const { BN, // Big Number support expectEvent, // Assertions for emitted events expectRevert, // Assertions for transactions that should fail balance, ether } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); const CurveSBTCProtocol = artifacts.require('CurveSBTCProtocol'); const erc20 = require("@studydefi/money-legos/erc20"); const uniswap = require("@studydefi/money-legos/uniswap"); const sbtcABI = require("./abi/sbtc.json"); const erc20ABI = require("./abi/erc20.js"); contract('CurveSBTCProtocol', async accounts => { const [sender, receiver] = accounts; let contract; beforeEach(async function () { contract = await CurveSBTCProtocol.deployed() let wbtcContract = new web3.eth.Contract(erc20.wbtc.abi, erc20.wbtc.address); let uniswapFactory = new web3.eth.Contract( uniswap.factory.abi, uniswap.factory.address ); const wbtcExchangeAddress = await uniswapFactory.methods.getExchange( erc20.wbtc.address, ).call(); const wbtcExchange = new web3.eth.Contract(, wbtcExchangeAddress ); const wbtcBefore = await wbtcContract.methods.balanceOf(sender).call(); await wbtcExchange.methods.ethToTokenSwapInput( 1, // min amount of token retrieved 2525644800, // random timestamp in the future (year 2050) ).send( { gas: 4000000, value: ether("5"), from: sender } ); let wbtcAfter = await wbtcContract.methods.balanceOf(sender).call(); expect(wbtcAfter - wbtcBefore); }); it('can sell WBTC for SBTC', async function () { const sbtcContract = new web3.eth.Contract(sbtcABI, "0xfe18be6b3bd88a2d2a7f928d00292e7a9963cfc6"); const sbtcBefore = await sbtcContract.methods.balanceOf(sender).call(); const tx = await contract.sell( "0xfe18be6b3bd88a2d2a7f928d00292e7a9963cfc6", erc20.wbtc.address, 10000000, ( 0.09 / 0.1 * 1e18 ).toString(), 0, 0, { gas: 4000000, from: sender } ); console.log(tx); const sbtcAfter = await sbtcContract.methods.balanceOf(sender).call(); expect(sbtcAfter - sbtcBefore)"0.09")); }); it('can add liquidity for wbtc', async function() { const curveTokenContract = new web3.eth.Contract( erc20ABI, "0x075b1bb99792c9e1041ba13afef80c91a1e70fb3" ) const tx = await contract.deposit( erc20.wbtc.address, 10000000, ( 0.09 / 0.1 * 1e18 ).toString(), 0, 0, { gas: 4000000, from: sender } ); console.log(tx); const balance = await curveTokenContract.methods.balanceOf(sender); expect(balance)"0.09")); }); });