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synced 2024-07-29 21:47:30 +00:00
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import {makeSuite, TestEnv} from './helpers/make-suite';
import {ProtocolErrors, RateMode} from '../helpers/types';
import {APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL, oneEther} from '../helpers/constants';
import {convertToCurrencyDecimals, getMockFlashLoanReceiver} from '../helpers/contracts-helpers';
import {parseEther, parseUnits} from 'ethers/lib/utils';
import {BigNumber} from 'bignumber.js';
import {MockFlashLoanReceiver} from '../types/MockFlashLoanReceiver';
const {expect} = require('chai');
makeSuite('Pausable Pool', (testEnv: TestEnv) => {
let _mockFlashLoanReceiver = {} as MockFlashLoanReceiver;
const {
} = ProtocolErrors;
before(async () => {
_mockFlashLoanReceiver = await getMockFlashLoanReceiver();
it('User 0 deposits 1000 DAI. Configurator pauses pool. Transfers to user 1 reverts. Configurator unpauses the network and next transfer succees', async () => {
const {users, pool, dai, aDai, configurator} = testEnv;
const amountDAItoDeposit = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(dai.address, '1000');
await dai.connect(users[0].signer).mint(amountDAItoDeposit);
// user 0 deposits 1000 DAI
await dai.connect(users[0].signer).approve(pool.address, APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL);
await pool
.deposit(dai.address, amountDAItoDeposit, users[0].address, '0');
const user0Balance = await aDai.balanceOf(users[0].address);
const user1Balance = await aDai.balanceOf(users[1].address);
// Configurator pauses the pool
await configurator.pausePool();
// User 0 tries the transfer to User 1
await expect(
aDai.connect(users[0].signer).transfer(users[1].address, amountDAItoDeposit)
const pausedFromBalance = await aDai.balanceOf(users[0].address);
const pausedToBalance = await aDai.balanceOf(users[1].address);
// Configurator unpauses the pool
await configurator.unpausePool();
// User 0 succeeds transfer to User 1
await aDai.connect(users[0].signer).transfer(users[1].address, amountDAItoDeposit);
const fromBalance = await aDai.balanceOf(users[0].address);
const toBalance = await aDai.balanceOf(users[1].address);
it('User 0 deposits 1000 DAI but reverts due pool is paused', async () => {
const {users, pool, dai, aDai, configurator} = testEnv;
const amountDAItoDeposit = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(dai.address, '1000');
await dai.connect(users[0].signer).mint(amountDAItoDeposit);
// user 0 deposits 1000 DAI
await dai.connect(users[0].signer).approve(pool.address, APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL);
// Configurator pauses the pool
await configurator.pausePool();
await expect(
pool.connect(users[0].signer).deposit(dai.address, amountDAItoDeposit, users[0].address, '0')
// Configurator unpauses the pool
await configurator.unpausePool();
it('User 0 burns 1000 aDAI but reverts due pool is paused', async () => {
const {users, pool, dai, aDai, configurator} = testEnv;
const amountDAItoDeposit = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(dai.address, '1000');
await dai.connect(users[0].signer).mint(amountDAItoDeposit);
// user 0 deposits 1000 DAI
await dai.connect(users[0].signer).approve(pool.address, APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL);
await pool
.deposit(dai.address, amountDAItoDeposit, users[0].address, '0');
// Configurator pauses the pool
await configurator.pausePool();
// user tries to burn
await expect(
pool.connect(users[0].signer).withdraw(dai.address, amountDAItoDeposit)
// Configurator unpauses the pool
await configurator.unpausePool();
it('Repay with collateral', async () => {
const {pool, weth, dai, usdc, users, mockSwapAdapter, oracle, configurator} = testEnv;
const user = users[6];
const liquidator = users[5];
// Pause the pool
await configurator.pausePool();
// Try to execute liquidation
await expect(
// Unpause the pool
await configurator.unpausePool();
it('Flash loan', async () => {
const {dai, pool, weth, users, configurator} = testEnv;
const caller = users[3];
const flashAmount = parseEther('0.8');
await _mockFlashLoanReceiver.setFailExecutionTransfer(true);
// Pause pool
await configurator.pausePool();
await expect(
.flashLoan(_mockFlashLoanReceiver.address, weth.address, flashAmount, 1, '0x10', '0')
// Unpause pool
await configurator.unpausePool();
it('Liquidation call', async () => {
const {users, pool, usdc, oracle, weth, configurator} = testEnv;
const depositor = users[3];
const borrower = users[4];
//mints USDC to depositor
await usdc
.mint(await convertToCurrencyDecimals(usdc.address, '1000'));
//approve protocol to access depositor wallet
await usdc.connect(depositor.signer).approve(pool.address, APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL);
//user 3 deposits 1000 USDC
const amountUSDCtoDeposit = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(usdc.address, '1000');
