diff --git a/compound/calls/Call.md b/compound/calls/Call.md deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 diff --git a/compound/calls/Compound Developer Community Call – Dec. 23, 16:30 GMT.md b/compound/calls/Compound Developer Community Call – Dec. 23, 16:30 GMT.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..02ef4b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/compound/calls/Compound Developer Community Call – Dec. 23, 16:30 GMT.md @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +[![](https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/standard17/uploads/compoundcommunity/optimized/1X/2416541cead6a24aae88f481e9809f3d79171ab1_2_624x351.jpeg)](https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/standard17/uploads/compoundcommunity/original/1X/2416541cead6a24aae88f481e9809f3d79171ab1.jpeg) + +# Agenda + +On December 23, at 9:30am PT / 16:30 GMT, the Compound community will hold its next Developer Community Call. This will be an open discussion forum for individuals and organizations developing protocol improvement proposals or building applications and projects that integrate the protocol. + +- Held in the [Compound Discord](https://compound.finance/discord), with options for screen-share, voice, or text-only participation +- Wednesday 12/23 at 9:30am PT / 16:30 GMT, and bi-weekly after ([Google Calendar Event](https://calendar.google.com/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=MGZsbTRob2s5dTFrazM5b2Q0bTNlbWpmNjVfMjAyMDEyMjNUMTczMDAwWiBjX2xtaDN1cHM0M3I5MnU1ODJwczYwZ202aW8wQGc&tmsrc=c_lmh3ups43r92u582ps60gm6io0%40group.calendar.google.com)) + +Below is the high-level agenda for the upcoming call. Note that this call belongs to the community, and as a community member you are empowered to take this call in any direction you think best benefits the community. If you wish, you may help organize it, structure its agenda, lead it, etc. + +1\. Welcome: Adam will provide a brief recap of the previous call.\ +2\. Proposal/Project Discussions: The following community members have volunteered to discuss the proposals and projects they are working on or considering working on. + +- Tarun - Update on Gauntlet's COMP vesting proposal +- Jared F. - Compound Chain Announcement + +3\. Open Forum: The community may ask questions of each other, request help/resources, introduce miscellaneous ideas, etc. + +If there are any other proposals, projects, or topics you'd like to add to the agenda, please post on this thread or in the Compound Discord. Everyone is welcome to participate and contribute. + +Lastly, the call will be audio-recorded; the recording and written notes will be shared in this thread for anyone who can't make it. + +Hope to see you on the call tomorrow! + +# Notes + +Thank you to everyone who was able to join the community call today! I've posted notes from the call below. You can also listen to a recording of the call [here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CJcfoTeS8KnMC1lbxl7R3FVv2eZT7UQ1/view?usp=sharing). + +Compound Developer Community Call Notes + +*Wednesday, December 23, 2020* + +Tarun Chitra - Update on Gauntlet's COMP vesting proposal *(starts at 1:30)* + +- Tarun provided an update on the COMP vesting proposal, which is currently in the final stages of development. The current implementation has a high level of complexity, so the Gauntlet team is working on a second, simpler implementation that will also need an audit. There will likely be a UX change on claiming COMP with this new implementation, so the Gauntlet team is looking for feedback on how the UX for COMP vesting should look on various platforms and applications. Feedback can be shared in the [#development](https://www.comp.xyz/c/development/7) channel of the Compound Discord (be sure to [@Tarun](https://www.comp.xyz/u/tarun)). The Gauntlet team will also be holding a code review session in early January once both implementations are done, so stay tuned for details on joining. Resources: [Presentation](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1KZGxbYTS1FhluyU7k0Rc1mLobf-3tmpexaLbUklhHLU/edit), [PR #71](https://github.com/compound-finance/compound-protocol/pull/71) + +Jared Flatow - Compound Chain Whitepaper Walkthrough *(starts at 12:12)* + +- Jared Flatow of Compound Labs provided an overview of Compound Chain, a stand-alone distributed ledger capable of transferring value & liquidity between peer ledgers. At a high level, each validator on Compound Chain is reading events from starports (smart contracts on integrated blockchains), and signing notices that go out to the various chains. The native unit of account, CASH, can be borrowed from the protocol after posting the required collateral. Right now the Compound Labs team is in the feedback phase, gathering ideas from the community on how to improve the core protocol. The team expects the first version of the testnet to be live in January, which will allow users to borrow and download CASH. On the next version of the testnet, users will be able to borrow other assets on Ethereum. The team is planning on getting security audits in February, at which point the community can decide if the protocol is safe enough to launch on mainnet. Resources: [Whitepaper](https://compound.cash/) + +Open Discussion *(starts at 33:40)* + +- During Open Discussion, Arr00 shared information about the launch of [Comp.vote](http://comp.vote/), a cheaper way to vote on Compound governance proposals. