2021-08-21 11:20:16 +00:00
< template >
< SidebarContextRootContainer >
< template # title > Open Trove < / template >
< SidebarSectionValueWithIcon label = "Collateral Balance" center >
< template # icon
> < IconCurrency
: currency = "collateralToken.key"
class = "w-16 h-16"
/ > < / t e m p l a t e >
< template # value
> { { formatNumber ( balance ) } } { { collateralToken . symbol } } < / t e m p l a t e
< / SidebarSectionValueWithIcon >
< div class = "bg-[#C5CCE1] bg-opacity-[0.15] mt-10 p-8" >
< input -amount
v - model = "collateralAmount"
: token - key = "collateralToken.key"
: disabled = "pending"
class = "mt-4"
placeholder = "Collateral amount"
: error = "errors.collateralAmount.message"
/ >
< input -amount
v - model = "debtAmount"
: token - key = "debtToken.key"
: disabled = "pending"
class = "mt-4"
placeholder = "Borrow amount"
: error = "errors.debtAmount.message"
/ >
< ValueDisplay
label = "Liquidation Reserve"
tooltip = "An amount set aside to cover the liquidator’ s gas costs if your Trove needs to be liquidated. The amount increases your debt and is refunded if you close your Trove by fully paying off its net debt."
class = "mt-4"
{ { liquidationReserve } } LUSD
< / ValueDisplay >
< ValueDisplay
label = "Borrow Fee"
tooltip = "This amount is deducted from the borrowed amount as a one-time fee. There are no recurring fees for borrowing, which is thus interest-free."
class = "mt-4"
< div class = "flex items-center" >
< div >
{ { formatDecimal ( borrowFeeAmount , 2 ) } } { { debtToken . symbol } }
< / div >
< div class = "ml-1 text-sm" > ( { { formatPercent ( borrowFee ) } } ) < / div >
< / div >
< / ValueDisplay >
< ValueDisplay
label = "Total debt"
tooltip = "The total amount of LUSD your Trove will hold."
class = "mt-4"
< div > { { formatDecimal ( totalDebt , 2 ) } } { { debtToken . symbol } } < / div >
< / ValueDisplay >
< SidebarContextHeading class = "mt-5" >
Projected Debt Position
< / SidebarContextHeading >
< SidebarSectionStatus
class = "mt-8"
: liquidation = "liquidation"
: status = "status"
/ >
< SidebarSectionValueWithIcon class = "mt-8" label = "Liquidation Price (ETH)" >
< template # value >
{ { formatUsdMax ( liquidationPrice , liquidationMaxPrice ) } }
< span class = "text-primary-gray"
> / { { f o r m a t U s d ( l i q u i d a t i o n M a x P r i c e ) } } < / s p a n
< / template >
< / SidebarSectionValueWithIcon >
< div class = "flex flex-shrink-0 mt-10" >
< ButtonCTA
class = "w-full"
: disabled = "!isValid || pending"
: loading = "pending"
@ click = "cast"
Open Trove
< / ButtonCTA >
< / div >
< ValidationErrors :error-messages ="errorMessages" class = "mt-6" / >
< / div >
< / SidebarContextRootContainer >
< / template >
< script >
import { computed , defineComponent , ref } from '@nuxtjs/composition-api'
import InputNumeric from '~/components/common/input/InputNumeric.vue'
import { useBalances } from '~/composables/useBalances'
import { useNotification } from '~/composables/useNotification'
import { useBigNumber } from '~/composables/useBigNumber'
import { useFormatting } from '~/composables/useFormatting'
import { useValidators } from '~/composables/useValidators'
import { useValidation } from '~/composables/useValidation'
import { useToken } from '~/composables/useToken'
import { useParsing } from '~/composables/useParsing'
import { useMaxAmountActive } from '~/composables/useMaxAmountActive'
import { useWeb3 } from '~/composables/useWeb3'
import atokens from '~/constant/atokens'
import ToggleButton from '~/components/common/input/ToggleButton.vue'
import { useDSA } from '~/composables/useDSA'
import ButtonCTA from '~/components/common/input/ButtonCTA.vue'
import Button from '~/components/Button.vue'
import { useSidebar } from '~/composables/useSidebar'
import { useLiquityPosition } from '~/composables/protocols/useLiquityPosition'
import InputAmount from '~/components/common/input/InputAmount.vue'
import ValueDisplay from '../components/ValueDisplay.vue'
export default defineComponent ( {
components : { InputNumeric , ToggleButton , ButtonCTA , Button , InputAmount , ValueDisplay } ,
