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Boardroom Project Information Repo

This public repo contains project information which will be served to display on the Boardroom Governance Portal
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## About All project additions and edits for information uploaded, stored, and maintained on the [Boardroom Portal](https://app.boardroom.info) occur on this public Project Information repository. [These docs](https://docs.boardroom.info/integrations/getting-started) will walk you through how to add the necessary information to this repository in a few simple steps, to get your project added to the Boardroom Portal frontend and to update its details on an ongoing basis. ## Development Clone the repo: ```sh $ git clone git@github.com:boardroom-inc/protocol-Info.git ``` Install dependencies: ```sh $ yarn ``` Compile the protocol info artifact to `dist`: ```sh $ yarn build ``` Link the package: ```sh $ yarn link ``` From [hub-ui](https://github.com/boardroom-inc/hub-ui) (or any other repo), use the linked package: ```sh $ yarn link @boardroom/protocol-info ``` Quick Add New Protocol: ```sh $ ./scripts/add_new_protocol $protocolName $tokenContractAddress (optional) $suffix (optional) $displayName (optional) ``` Run validation: ```sh $ yarn validate ``` Cut a new release: ```sh $ git checkout main $ git pull $ npx standard-version $ yarn publish $ git push origin main --follow-tags ``` ## Contact Please reach out in Discord with any questions! * Boardroom Support Channel - [#❓support](https://discord.gg/CEZ8WfuK8s)