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/compound/calls/Compound Developer Community Call – Dec. 9, 16:30 GMT.md b/compound/calls/Compound Developer Community Call – Dec. 9, 16:30 GMT.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d199c10 --- /dev/null +++ b/compound/calls/Compound Developer Community Call – Dec. 9, 16:30 GMT.md @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +[![](https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/standard17/uploads/compoundcommunity/optimized/1X/f1d7c6c3002bd44ad7a09f6b106659ebd47316b8_2_624x351.jpeg)](https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/standard17/uploads/compoundcommunity/original/1X/f1d7c6c3002bd44ad7a09f6b106659ebd47316b8.jpeg) + +# Agenda + +On December 9, at 9:30am PT / 16:30 GMT, the Compound community will hold its next Developer Community Call. This will be an open discussion forum for individuals and organizations developing protocol improvement proposals or building applications and projects that integrate the protocol. + +Held in the Compound Discord 8, with options for screen-share, voice, or text-only participation +Wednesday 12/9 at 9:30am PT / 16:30 GMT, and bi-weekly after (Google Calendar Event 3) +Below is the high-level agenda for the upcoming call. Note that this call belongs to the community, and as a community member you are empowered to take this call in any direction you think best benefits the community. If you wish, you may help organize it, structure its agenda, lead it, etc. + +1. Welcome: Adam will provide a brief recap of the previous call. +2. Proposal/Project Discussions: The following community members have volunteered to discuss the proposals and projects they are working on or considering working on. + +Tarun Chitra - Update on Gauntlet’s COMP grant and vesting proposal +Wesley van Heije - Protocol development organization with Tokenlog +Dennison Bertram - Tally’s DeFi governance tool +McFly - 88pmh’s EMA oracle using cToken exchange rates +3. Open Forum: The community may ask questions of each other, request help/resources, introduce miscellaneous ideas, etc. + +If there are any other proposals, projects, or topics you’d like to add to the agenda, please post on this thread or in the Compound Discord. Everyone is welcome to participate and contribute. + +Lastly, the call will be audio-recorded; the recording and written notes will be shared in this thread for anyone who can’t make it. + +Hope to see you on the call tomorrow! + +# Notes + +Thank you to everyone who was able to join the community call today! I've posted notes from the call below. You can also listen to a recording of the call [here 4](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1g_5shFhY7LnwkdHmj1K9ZWZt4cC3gSt8/view?usp=sharing). + +Compound Developer Community Call Notes + +*Wednesday, December 9, 2020* + +Tarun Chitra - Update on Gauntlet's COMP grant/vesting proposal *(Starts at 2:31)* + +- Tarun shared an update on the COMP grant and vesting proposals, which have been separated into individual proposals per feedback from the community. The COMP grant proposal successfully [passed a governance vote](https://compound.finance/governance/proposals/30) on December 5th, and awarded Gauntlet with 1,000 COMP to cover the development and audit cost for these proposals. Gauntlet now plans to test the COMP vesting parameters on a testnet and host a line by line code walkthrough of the proposal sometime in the near future. Details for the code review will be posted in the community forum in the coming weeks. Please let Tarun know if you have any feedback on the vesting pull request, as well as the overall strategy for testing the changes. Resources: [Vesting and Grants PR](https://github.com/compound-finance/compound-protocol/pull/71), [Grants Only PR](https://github.com/compound-finance/compound-protocol/pull/79), [Grant Forum Post](https://www.comp.xyz/t/compound-contributor-grants/756/12), [Vesting Forum Post](https://www.comp.xyz/t/vesting-for-the-compound-protocol/252/22) + +Wesley van Heije - Protocol development pipeline with Tokenlog *(Starts at 7:45)* + +- Wesley discussed his project Tokenlog, which allows tokenholders to actively signal which development topics are important to them, rather than just voting on individual proposals in the governance voting process. Tokenlog connects to Github and your Ethereum wallet, so you can use your COMP to directly vote on issues and pull requests. Wesley is looking for community feedback on Tokenlog, so check out the [beta