToBytes4(call); return methodIdInvocations[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(resetCount, method))]; } function invocationCountForCalldata(bytes calldata call) override external returns (uint) { return calldataInvocations[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(resetCount, call))]; } function reset() override external { // Reset all exact calldataMocks bytes memory nextMock = calldataMocks[MOCKS_LIST_START]; bytes32 mockHash = keccak256(nextMock); // We cannot compary bytes while(mockHash != MOCKS_LIST_END_HASH) { // Reset all mock maps calldataMockTypes[nextMock] = MockType.Return; calldataExpectations[nextMock] = hex""; calldataRevertMessage[nextMock] = ""; // Set next mock to remove nextMock = calldataMocks[mockHash]; // Remove from linked list calldataMocks[mockHash] = ""; // Update mock hash mockHash = keccak256(nextMock); } // Clear list calldataMocks[MOCKS_LIST_START] = MOCKS_LIST_END; // Reset all any calldataMocks bytes4 nextAnyMock = methodIdMocks[SENTINEL_ANY_MOCKS]; while(nextAnyMock != SENTINEL_ANY_MOCKS) { bytes4 currentAnyMock = nextAnyMock; methodIdMockTypes[currentAnyMock] = MockType.Return; methodIdExpectations[currentAnyMock] = hex""; methodIdRevertMessages[currentAnyMock] = ""; nextAnyMock = methodIdMocks[currentAnyMock]; // Remove from linked list methodIdMocks[currentAnyMock] = 0x0; } // Clear list methodIdMocks[SENTINEL_ANY_MOCKS] = SENTINEL_ANY_MOCKS; fallbackExpectation = DEFAULT_FALLBACK_VALUE; fallbackMockType = MockType.Return; invocations = 0; resetCount += 1; } function useAllGas() private { while(true) { bool s; assembly { //expensive call to EC multiply contract s := call(sub(gas(), 2000), 6, 0, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x0, 0x60) } } } function bytesToBytes4(bytes memory b) private pure returns (bytes4) { bytes4 out; for (uint i = 0; i < 4; i++) { out |= bytes4(b[i] & 0xFF) >> (i * 8); } return out; } function uintToBytes(uint256 x) private pure returns (bytes memory b) { b = new bytes(32); assembly { mstore(add(b, 32), x) } } function updateInvocationCount(bytes4 methodId, bytes memory originalMsgData) public { require(msg.sender == address(this), "Can only be called from the contract itself"); invocations += 1; methodIdInvocations[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(resetCount, methodId))] += 1; calldataInvocations[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(resetCount, originalMsgData))] += 1; } fallback () payable external { bytes4 methodId; assembly { methodId := calldataload(0) } // First, check exact matching overrides if (calldataMockTypes[] == MockType.Revert) { revert(calldataRevertMessage[]); } if (calldataMockTypes[] == MockType.OutOfGas) { useAllGas(); } bytes memory result = calldataExpectations[]; // Then check method Id overrides if (result.length == 0) { if (methodIdMockTypes[methodId] == MockType.Revert) { revert(methodIdRevertMessages[methodId]); } if (methodIdMockTypes[methodId] == MockType.OutOfGas) { useAllGas(); } result = methodIdExpectations[methodId]; } // Last, use the fallback override if (result.length == 0) { if (fallbackMockType == MockType.Revert) { revert(fallbackRevertMessage); } if (fallbackMockType == MockType.OutOfGas) { useAllGas(); } result = fallbackExpectation; } // Record invocation as separate call so we don't rollback in case we are called with STATICCALL (, bytes memory r) = address(this).call.gas(100000)(abi.encodeWithSignature("updateInvocationCount(bytes4,bytes)", methodId,; assert(r.length == 0); assembly { return(add(0x20, result), mload(result)) } } }