import { eContractid, iMultiPoolsAssets, IReserveParams, tEthereumAddress } from './types'; import { AaveProtocolDataProvider } from '../types/AaveProtocolDataProvider'; import { chunk, waitForTx } from './misc-utils'; import { getATokensAndRatesHelper, getLendingPoolAddressesProvider, getStableAndVariableTokensHelper, } from './contracts-getters'; import { rawInsertContractAddressInDb } from './contracts-helpers'; import { BigNumber, BigNumberish } from 'ethers'; import { deployDefaultReserveInterestRateStrategy, deployDelegationAwareAToken, deployGenericAToken, deployStableDebtToken, deployVariableDebtToken, } from './contracts-deployments'; import { ZERO_ADDRESS } from './constants'; const chooseATokenDeployment = (id: eContractid) => { switch (id) { case eContractid.AToken: return deployGenericAToken; case eContractid.DelegationAwareAToken: return deployDelegationAwareAToken; default: throw Error(`Missing aToken deployment script for: ${id}`); } }; export const initReservesByHelper = async ( reservesParams: iMultiPoolsAssets, tokenAddresses: { [symbol: string]: tEthereumAddress }, admin: tEthereumAddress, treasuryAddress: tEthereumAddress, incentivesController: tEthereumAddress, verify: boolean ): Promise => { let gasUsage = BigNumber.from('0'); const stableAndVariableDeployer = await getStableAndVariableTokensHelper(); const atokenAndRatesDeployer = await getATokensAndRatesHelper(); const addressProvider = await getLendingPoolAddressesProvider(); const poolAddress = await addressProvider.getLendingPool(); // Set aTokenAndRatesDeployer as temporal admin await waitForTx(await addressProvider.setPoolAdmin(atokenAndRatesDeployer.address)); // CHUNK CONFIGURATION const tokensChunks = 2; const initChunks = 4; // Deploy tokens and rates that uses common aToken in chunks const reservesChunks = chunk( Object.entries(reservesParams).filter( ([_, { aTokenImpl }]) => aTokenImpl === eContractid.AToken ) as [string, IReserveParams][], tokensChunks ); // Initialize variables for future reserves initialization let deployedStableTokens: string[] = []; let deployedVariableTokens: string[] = []; let deployedATokens: string[] = []; let deployedRates: string[] = []; let reserveTokens: string[] = []; let reserveInitDecimals: string[] = []; let reserveSymbols: string[] = []; console.log( `- Token deployments in ${reservesChunks.length * 2} txs instead of ${ Object.entries(reservesParams).length * 4 } txs` ); for (let reservesChunk of reservesChunks) { // Prepare data const tokens: string[] = []; const symbols: string[] = []; const strategyRates: [ BigNumberish, BigNumberish, BigNumberish, BigNumberish, BigNumberish, BigNumberish ][] = []; const reservesDecimals: string[] = []; for (let [assetSymbol, { reserveDecimals }] of reservesChunk) { const assetAddressIndex = Object.keys(tokenAddresses).findIndex( (value) => value === assetSymbol ); const [, tokenAddress] = (Object.entries(tokenAddresses) as [string, string][])[ assetAddressIndex ]; const reserveParamIndex = Object.keys(reservesParams).findIndex( (value) => value === assetSymbol ); const [ , { optimalUtilizationRate, baseVariableBorrowRate, variableRateSlope1, variableRateSlope2, stableRateSlope1, stableRateSlope2, }, ] = (Object.entries(reservesParams) as [string, IReserveParams][])[reserveParamIndex]; // Add to lists tokens.push(tokenAddress); symbols.push(assetSymbol); strategyRates.push([ optimalUtilizationRate, baseVariableBorrowRate, variableRateSlope1, variableRateSlope2, stableRateSlope1, stableRateSlope2, ]); reservesDecimals.push(reserveDecimals); } // Deploy stable and variable deployers and save implementations const tx1 = await waitForTx( await