version of the project](https://tokenlog.xyz/compound-finance/compound-protocol) and the [slide deck](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1IQ9DhVcMlSYXLvhxS7JFuusIsQKLBY5IaWV4eqUVGNQ/edit#slide=id.p) and let him know your thoughts. + +Dennison Bertram - Tally's DeFi governance portal *(starts at 16:58)* + +- Dennison shared a preview of [Tally's DeFi governance portal](https://www.withtally.com/governance/compound), which allows users to participate in Compound governance and view insightful data on past proposals and top advocates. The team's overall goal is to add transparency to the governance process, and is exploring ways to verify community participants by their Ethereum address. Feel free to reach out to Dennison with any feedback on the governance portal or ideas for identity verification. + +Zefram Lou - 88pmh's EMA Oracle *(Starts at 26:20)* + +- Zefram Lou explained the inner workings of the EMA oracle that 88mph leverages for its fixed and floating rate interest calculations. The oracle uses the cToken exchange rate, rather than the supply rate per block, to estimate the interest rate since the exchange rate is less volatile than the supply rate and presents less of a risk of being manipulated. You can view the [addresses of the EMA oracle](https://88mph.app/docs/addresses/) in the 88mph documentation and use them in your project. + +Open Discussion *(Starts at 36:36)* + +- During the open discussion section, Dennison Bertram asked how Compound governance verifies identity, Praneeth brought up the topic of cCOMP voting, Guillame Palayer provided additional information on 88mph's EMA oracle, and Arr00 shared a screenshot of the new comp.vote page. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/compound/calls/Compound Developer Community Call – Jan. 13, 16:30 GMT.md b/compound/calls/Compound Developer Community Call – Jan. 13, 16:30 GMT.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f5d2b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/compound/calls/Compound Developer Community Call – Jan. 13, 16:30 GMT.md @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +[![](https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/standard17/uploads/compoundcommunity/optimized/1X/11be5a9f17f0452c97070ef263dbedfba1336857_2_624x351.jpeg)](https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/standard17/uploads/compoundcommunity/original/1X/11be5a9f17f0452c97070ef263dbedfba1336857.jpeg) + +# Agenda + +On January 13, at 9:30am PT / 16:30 GMT, the Compound community will hold its next Developer Community Call. This will be an open discussion forum for individuals and organizations developing protocol improvement proposals or building applications and projects that integrate the protocol. + +- Held in the [Compound Discord](https://compound.finance/discord), with options for screen-share, voice, or text-only participation +- Wednesday 1/13 at 9:30am PT / 16:30 GMT, and bi-weekly after ([Google Calendar Event](https://calendar.google.com/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=bnNoM2t1ZHB1MjRncGU3ZmQ2ZTdhNWFyMDhfMjAyMTAxMTNUMTczMDAwWiBjX2xtaDN1cHM0M3I5MnU1ODJwczYwZ202aW8wQGc&tmsrc=c_lmh3ups43r92u582ps60gm6io0%40group.calendar.google.com&scp=ALL)) + +Below is the high-level agenda for the upcoming call. Note that this call belongs to the community, and as a community member you are empowered to take this call in any direction you think best benefits the community. If you wish, you may help organize it, structure its agenda, lead it, etc. + +1\. Welcome: Adam will provide a brief recap of the previous call.\ +2\. Proposal/Project Discussions: The following community members have volunteered to discuss the proposals and projects they are working on or considering working on. + +- Arr00 - COMP.Vote and Governor Bravo +- Tarun - COMP vesting proposal code review + +3\. Open Forum: The community may ask questions of each other, request help/resources, introduce miscellaneous ideas, etc. + +If there are any other proposals, projects, or topics you'd like to add to the agenda, please post on this thread or in the Compound Discord. Everyone is welcome to participate and contribute. + +Lastly, the call will be audio-recorded; the recording and written notes will be shared in this thread for anyone who can't make it. + +Hope to see you on the call tomorrow! + +# Notes + diff --git a/compound/calls/Compound Developer Community Call – Nov. 11, 16:30 GMT.md b/compound/calls/Compound Developer Community Call – Nov. 11, 16:30 GMT.