Yup is a protocol that rewards curators for tastemaking. By doing so, it creates a social consensus layer for the internet, accurately representing the agreed-upon social value of **anything**, from random Tweets to your history professor. It does this by interacting with the Yup Protocol, which is a decentralized semi-autonomous social consensus protocol that determines the rewards and social value of all content based on users' interactions with it. ( [Learn More](https://github.com/Yup-io/yup_docs/tree/24938ac610bbd465109806ec69fb9e97054f2399/protocol.md) ) ## Governance Process **💬 1. Share Request on Yup's [Forum](http://forum.yup.io)** Try to be as specific as possible and responsive to others' opinions and views. **📜 2. Submit Upgrade Proposal (UP) to Snapshot Governance on Boardroom** Follow the template of one of our previous proposals. **🗳️ 3. Vote on Proposal** If a majority of token holders vote yes, changes to the protocol will be implemented. ## Additional Resources ### 🌐 [Protocol Site](http://yupprotocol.org) Landing site for Yup ### 🏠 [Website](http://yup.io) Landing site for Yup ### 💬 [Forum](http://forum.yup.io) Governance and Support ### 👨‍🔬 [Docs](http://docs.yup.io) Docs for the Yup Protocol and relevant apps ### 👾 [Discord](https://discord.gg/3W7em2b) Discord chat group ### 🏗️ [OSS Development](https://www.notion.so/Yup-OS-Dev-11ee7b098b51473f83c143c430b02b1d) Open Source Tasks/Repos/Communications ### 🎨 [Figma](https://www.figma.com/file/SqJ0DQF7LW3OM6RiKIyWEh/Yup-Brainstorm?node-id=0%3A1) File for community collaboration ### 📰 [Blog](http://yup.mirror.xyz) Thought pieces and Yupdates ### 🔌 [Extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/yup-the-opinion-layer-of/nhmeoaahigiljjdkoagafdccikgojjoi) Yup browser extension ### ✨ [App](http://app.yup.io) Yup web app full of feeds and leaderboards