import { promises as fs } from "fs"; import { join } from "path"; import { execScript } from "./command"; import { task } from "hardhat/config"; let start: number, end: number; task("run_tests", "runs specified test on a specified chain") .addPositionalParam("chain") .addPositionalParam("test") .setAction(async (taskArgs) => { const chain = taskArgs.chain; const test = taskArgs.test; await testRunner(chain,test) .then(() => console.log( `🙌 finished the test runner, time taken ${(end - start) / 1000} sec` ) ) .catch((err) => console.error("❌ failed due to error: ", err)); }); async function testRunner(chain: string, testName: string) { const testsPath = join(__dirname, "../../test", chain); await fs.access(testsPath); const availableTests = await fs.readdir(testsPath); if (availableTests.length === 0) { throw new Error(`No tests available for ${chain}`); } start =; let path: string; if (testName === "all") { for (let test of availableTests) { path = join(testsPath, test); path += "/*"; await execScript({ cmd: "npx", args: ["hardhat", "test", path], env: { networkType: chain, }, }).catch((err)=>console.log(`failed ${test}`)) } } else { path = join(testsPath, testName); path += "/*"; await execScript({ cmd: "npx", args: ["hardhat", "test", path], env: { networkType: chain, }, }); } end =; }