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..68028f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/compound/calls/Compound Developer Community Call – Nov. 11, 16:30 GMT.md @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +[![Developer Community Call Nov 11](https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/standard17/uploads/compoundcommunity/optimized/1X/b40beb0edc9daa7c0213a417b09335fc14df6bdf_2_690x388.jpeg) + +Developer Community Call Nov 11 + +# Agenda + +](https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/standard17/uploads/compoundcommunity/original/1X/b40beb0edc9daa7c0213a417b09335fc14df6bdf.jpeg "Developer Community Call Nov 11") + +On November 11, at 9:30am PT / 16:30 GMT, the Compound community will hold its next Developer Community Call. This will be an open discussion forum for individuals and organizations developing protocol improvement proposals or building applications and projects that integrate the protocol. + +- Held in the [Compound Discord 1](https://compound.finance/discord), with options for screen-share, voice, or text-only participation + +- Wednesday 11/11 at 9:30am PT / 16:30 GMT, and bi-weekly after ([Google Calendar Event 6](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/r/eventedit/copy/MGZsbTRob2s5dTFrazM5b2Q0bTNlbWpmNjVfMjAyMDExMTFUMTczMDAwWiBjX2xtaDN1cHM0M3I5MnU1ODJwczYwZ202aW8wQGc/bmlja0Bjb21wb3VuZC5maW5hbmNl?sf=true)) + +Below is the high-level agenda for the upcoming call. Note that this call belongs to the community, and as a community member you are empowered to take this call in any direction you think best benefits the community. If you wish, you may help organize it, structure its agenda, lead it, etc. + +1. Welcome: Adam will provide a brief recap of the previous call. + +2. Proposal/Project Discussions: The following community members have volunteered to discuss the proposals and projects they are working on or considering working on. + +- zenithlight - Interest rate controller project +- monet_supply - Potential MakerDAO<>Compound collaborations +- bhagwan - Collateral warning alerts for Compound borrowers +- Timur - Compound Governance Dashboard +- Tennis Bowling - Latest governance proposal +- tarun - Vesting proposal + - (If you are interested in speaking to the Compound community, contact nick@compound.finance and we will save you a spot too!) + +1. Open Forum: The community may ask questions of each other, request help/resources, introduce miscellaneous ideas, etc. + +*If there are any other proposals, projects, or topics you'd like to add to the agenda, please post on this thread or in the Compound Discord. Everyone is welcome to participate and contribute.* + +Lastly, the call will be audio-recorded; the recording and written notes will be shared in this thread for anyone who can't make it. + +Hope to see you tomorrow! + +# Notes + +Thank you to everyone who was able to join the community call yesterday! I've posted notes from the call below. You can also listen to a recording of the call [here 5](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1shrL4UpYlYc6FWVyBK6jX-hPSSyOragf/view). + +Compound Developer Community Call Notes\ +*Wednesday, November 11, 2020* + +Zenithlight - PID Interest Rate Controller *(starts at 2:50)* + +- Zenithlight shared an Interest Rate Controller project from the ETHOnline Hackathon, which would replace static interest rate models like JumpRateV2 with a PID (Proportional, Integral, Derivative) interest rate controller that targets a certain level of utilization in each market. The PID controller stabilizes the utilization of a market by changing the interest rate for borrowers over time, depending on how far above or below the utilization rate is from the target. +- The next steps for Zenithlight are to code the PID interest rate models in Solidity, and simulate agents interacting with the models on a testnet. If the simulations are successful, Zenithlight will create a governance proposal for the community to vote on. You can view the PID Interest Rate Controller project written in Python in the Google Colab notebook [here](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1ts1jfqNLZuossQ2T-mq7l6kXNkxUYlBS?usp=sharing), and reach out to Zenithlight with any feedback or ideas. + +Leighton - Credit Delegation *(starts at 13:27)* + +- Leighton brought up the idea of credit delegation, and whether it should be a part of the core protocol or an application built on top of the protocol. +- Leighton wants to see if anyone developers are working on this, so reach out to him if this is a feature that you are interested in building. + +Monet_supply - MakerDAO<>Compound collaborations *(starts at 15:49)* + +- Monet_supply discussed the possibility of Maker onboarding yield stablecoins, like cUSDC and cDAI, as collateral to mint DAI. This could help the Compound protocol address hypothetical liquidity crunches for DAI, as well as help Maker with any solvency concerns. +- You view the following resources to dig deeper into this topic and voice your opinions in the Maker governance forum. Resources: [cDAI collateral app 1](https://forum.makerdao.com/t/cdai-mip6-collateral-onboarding-application/3764), [cUSDC collateral app](https://forum.makerdao.com/t/cusdc-mip6-collateral-onboarding-application/4135), [cToken collateral research](https://forum.makerdao.com/t/research-ctokens-as-collateral/3979), [initial