await pool
.deposit(usdc.address, amountUSDCtoDeposit, depositor.address, '0');
//user 4 deposits 1 ETH
const amountETHtoDeposit = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(weth.address, '1');
//mints WETH to borrower
await weth.connect(borrower.signer).mint(amountETHtoDeposit);
//approve protocol to access borrower wallet
await weth.connect(borrower.signer).approve(pool.address, APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL);
await pool
.deposit(weth.address, amountETHtoDeposit, borrower.address, '0');
//user 4 borrows
const userGlobalData = await pool.getUserAccountData(borrower.address);
const usdcPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(usdc.address);
const amountUSDCToBorrow = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(
new BigNumber(userGlobalData.availableBorrowsETH.toString())
await pool
.borrow(usdc.address, amountUSDCToBorrow, RateMode.Stable, '0');
// Drops HF below 1
await oracle.setAssetPrice(
new BigNumber(usdcPrice.toString()).multipliedBy(1.2).toFixed(0)
//mints dai to the liquidator
await usdc.mint(await convertToCurrencyDecimals(usdc.address, '1000'));
await usdc.approve(pool.address, APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL);
const userReserveDataBefore = await pool.getUserReserveData(usdc.address, borrower.address);
const amountToLiquidate = new BigNumber(userReserveDataBefore.currentStableDebt.toString())
// Pause pool
await configurator.pausePool();
// Do liquidation
pool.liquidationCall(weth.address, usdc.address, borrower.address, amountToLiquidate, true)
// Unpause pool
await configurator.unpausePool();
it('User 6 deposits WETH and DAI, then borrows USDC at Variable', async () => {
const {pool, weth, dai, usdc, users, configurator, mockSwapAdapter} = testEnv;
const user = users[5];
const amountWETHToDeposit = parseEther('10');
const amountDAIToDeposit = parseEther('120');
const amountToBorrow = parseUnits('65', 6);
await weth.connect(user.signer).mint(amountWETHToDeposit);
await weth.connect(user.signer).approve(pool.address, APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL);
await pool.connect(user.signer).deposit(weth.address, amountWETHToDeposit, user.address, '0');
await dai.connect(user.signer).mint(amountDAIToDeposit);
await dai.connect(user.signer).approve(pool.address, APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL);
await pool.connect(user.signer).deposit(dai.address, amountDAIToDeposit, user.address, '0');
await pool.connect(user.signer).borrow(usdc.address, amountToBorrow, 2, 0);
const amountToRepay = parseUnits('65', 6);
await mockSwapAdapter.setAmountToReturn(amountToRepay);
// Pause pool
await configurator.pausePool();
// Try to repay
await expect(
// Unpause pool
await configurator.unpausePool();
it('User 2 deposits WETH and DAI, then borrows USDC at Variable, then tries to swap to stable but pool is paused', async () => {
const {pool, weth, dai, usdc, users, configurator, mockSwapAdapter} = testEnv;
const user = users[1];
const amountWETHToDeposit = parseEther('10');
const amountDAIToDeposit = parseEther('120');
const amountToBorrow = parseUnits('65', 6);
await weth.connect(user.signer).mint(amountWETHToDeposit);
await weth.connect(user.signer).approve(pool.address, APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL);
await pool.connect(user.signer).deposit(weth.address, amountWETHToDeposit, user.address, '0');
await dai.connect(user.signer).mint(amountDAIToDeposit);
await dai.connect(user.signer).approve(pool.address, APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL);
await pool.connect(user.signer).deposit(dai.address, amountDAIToDeposit, user.address, '0');
await pool.connect(user.signer).borrow(usdc.address, amountToBorrow, 2, 0);
// Pause pool
await configurator.pausePool();
// Try to repay
await expect(
pool.connect(user.signer).swapBorrowRateMode(usdc.address, RateMode.Stable)
// Unpause pool
await configurator.unpausePool();
it('User 2 tries to rebalance stable borrow rate', async () => {
const {pool, dai, users, configurator} = testEnv;
const user = users[1];
// Pause pool
await configurator.pausePool();
await expect(
pool.connect(user.signer).rebalanceStableBorrowRate(dai.address, user.address)
// Unpause pool
await configurator.unpausePool();
it('User 2 tries to rebalance stable borrow rate', async () => {
const {pool, weth, users, configurator} = testEnv;
const user = users[1];
const amountWETHToDeposit = parseEther('1');
await weth.connect(user.signer).mint(amountWETHToDeposit);
await weth.connect(user.signer).approve(pool.address, APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL);
await pool.connect(user.signer).deposit(weth.address, amountWETHToDeposit, user.address, '0');
// Pause pool
await configurator.pausePool();
await expect(
pool.connect(user.signer).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(weth.address, false)
// Unpause pool
await configurator.unpausePool();