setup ( ) {
const { account } = useWeb3 ( )
const { close } = useSidebar ( )
const { formatPercent , formatNumber , formatDecimal , formatUsdMax , formatUsd } = useFormatting ( )
const { plus , times , isZero } = useBigNumber ( )
const { parseSafeFloat } = useParsing ( )
2021-08-23 19:57:11 +00:00
const { getBalanceByKey , fetchBalances } = useBalances ( )
2021-08-21 11:20:16 +00:00
const { valInt } = useToken ( )
2021-08-23 19:57:11 +00:00
const { showPendingTransaction , showConfirmedTransaction , showWarning } = useNotification ( )
2021-08-21 11:20:16 +00:00
const { dsa } = useDSA ( )
const {
collateralToken ,
debtToken ,
liquidation ,
liquidationReserve ,
liquidationMaxPrice ,
borrowFee ,
maxFeePercentageInWei ,
getTrovePositionHints ,
2021-08-23 19:57:11 +00:00
fetchPosition ,
2021-08-21 11:20:16 +00:00
} = useLiquityPosition ( )
const collateralAmount = ref ( '' )
const debtAmount = ref ( '' )
const balance = computed ( ( ) => getBalanceByKey ( collateralToken . value . key ) )
const collateralAmountParsed = computed ( ( ) => parseSafeFloat ( collateralAmount . value ) )
const debtAmountParsed = computed ( ( ) => parseSafeFloat ( debtAmount . value ) )
const borrowFeeAmount = computed ( ( ) => times ( debtAmountParsed . value , borrowFee . value ) . toFixed ( ) )
const totalDebt = computed ( ( ) => {
if ( isZero ( debtAmountParsed . value ) ) return '0'
return plus ( plus ( debtAmountParsed . value , borrowFeeAmount . value ) , liquidationReserve . value ) . toFixed ( )
} )
const { liquidationPrice , status } = useLiquityPosition ( collateralAmountParsed , totalDebt )
const { validateAmount , validateLiquidation , validateIsLoggedIn , validateLiquityDebt } = useValidators ( )
const errors = computed ( ( ) => {
const hasCollateralAmountValue = ! isZero ( collateralAmount . value )
const hasDebtAmountValue = ! isZero ( debtAmount . value )
return {
collateralAmount : {
message : validateAmount ( collateralAmountParsed . value , balance . value ) ,
show : hasCollateralAmountValue ,
} ,
debtAmount : { message : validateAmount ( debtAmountParsed . value ) , show : hasDebtAmountValue } ,
minDebt : { message : validateLiquityDebt ( totalDebt . value , undefined , '0' ) , show : hasDebtAmountValue } ,
liquidation : {
message : validateLiquidation ( status . value , liquidation . value ) ,
show : hasCollateralAmountValue && hasDebtAmountValue ,
} ,
auth : { message : validateIsLoggedIn ( ! ! account . value ) , show : true } ,
} )
const { errorMessages , isValid } = useValidation ( errors )
const pending = ref ( false )
async function cast ( ) {
pending . value = true
try {
const depositAmountInWei = valInt ( collateralAmountParsed . value , collateralToken . value . decimals )
const borrowAmountInWei = valInt ( debtAmountParsed . value , debtToken . value . decimals )
const totalBorrowAmountInWei = valInt ( totalDebt . value , debtToken . value . decimals )
const { upperHint , lowerHint } = await getTrovePositionHints ( depositAmountInWei , totalBorrowAmountInWei )
const spells = dsa . value . Spell ( )
const getIds = [ 0 , 0 ]
const setIds = [ 0 , 0 ]
spells . add ( {
connector : 'LIQUITY-A' ,
method : 'open' ,
args : [
depositAmountInWei ,
maxFeePercentageInWei . value ,
borrowAmountInWei ,
upperHint ,
lowerHint ,
getIds ,
setIds ,
] ,
} )
const txHash = await dsa . value . cast ( {
spells ,
from : account . value ,
2021-08-23 19:57:11 +00:00
onReceipt : async receipt => {
showConfirmedTransaction ( receipt . transactionHash ) ;
await fetchBalances ( true ) ;
await fetchPosition ( ) ;
2021-08-21 11:20:16 +00:00
} )
showPendingTransaction ( txHash )
} catch ( error ) {
console . log ( error )
showWarning ( error . message )
pending . value = false
close ( )
return {
formatPercent , formatNumber , formatDecimal , formatUsdMax , formatUsd ,
balance ,
liquidationPrice ,
liquidationMaxPrice ,
status ,
liquidation ,
totalDebt ,
liquidationReserve ,
collateralToken ,
debtToken ,
borrowFee ,
borrowFeeAmount ,
collateralAmount ,
debtAmount ,
errors ,
errorMessages ,
isValid ,
pending ,
cast ,
} ,
} )
< / script >