discussion](https://forum.makerdao.com/t/discussion-cdai-adai-ydai-collaterals-as-a-peg-enabler-tool/3470). + +Bhagwan - Collateral Warning Alerts *(starts at 22:44)* + +- Bhagwan discussed a push notification alert system for Compound borrowers, which would warn them when their collateral ratio is getting close to the liquidation threshold. Bhagwan has already built a gas price alert system called [gasduck](https://gasduck.finance/), which provided the inspiration for this new project. +- Bhagwan is currently polishing the code for the borrowing alert system and plans to post it in the [#development](https://www.comp.xyz/c/development/7) channel in the near future - so keep an eye out to review the code and provide feedback. + +Timur - Governance Tracking Dashboard *(starts at 25:20)* + +- Timur shared his Compound governance tracking dashboard called [Catflip](https://catflip.co/compound), which reads data from the Governor to show changes from historical governance proposals, as well as the current parameters on all contracts like the Comptroller, Timelock, and all cTokens. +- Timur is now thinking about adding information on delegates and interest rate models, so reach out to him with any feedback on what data to add next. + +TennisBowling - Latest Governance Proposal *(starts at 29:22)* + +- TennisBowling shared his project called Aggregate, which allows users to stake stablecoins in order to mint a new stablecoin (AGG). At any time, users can send back the Aggregate to redeem their underlying stablecoins. TennisBowling is considering using Compound as the default vault to store the collateral assets, and has the below questions for the community: + - Where should the interest go? To the devs as a "reward" or something? to the person redeeming the collateral? + - How would we be able to see how much interest has been gained in this way? + - If it goes to the devs, do you think that the users are up for paying a bit more gas to help us? + - Do you think it will have a significant gas impact? +- TennisBowling will post more information in the [#development](https://www.comp.xyz/c/development/7) channel as the project nears completion, and is open to general feedback/ideas from the community. + +Tarun - Vesting Proposal *(starts at 31:08)* + +- Tarun provided an [update 1](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1oGQwqsMPc2n6P0T1AXLnH1MXpORLZ7Jc0rXbF2M2L2w/edit#slide=id.g57c0ccfc27_1_0) on the upcoming COMP vesting proposal, which now includes the ability for governance to approve COMP grants to developers who have made meaningful contributions to the protocol. This proposal also reduces the size of the Comptroller contract, allowing more room for future upgrades. The code is complete and currently being audited ahead of a planned governance proposal next week. The vesting functionality will initially be implemented with no vesting period, to allow the community to vote specifically on the vesting period in a later proposal. +- Tarun is looking for the community to peer view the [pull request](https://github.com/compound-finance/compound-protocol/pull/71), and for the community's thoughts on the original [forum post](https://www.comp.xyz/t/vesting-for-the-compound-protocol/252/16). + +Getty - Asset Risk *(Starts at 38:35)* + +- Getty further explained his idea on an improved collateral factor system, that introduces a 'safety score' to more accurately assess asset risk. He makes the point that an asset with a 0% collateral factor still allows people to borrow the asset in large quantities, and thus creates a risk that it will be hard to liquidate. +- Getty is looking for feedback from the community, so consider reading his [blog post 1](https://medium.com/@gettyh/compound-finance-asset-risk-e4025487fcbb) and reaching out with any ideas. + +Zenithlight - Transferable Positions *(Starts at 44:45)* + +- Zenithlight introduced the idea of being able to transfer an entire supply and borrow position to another address, potentially with an associated price for the position. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/compound/calls/Compound Developer Community Call – Nov. 25, 16:30 GMT.md b/compound/calls/Compound Developer Community Call – Nov. 25, 16:30 GMT.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3de0dbe --- /dev/null +++ b/compound/calls/Compound Developer Community Call – Nov. 25, 16:30 GMT.md @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +[![CDCCl Nov 25](https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/standard17/uploads/compoundcommunity/optimized/1X/a9128e1980f0a2bb6fe28e2eb8926074052ae4ee_2_690x388.jpeg) + +](https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/standard17/uploads/compoundcommunity/original/1X/a9128e1980f0a2bb6fe28e2eb8926074052ae4ee.jpeg "CDCCl Nov 25") + +# Agenda + +On November 25, at 9:30am PT / 16:30 GMT, the Compound community will hold its next Developer Community Call. This will be an open discussion forum for individuals and organizations developing protocol improvement proposals or building