import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'; import BN = require('bn.js'); import low from 'lowdb'; import FileSync from 'lowdb/adapters/FileSync'; import { WAD } from './constants'; import { Wallet, ContractTransaction } from 'ethers'; import { HardhatRuntimeEnvironment } from 'hardhat/types'; import { BuidlerRuntimeEnvironment } from '@nomiclabs/buidler/types'; import { tEthereumAddress } from './types'; import { isAddress } from 'ethers/lib/utils'; import { isZeroAddress } from 'ethereumjs-util'; export const toWad = (value: string | number) => new BigNumber(value).times(WAD).toFixed(); export const bnToBigNumber = (amount: BN): BigNumber => new BigNumber(<any>amount); export const stringToBigNumber = (amount: string): BigNumber => new BigNumber(amount); export const getDb = () => low(new FileSync('./deployed-contracts.json')); export let DRE: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment | BuidlerRuntimeEnvironment; export const setDRE = (_DRE: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment | BuidlerRuntimeEnvironment) => { DRE = _DRE; }; export const sleep = (milliseconds: number) => { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, milliseconds)); }; export const createRandomAddress = () => Wallet.createRandom().address; export const evmSnapshot = async () => await DRE.ethers.provider.send('evm_snapshot', []); export const evmRevert = async (id: string) => DRE.ethers.provider.send('evm_revert', [id]); export const timeLatest = async () => { const block = await DRE.ethers.provider.getBlock('latest'); return new BigNumber(block.timestamp); }; export const advanceBlock = async (timestamp: number) => await DRE.ethers.provider.send('evm_mine', [timestamp]); export const increaseTime = async (secondsToIncrease: number) => { await DRE.ethers.provider.send('evm_increaseTime', [secondsToIncrease]); await DRE.ethers.provider.send('evm_mine', []); }; // Workaround for time travel tests bug: export const advanceTimeAndBlock = async function (forwardTime: number) { const currentBlockNumber = await DRE.ethers.provider.getBlockNumber(); const currentBlock = await DRE.ethers.provider.getBlock(currentBlockNumber); if (currentBlock === null) { /* Workaround for */ await DRE.ethers.provider.send('evm_increaseTime', [forwardTime]); await DRE.ethers.provider.send('evm_mine', []); //Set the next blocktime back to 15 seconds await DRE.ethers.provider.send('evm_increaseTime', [15]); return; } const currentTime = currentBlock.timestamp; const futureTime = currentTime + forwardTime; await DRE.ethers.provider.send('evm_setNextBlockTimestamp', [futureTime]); await DRE.ethers.provider.send('evm_mine', []); }; export const waitForTx = async (tx: ContractTransaction) => await tx.wait(1); export const filterMapBy = (raw: { [key: string]: any }, fn: (key: string) => boolean) => Object.keys(raw) .filter(fn) .reduce<{ [key: string]: any }>((obj, key) => { obj[key] = raw[key]; return obj; }, {}); export const chunk = <T>(arr: Array<T>, chunkSize: number): Array<Array<T>> => { return arr.reduce( (prevVal: any, currVal: any, currIndx: number, array: Array<T>) => !(currIndx % chunkSize) ? prevVal.concat([array.slice(currIndx, currIndx + chunkSize)]) : prevVal, [] ); }; interface DbEntry { [network: string]: { deployer: string; address: string; }; } export const printContracts = () => { const network =; const db = getDb(); console.log('Contracts deployed at', network); console.log('---------------------------------'); const entries = Object.entries<DbEntry>(db.getState()).filter(([_k, value]) => !!value[network]); const contractsPrint = ([key, value]: [string, DbEntry]) => `${key}: ${value[network].address}` ); console.log('N# Contracts:', entries.length); console.log(contractsPrint.join('\n'), '\n'); }; export const notFalsyOrZeroAddress = (address: tEthereumAddress | null | undefined): boolean => { if (!address) { return false; } return isAddress(address) && !isZeroAddress(address); };