import { computed, watchEffect, ref, watch } from "@nuxtjs/composition-api"; import MainnetSVG from "~/assets/icons/mainnet.svg?inline"; import PolygonSVG from "~/assets/icons/polygon.svg?inline"; import ArbitrumSVG from "~/assets/icons/arbitrum.svg?inline"; import AvalancheSVG from "~/assets/icons/avalanche.svg?inline"; import { useModal } from "./useModal"; import { useNotification } from "./useNotification"; import { useWeb3 } from "@instadapp/vue-web3"; import { useCookies } from "./useCookies"; export enum Network { Mainnet = "mainnet", Polygon = "polygon", Arbitrum = "arbitrum", Avalanche = "avalanche" } export const networks = [ { id: "mainnet", chainId: 1, name: "Mainnet", icon: MainnetSVG }, { id: "polygon", chainId: 137, name: "Polygon", icon: PolygonSVG }, { id: "arbitrum", chainId: 42161, name: "Arbitrum", icon: ArbitrumSVG }, { id: "avalanche", chainId: 43114, name: "Avalanche", icon: AvalancheSVG }, ]; export const activeNetworkId = ref(); export const activeNetwork = computed( () => networks.find(n => === activeNetworkId.value) || networks[0] ); export function useNetwork() { const { showWarning } = useNotification(); const { account, chainId } = useWeb3(); const { showNetworksMismatchDialog } = useModal(); const { get: getCookie, set: setCookie } = useCookies(); const networkMismatch = computed( () => chainId.value != activeNetwork.value?.chainId ); const checkForNetworkMismatch = () => { if (networkMismatch.value) { showNetworksMismatchDialog(); } }; async function switchToMainnet() { if (window.ethereum) { const chainData = { chainId: "0x1" }; try { await window.ethereum.request({ method: "wallet_switchEthereumChain", params: [chainData] }); } catch (error) { return Promise.reject(error); } } } async function switchToPolygon() { if (window.ethereum) { const chainId = "0x89"; try { await window.ethereum.request({ method: "wallet_switchEthereumChain", params: [{ chainId }] }); } catch (switchError) { // 4902 error code indicates that the chain has not been added to MetaMask. if (switchError.code === 4902) { try { const chainData = { chainId, chainName: "Matic(Polygon) Mainnet", nativeCurrency: { name: "Matic", symbol: "MATIC", decimals: 18 }, rpcUrls: [""], blockExplorerUrls: [""] }; await window.ethereum.request({ method: "wallet_addEthereumChain", params: [chainData, account.value] }); } catch (addError) { return Promise.reject(addError); } } else { return Promise.reject(switchError); } } } } async function switchToArbitrum() { if (window.ethereum) { const chainId = "0xa4b1"; try { await window.ethereum.request({ method: "wallet_switchEthereumChain", params: [{ chainId }] }); } catch (switchError) { // 4902 error code indicates that the chain has not been added to MetaMask. if (switchError.code === 4902) { try { const chainData = { chainId, chainName: 'Arbitrum One', nativeCurrency: { name: 'Ethereum', symbol: 'ETH', decimals: 18, }, rpcUrls: [''], blockExplorerUrls: [''], }; await window.ethereum.request({ method: "wallet_addEthereumChain", params: [chainData, account.value] }); } catch (addError) { return Promise.reject(addError); } } else { return Promise.reject(switchError); } } } } async function switchToAvalanche() { if (window.ethereum) { const chainId = '0xa86a' try { await window.ethereum.request({ method: 'wallet_switchEthereumChain', params: [{ chainId }], }) } catch (switchError) { // 4902 error code indicates that the chain has not been added to MetaMask. if (switchError.code === 4902) { try { const chainData = { chainId, chainName: 'Avalanche Network', nativeCurrency: { name: 'Avalanche', symbol: 'AVAX', decimals: 18, }, rpcUrls: [''], blockExplorerUrls: [''], } await window.ethereum.request({ method: 'wallet_addEthereumChain', params: [chainData, account.value], }) } catch (addError) { return Promise.reject(addError) } } else { return Promise.reject(switchError) } } } } async function switchNetwork() { try { if (activeNetworkId.value === "mainnet") { await switchToMainnet(); } else if (activeNetworkId.value === "arbitrum") { await switchToArbitrum(); } else if (activeNetworkId.value === "avalanche") { await switchToAvalanche(); } else { await switchToPolygon(); } return Promise.resolve(); } catch (error) { showWarning("Failed to switch network"); return Promise.reject(error); } } watch(activeNetworkId, () => { setCookie("network", activeNetworkId.value); }); watchEffect(() => { if (activeNetworkId.value) { return; } const savedNetwork = getCookie("network"); if ((Object.values(Network) as any[]).includes(savedNetwork)) { activeNetworkId.value = savedNetwork as Network; } else { activeNetworkId.value = Network.Mainnet; } // refreshWeb3() }); return { networkMismatch, networks, activeNetworkId, activeNetwork, switchNetwork, checkForNetworkMismatch }; }