applications and projects that integrate the protocol. + +- Held in the [Compound Discord 5](https://compound.finance/discord), with options for screen-share, voice, or text-only participation +- Wednesday 11/25 at 9:30am PT / 16:30 GMT, and bi-weekly after ([Google Calendar Event 5](https://calendar.google.com/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=MGZsbTRob2s5dTFrazM5b2Q0bTNlbWpmNjVfMjAyMDExMjVUMTczMDAwWiBjX2xtaDN1cHM0M3I5MnU1ODJwczYwZ202aW8wQGc&tmsrc=c_lmh3ups43r92u582ps60gm6io0%40group.calendar.google.com)) + +Below is the high-level agenda for the upcoming call. Note that this call belongs to the community, and as a community member you are empowered to take this call in any direction you think best benefits the community. If you wish, you may help organize it, structure its agenda, lead it, etc. + +1. Welcome: Adam will provide a brief recap of the previous call. + +2. Proposal/Project Discussions: The following community members have volunteered to discuss the proposals and projects they are working on or considering working on. + +- Tarun - Update on Gauntlet's COMP vesting proposal +- Corbpage - Potential Compound integration into MetaMask +- Eitan Katchka | B.Protocol - B.Protocol's Compound integration +- Guillame - 88mph's Compound Integration +- Prabhaav | SimpleID - Analytics dashboard for Compound users +- Allan | Yield - Yield Protocol roadmap for Compound + +1. Open Forum: The community may ask questions of each other, request help/resources, introduce miscellaneous ideas, etc. + +*If there are any other proposals, projects, or topics you'd like to add to the agenda, please post on this thread or in the Compound Discord. Everyone is welcome to participate and contribute.* + +Lastly, the call will be audio-recorded; the recording and written notes will be shared in this thread for anyone who can't make it. + +Hope to see you on the call tomorrow! + +# Notes + +Thank you to everyone who was able to join the community call today! I've posted notes from the call below. You can also listen to a recording of the call [here 5](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A_MbJqKhS2iKP1EOgBKaBswZ2Pdz2QKN/view?usp=sharing). + +Compound Developer Community Call Notes + +*Wednesday, November 25, 2020* + +Tarun - Update on Gauntlet's COMP vesting proposal *(starts at 2:45)* + +- Tarun shared an update on the [COMP vesting pull request 5](https://github.com/compound-finance/compound-protocol/pull/71), which is currently under audit. The final audit report should be completed sometime next week, at which point Gauntlet will gather community feedback ahead of a formal governance proposal. The COMP vesting will initially be submitted with a length of 1 block, with the ability of governance to set a longer parameter in the future. This proposal also includes the ability for a COMP streaming grant, distributing COMP from the reservoir to an address over a specific time period. +- Once the audit is complete, Tarun is looking for the community to test different COMP vesting and COMP grant parameters in a testnet. + +Corbin Page - Potential Compound integration into MetaMask *(starts at 5:17)* + +- Corbin discussed the possibility of [MetaMask](https://metamask.io/) integrating lending protocols like Compound to offer users a "save" button to earn interest, similar to the "swap" feature that they recently rolled out. Corbin also brought up the fact that there are financial institutions who are interested in supplying lots of capital into DeFi, but unsure of smart contract risk and would prefer a risk adjusted return. +- Corbin is looking for community feedback on how Consensys could monetize this integration, as well as how to best determine the "proof of loss" in the event of an exploit. + +Eitan Katchka | B.Protocol - B.Protocol's Compound integration *(Starts at 25:45)* + +- Eitan and Yaron shared details of B.Protocol, a liquidation backstop mechanism that aims to make liquidations more secure. The protocol incentivizes liquidators to share their proceeds with Compound users, in exchange for certainty in the liquidator selection process. +- Eitan and Yaron are looking for community feedback on how to best distribute rewards to Compound users based on protocol usage, as well as thoughts on adding cTokens like cUSDC as collateral. You can read their [post on comp.xyz](https://www.comp.xyz/t/introducing-b-protocol-integration-tomorrow-at-compounds-dev-community-call/619) for further context, and read a [Medium post](https://medium.com/b-protocol/how-kyber-uses-b-protocol-and-fpr-as-a-professional-defi-backstop-8d54573c4296) from one of the liquidators using the protocol. + +Zefram - 88mph's Compound Integration *(Starts at 40:17)* + +- Zefram shared information about the launch of [88mph](https://88mph.app/deposits), which is a fixed rate lending protocol built on top of top floating rate protocols like Compound, Aave, and Yearn.finance. 