**PoolTogether is a protocol for no-loss prize games on the Ethereum blockchain.** The protocol: 1) Enables developers to build their own no-loss prize games 2) Offers governance-managed no-loss prize games *The PoolTogether protocol will be transitioning to decentralized governance. In the meantime, the core team serves as the interim governance body.* PoolTogether Governance broadly serves two mandates: - Protocol Improvement - Prize Pool Management ### Protocol Improvement Governance will guide the evolution of the protocol towards the goal of building products that create financial health. The primary functions of governance are to: - Set rewards for prize pool users - Approve & implement new yield sources for prize pools - Implement new prize strategies In addition to these core functions governance may: - Propose integrations with L2 systems - Add additional prizes or rewards - Subsidized transactions - Insurance coverage - Anything else! All Prize Pools created with Builders contribute a small fee to the **protocol reserve**. The reserve is retained by the protocol as sponsorship in the Prize Pool in which it accrued. ### Prize Pool Management Governance also manages its own set of Prize Pools. These Prize Pools are displayed on the official [PoolTogether App](https://app-v3.pooltogether.com/). ### Comptroller All Prize Pools link to a global protocol Comptroller. The Comptroller is owned by governance, and determines the reserve rate and rewards Prize Pools. Additional Resources -------------------- * [Documentation](https://docs.pooltogether.com/)