const CurveProtocol = artifacts.require('CurveProtocol') const daiABI = require('./abi/dai'); const erc20 = require('./abi/erc20') const swap_abi = require('./abi/swap') const { ether, balance } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); const BN = require('bn.js') const chai = require('chai') const expect = chai.expect chai.use(require('chai-bn')(BN)); // userAddress must be unlocked using --unlock ADDRESS const userAddress = '0x9eb7f2591ed42dee9315b6e2aaf21ba85ea69f8c'; const daiAddress = '0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f'; const daiContract = new web3.eth.Contract(daiABI, daiAddress); const usdcAddress = '0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48' const usdcContract = new web3.eth.Contract(erc20, usdcAddress); const swap = '0xA5407eAE9Ba41422680e2e00537571bcC53efBfD' const swapContract = new web3.eth.Contract(swap_abi, swap) const swapToken = '0xC25a3A3b969415c80451098fa907EC722572917F' const tokenContract = new web3.eth.Contract(erc20, swapToken) contract('Curve Protocol', async accounts => { let account, contract; beforeEach(async function() { account = accounts[0] contract = await CurveProtocol.deployed() }); it('should send ether to the user address', async () => { const ethBalanceBefore = await balance.current(userAddress); // Send 0.1 eth to userAddress to have gas to send an ERC20 tx. await web3.eth.sendTransaction({ from: accounts[0], to: userAddress, value: ether('0.1') }); const ethBalanceAfter = await balance.current(userAddress); expect(+ethBalanceAfter - +ethBalanceBefore).to.equal(+ether('0.1')) }); it('should transfer DAI to CurveProtocol', async () => { // Get 100 DAI for first 5 accounts // daiAddress is passed to ganache-cli with flag `--unlock` // so we can use the `transfer` method // // Note: This only works as userAddress has 2546221640728945323079640 Dai, // should remove this dependence in the future const daiBalanceUser = await daiContract.methods.balanceOf(userAddress).call(); await daiContract.methods .transfer(contract.address, ether('100').toString()) .send({ from: userAddress, gasLimit: 800000 }); const daiBalance = await daiContract.methods.balanceOf(contract.address).call(); expect(+daiBalance)'100')) }); it('should approve DAI to CurveProtocol', async() => { await daiContract.methods .approve(contract.address, ether('100').toString()) .send({ from: account, gasLimit: 800000 }); const daiAllowance = await daiContract.methods.allowance(account, contract.address).call() expect(+daiAllowance)'100')) }); /* Deprecated as CurveProtocol is not ICurve and exchange has been implemented into sell method it('should exchange', async () => { let account = accounts[0] let contract = await CurveProtocol.deployed() // Get 100 DAI for first 5 accounts console.log('before'); let get_dy = await, 1, ether('1').toString()) console.log('after'); let min_dy = +get_dy * 0.99 let receipt = await, 1, ether('1').toString(), 1, { from: account }) let buyAmount = receipt.logs[0].args.buyAmount.toString() expect(+buyAmount); }); */ /* Deprecated as CurveProtocol is not ICurve and calc_token_amount has been implemented into withdraw method it('should add liquidity', async () => { let account = accounts[0] let contract = await CurveProtocol.deployed() let amounts = [ether('1').toString(), 0, 0, 0] let token_amount = await, true) let receipt = await contract.add_liquidity(amounts, 1, { from: account }) let mintAmount = receipt.logs[0].args.mintAmount.toString() expect(+mintAmount) }) it('should remove liquidity imbalance', async () => { let account = accounts[0] let contract = await CurveProtocol.deployed() let tokenBalance = await tokenContract.methods.balanceOf(contract.address).call() let receipt = await contract.remove_liquidity_imbalance(["100000000000", 0, 0, 0], { from: account }) let burnAmount = receipt.logs[0].args.burnAmount.toString() let tokenBalanceAfter = await tokenContract.methods.balanceOf(contract.address).call() //weird Ganache errors sometimes "cannot decode event" console.log(+tokenBalance, +tokenBalanceAfter, +burnAmount) //expect(BN(tokenBalance)) }) it('should remove liquidity in one coin', async() => { let account = accounts[0] let contract = await CurveProtocol.deployed() let daiBalance = await daiContract.methods.balanceOf(contract.address).call() let receipt = await contract.remove_liquidity_one_coin("100000000000", 0, 1, { from: account }) let withdrawnAmount = receipt.logs[0].args.withdrawnAmount.toString() let daiBalanceAfter = await daiContract.methods.balanceOf(contract.address).call() //weird Ganache errors sometimes "cannot decode event" console.log(+daiBalance, +daiBalanceAfter, +withdrawnAmount) //expect(BN(daiBalance)); }) */ });