88mph users are able to either lock in a fixed rate on their deposits or purchase floating rate bonds - all while earning additional MPH rewards. +- The 88mph team also built an on-chain oracle that tracks the exponential moving average of interest rates on Compound, Aave, and Yearn.finance. The [code for the interest rate oracles 1](https://github.com/88mphapp/88mph-contracts/blob/master/contracts/models/interest-oracle/EMAOracle.sol) is open source, and developers are encouraged to integrate it into their applications. + +Prabhaav | SimpleID - Analytics dashboard for Compound users *(Starts at 46:26)* + +- Prabhaav shared a demo of [SimpleID](https://www.simpleid.xyz/), an analytics platform for on-chain data from smart contracts like cDAI, cUSDC, Comptroller, etc. Users can create a custom segment of wallets interacting with these smart contracts, and then set up webhooks to push information to a Discord or Twitter bot. +- Prabhaav is looking for feedback on which types of data and analytics the Compound community would find interesting, so feel free to message him with your ideas. + +Allan | Yield - Yield Protocol roadmap for Compound *(Starts at 54:24)* + +- Allan discussed [Yield Protocol](https://yield.is/), a fixed rate lending protocol for DAI that has its own market dynamics, rather than being built on top of other lending protocols. +- Allan is looking for community feedback on which assets to support in the next phase of the protocol, and is considering integrating Compound for settlement or supporting cTokens as collateral. + +Praneeth - cCOMP Voting *(Starts at 58:02)* + +- Praneeth brought up the topic of cCOMP holders being able to participate in Compound governance, similar to how [UNI held in Compound can participate in Uniswap governance 1](https://compound.finance/governance/proposals/29) through the community multi-sig. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/compound/calls/First Compound Developer Community Call – Oct. 28, 16:30 GMT.md b/compound/calls/First Compound Developer Community Call – Oct. 28, 16:30 GMT.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ec57e4e --- /dev/null +++ b/compound/calls/First Compound Developer Community Call – Oct. 28, 16:30 GMT.md @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +[![https___bucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com_public_images_199fb58c-404d-4831-9486-36fd8ef1fb53_1600x900 (1)](https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/standard17/uploads/compoundcommunity/optimized/1X/a1fa3985b774c1259e4854671c12a1e9e574871e_2_690x388.jpeg) + +https___bucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com_public_images_199fb58c-404d-4831-9486-36fd8ef1fb53_1600x900 (1)1456×819 272 KB + +](https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/standard17/uploads/compoundcommunity/original/1X/a1fa3985b774c1259e4854671c12a1e9e574871e.jpeg "https___bucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com_public_images_199fb58c-404d-4831-9486-36fd8ef1fb53_1600x900 (1)") + +* * * * * + +# Agenda + +On October 28, at 9:30am PT / 16:30 GMT, the Compound community will hold its first ever Developer Community Call. This will be an open discussion forum for individuals and organizations developing protocol improvement proposals or building applications and projects that integrate the protocol. + +- Held in the [Compound Discord 7](https://compound.finance/discord), with options for screen-share, voice, or text-only participation + +- Every other Wednesday at 9:30am PT / 16:30 GMT, starting 10/28 ([Google Calendar Event 11](https://calendar.google.com/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=MGZsbTRob2s5dTFrazM5b2Q0bTNlbWpmNjVfMjAyMDEwMjhUMTYzMDAwWiBjX2xtaDN1cHM0M3I5MnU1ODJwczYwZ202aW8wQGc&tmsrc=c_lmh3ups43r92u582ps60gm6io0%40group.calendar.google.com&scp=ALL)) + +Below is the high-level agenda for the first call. Note that this call belongs to the community, and as a community member you are empowered to take this call in any direction you think best benefits the community. If you wish, you may help organize it, structure its agenda, lead it, etc. + +1. Welcome: Adam will set context and explain some logistics for the call. + +2. Proposal/Project Discussions: The following community members have volunteered to discuss the proposals and projects they are working on or considering working on. + +- 0age +- 0xRedan +- Gauntlet Network +- Fragosti +- TennisBowling / arr00 +- Thrilok + +1. Suggested Discussion Topics: The following topics have been suggested as important to discuss by community members. + +- Grants (Leighton) +- Credit Delegation (Leighton) +- Collateral Factor Upgrades (Getty) + +1. Open Forum: The community may ask questions of each other, request help/resources, introduce miscellaneous ideas, etc. + +*If there are any other proposals, projects, or topics you'd like to add to the agenda, please post on this thread or in the Compound Discord. Everyone is welcome to participate and contribute.