import BigNumber from "bignumber.js"; import { defineStrategy, defineStrategyComponent, StrategyComponentType, StrategyProtocol } from "../../helpers"; export default defineStrategy({ protocol: StrategyProtocol.AAVE_V2, name: "Deposit & Borrow", description: "Deposit collateral & borrow asset in a single txn.", details: `

This strategy executes:

`, submitText: "Deposit & Borrow", author: "Instadapp Team", variables: { collateralTokenKey: "eth", debtTokenKey: "dai", debtRateMode: 2 }, components: [ defineStrategyComponent({ type: StrategyComponentType.INPUT_WITH_TOKEN, name: "Collateral", placeholder: ({ component: input }) => input.token ? `${input.token.symbol} to Deposit` : "", validate: ({ component: input, dsaBalances, toBN }) => { if (!input.token) { return "Collateral token is required"; } if (!input.value) { return "Collateral amount is required"; } const collateralBalance = toBN( dsaBalances[input.token.address]?.balance ); if (toBN(collateralBalance).lt(input.value)) { const collateralBalanceFormatted = collateralBalance.toFixed(2); return `Your amount exceeds your maximum limit of ${collateralBalanceFormatted} ${input.token.symbol}`; } }, defaults: ({ getTokenByKey, variables }) => ({ token: getTokenByKey?.(variables.collateralTokenKey) }) }), defineStrategyComponent({ type: StrategyComponentType.INPUT_WITH_TOKEN, name: "Debt", placeholder: ({ component: input }) => input.token ? `${input.token.symbol} to Borrow` : "", validate: ({ component: input }) => { if (!input.token) { return "Debt token is required"; } if (!input.value) { return "Debt amount is required"; } }, defaults: ({ getTokenByKey, variables }) => ({ token: getTokenByKey?.(variables.debtTokenKey) }) }), defineStrategyComponent({ type: StrategyComponentType.HEADING, name: "Projected Debt Position" }), defineStrategyComponent({ type: StrategyComponentType.STATUS, name: "Status", update: ({ position, component, components, toBN }) => { if ( toBN(components[0].value).isZero() && toBN(components[1].value).isZero() ) { return; } if (!position) { return; } const newPositionData = changedPositionData(position, components); const stats = calculateStats(newPositionData); component.liquidation = BigNumber.max( toBN(stats.totalMaxBorrowLimitInEth).div(stats.totalSupplyInEth), "0" ).toFixed(); component.status = BigNumber.max( toBN(stats.totalBorrowInEth).div(stats.totalSupplyInEth), "0" ).toFixed(); } }), defineStrategyComponent({ type: StrategyComponentType.VALUE, name: "LIQUIDATION PRICE (IN ETH)", value: "-", update: ({ position, component, components, toBN, formatting }) => { if (!position) { return; } const newPositionData = changedPositionData(position, components); const initialStats = calculateStats(; const newStats = calculateStats(newPositionData); const stats = toBN(components[0].value).isZero() && toBN(components[1].value).isZero() ? initialStats : newStats; let liquidationPrice = "0"; if (!toBN(stats.ethSupplied).isZero()) { liquidationPrice = BigNumber.max( toBN(stats.totalBorrowInEth) .div(stats.totalMaxLiquidationLimitInEth) .times(position.ethPriceInUsd), "0" ).toFixed(); } component.value = `${formatting.formatUsdMax( liquidationPrice, position.ethPriceInUsd )} / ${formatting.formatUsd(position.ethPriceInUsd)}`; } }) ], validate: async ({ position, components: inputs, toBN }) => { if (toBN(inputs[0].value).isZero() && toBN(inputs[1].value).isZero()) { return; } const newPositionData = changedPositionData(position, inputs); const stats = calculateStats(newPositionData); let liquidation = "0"; if (!toBN(stats.totalSupplyInEth).isZero()) { liquidation = BigNumber.max( toBN(stats.totalMaxBorrowLimitInEth).div(stats.totalSupplyInEth), "0" ).toFixed(); } const status = BigNumber.max( toBN(stats.totalBorrowInEth).div(stats.totalSupplyInEth), "0" ); if ("0.0001"))) { return "Position will liquidate."; } }, spells: async ({ components: inputs, convertTokenAmountToWei, variables }) => { return [ { connector: "aave_v2", method: "deposit", args: [ inputs[0].token.address, convertTokenAmountToWei(inputs[0].value, inputs[0].token.decimals), 0, 0 ] }, { connector: "aave_v2", method: "borrow", args: [ inputs[1].token.address, convertTokenAmountToWei(inputs[1].value, inputs[1].token.decimals), variables.debtRateMode, 0, 0 ] } ]; } }); const changedPositionData = (position, inputs) => { return => { const changedPosition = { ...position }; if (inputs[1].token.key === position.key) { changedPosition.borrow = BigNumber.max( new BigNumber(position.borrow).plus(inputs[1].value || "0"), "0" ).toFixed(); } if (inputs[0].token.key === position.key) { = BigNumber.max( new BigNumber([0].value || "0"), "0" ).toFixed(); } return changedPosition; }); }; const calculateStats = positionData => { return positionData.reduce( ( stats, { key, supply, borrow, borrowStable, priceInEth, factor, liquidation } ) => { if (key === "eth") { stats.ethSupplied = supply; } const borrowTotal = new BigNumber(borrow).plus(borrowStable); stats.totalSupplyInEth = new BigNumber(supply) .times(priceInEth) .plus(stats.totalSupplyInEth) .toFixed(); stats.totalBorrowInEth = new BigNumber(borrowTotal) .times(priceInEth) .plus(stats.totalBorrowInEth) .toFixed(); stats.totalMaxBorrowLimitInEth = new BigNumber(priceInEth) .times(factor) .times(supply) .plus(stats.totalMaxBorrowLimitInEth) .toFixed(); stats.totalMaxLiquidationLimitInEth = new BigNumber(priceInEth) .times(liquidation) .times(supply) .plus(stats.totalMaxLiquidationLimitInEth) .toFixed(); return stats; }, { totalSupplyInEth: "0", totalBorrowInEth: "0", totalMaxBorrowLimitInEth: "0", totalMaxLiquidationLimitInEth: "0" } ); };