2023-12-16 18:03:50 +05:30

16 lines
747 B

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
pragma solidity >=0.5.0;
/// @title IOracle
/// @author Morpho Labs
/// @custom:contact security@morpho.org
/// @notice Interface that oracles used by Morpho must implement.
/// @dev It is the user's responsibility to select markets with safe oracles.
interface IOracle {
/// @notice Returns the price of 1 asset of collateral token quoted in 1 asset of loan token, scaled by 1e36.
/// @dev It corresponds to the price of 10**(collateral token decimals) assets of collateral token quoted in
/// 10**(loan token decimals) assets of loan token with `36 + loan token decimals - collateral token decimals`
/// decimals of precision.
function price() external view returns (uint256);