* + +Lastly, the call will be audio-recorded; the recording and written notes will be shared in this thread for anyone who can't make it. + +Hope to see you tomorrow! + +# Notes + +Thank you to everyone who was able to join the community call this morning! I've posted notes from the call below. You can also listen to a recording of the call [here 6](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A7HyLgH7afwTy8aTvdntFyiAJXv7PvkY/view?usp=sharing). + +Compound Developer Community Call Notes\ +*Wednesday, October 28, 2020* + +Opening (Adam Bavosa) + +- Adam shared the goals of the call, which are to raise community awareness around what developers are working on (both on protocol improvements and application development) as well as coordinate a roadmap for what to work on next or in the near future. + +cChannels (0xRedan) + +- 0xRedan discussed a Layer 2 solution on top of Compound that he built at the HackMoney hackathon. The goal of the project is to optimize L2 before it arrives and incentivize people to use L2 once it is launched. The project is a payment channel that locks funds into Compound by default when they migrate to L2, so users can automatically earn interest while the L2 solution is open. +- The name of the project is cChannels, which you can check out on [GitHub 2](https://github.com/anader123/compound-channels). + +Gauntlet (Tarun and John) + +- Tarun and John described their pull request that would add vesting to the Comptroller contract. The vesting functionality is meant to be somewhat generic and could be used to disincentivize recycled borrowing as well as issue payments/grants to developers. While building, they found that the Comptroller is close to its max size limit, so they are working with Jared to remove a lot of code from the contract to make room for new functionality like vesting. +- The long term solution would be to refactor the entire Comptroller to make it easier for future upgrades. They are working with Quantstamp to audit the vesting changes, as well as looking at splitting up the Comptroller contract so the size limit of the contract isn't an issue moving forward. +- Gauntlet is looking for feedback on vesting and the Comptroller reductions, which you can view on [Github 4](https://github.com/compound-finance/compound-protocol/pull/71). + +Split (Francesco and James) + +- Francesco and James showed a demo of their ETHOnline Hackathon project called Split, which deconstructs cTokens into its component parts - a capital component and a yield component (example: cETH into ccETH and ycETH). Splitting tokens enables new market-neutral yield assets, creates unique income flow opportunities, and provides levered directional trades. Split doesn't currently account for COMP, but the next step for the team is adding a governance component. +- Check out [Split.finance 6](https://split.finance/split) to try it out the application and let the team know if you have any feedback. + +Comp.vote (TennisBowling and Arr00) + +- TennisBowling and Arr00 are working on gasless voting and delegating using signatures on [Comp.vote 5](http://comp.vote/). The UI is still being worked on so feel free to [submit a PR 3](https://github.com/TennisBowling/comp.vote). You can also reach out to Ar00 on Discord if you are interested in using the publicly exposed comp.vote API. + +Flashbank (Thrilok and Vaibhav) + +- Thrilok and Vaibhav worked on Flashbank in the ETHOnline hackathon, which aims to bring flash loans to Compound. They are planning to start with cDAI rather than change the Comptroller contract, since the cDAI contract is upgradable and other contracts like cUSDC are not. The team is looking for advice on whether to charge fees, as well as help with the draft governance proposal. +- View the [Flash Bank website 2](https://suspicious-jepsen-42efa0.netlify.app/) or [this video 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQoPnqTr8Zc&feature=youtu.be) to learn more about the project, and reach out to the team if you're interested in helping them submit a governance proposal. + +Governor Beta (0age) + +- 0age works with Dharma and is thinking about a better Governor contract (Governor Beta). The Governor Beta would include a proposal delay, the ability for the proposer to cancel a proposal in process, upgradable governance parameters that won't break connected interfaces, and a new way to configure voting of cCOMP that doesn't rely on voting as a pool. The end goal would be an improved governance system that could benefit both Compound and Uniswap. +- 0age is looking for community feedback on Governor beta, so reach out to him on Discord with any ideas. + +Asset Risk (Getty Hill) + +- Getty wrote a blog post on updating the collateral factor mechanism for each asset and is thinking more broadly about better ways to assess asset risk. Markets could be more efficient +- Check out Getty's [blog post 4](https://medium.com/@gettyh/compound-finance-asset-risk-e4025487fcbb) on asset risk and reach out to him with any feedback or ideas. \ No newline at end of file