stableAndVariableDeployer.initDeployment(tokens, symbols, incentivesController) );, index) => { rawInsertContractAddressInDb(`stableDebt${symbols[index]}`, event?.args?.stableToken); rawInsertContractAddressInDb(`variableDebt${symbols[index]}`, event?.args?.variableToken); }); // Deploy atokens and rate strategies and save implementations const tx2 = await waitForTx( await atokenAndRatesDeployer.initDeployment( tokens, symbols, strategyRates, treasuryAddress, incentivesController ) );, index) => { rawInsertContractAddressInDb(`a${symbols[index]}`, event?.args?.aToken); rawInsertContractAddressInDb(`strategy${symbols[index]}`, event?.args?.strategy); }); console.log(` - Deployed aToken, DebtTokens and Strategy for: ${symbols.join(', ')} `); console.log(' * gasUsed: debtTokens batch', tx1.gasUsed.toString()); console.log(' * gasUsed: aTokens and Strategy batch', tx2.gasUsed.toString()); gasUsage = gasUsage.add(tx1.gasUsed).add(tx2.gasUsed); const stableTokens: string[] = => e.args?.stableToken) || []; const variableTokens: string[] = => e.args?.variableToken) || []; const aTokens: string[] = => e.args?.aToken) || []; const strategies: string[] = => e.args?.strategy) || []; deployedStableTokens = [...deployedStableTokens, ...stableTokens]; deployedVariableTokens = [...deployedVariableTokens, ...variableTokens]; deployedATokens = [...deployedATokens, ...aTokens]; deployedRates = [...deployedRates, ...strategies]; reserveInitDecimals = [...reserveInitDecimals, ...reservesDecimals]; reserveTokens = [...reserveTokens, ...tokens]; reserveSymbols = [...reserveSymbols, ...symbols]; } // Deploy delegated aware reserves tokens const delegatedAwareReserves = Object.entries(reservesParams).filter( ([_, { aTokenImpl }]) => aTokenImpl === eContractid.DelegationAwareAToken ) as [string, IReserveParams][]; for (let [symbol, params] of delegatedAwareReserves) { console.log(` - Deploy ${symbol} delegation aware aToken, debts tokens, and strategy`); const { optimalUtilizationRate, baseVariableBorrowRate, variableRateSlope1, variableRateSlope2, stableRateSlope1, stableRateSlope2, } = params; const deployCustomAToken = chooseATokenDeployment(params.aTokenImpl); const aToken = await deployCustomAToken( [ poolAddress, tokenAddresses[symbol], treasuryAddress, `Aave interest bearing ${symbol}`, `a${symbol}`, ZERO_ADDRESS, ], verify ); const stableDebt = await deployStableDebtToken( [ poolAddress, tokenAddresses[symbol], `Aave stable debt bearing ${symbol}`, `stableDebt${symbol}`, ZERO_ADDRESS, ], verify ); const variableDebt = await deployVariableDebtToken( [ poolAddress, tokenAddresses[symbol], `Aave variable debt bearing ${symbol}`, `variableDebt${symbol}`, ZERO_ADDRESS, ], verify ); const rates = await deployDefaultReserveInterestRateStrategy( [ tokenAddresses[symbol], optimalUtilizationRate, baseVariableBorrowRate, variableRateSlope1, variableRateSlope2, stableRateSlope1, stableRateSlope2, ], verify ); deployedStableTokens.push(stableDebt.address); deployedVariableTokens.push(variableDebt.address); deployedATokens.push(aToken.address); deployedRates.push(rates.address); reserveInitDecimals.push(params.reserveDecimals); reserveTokens.push(tokenAddresses[symbol]); reserveSymbols.push(symbol); } // Deploy init reserves per chunks const chunkedStableTokens = chunk(deployedStableTokens, initChunks); const chunkedVariableTokens = chunk(deployedVariableTokens, initChunks); const chunkedAtokens = chunk(deployedATokens, initChunks); const chunkedRates = chunk(deployedRates, initChunks); const chunkedDecimals = chunk(reserveInitDecimals, initChunks); const chunkedSymbols = chunk(reserveSymbols, initChunks); console.log(`- Reserves initialization in ${chunkedStableTokens.length} txs`); for (let chunkIndex = 0; chunkIndex < chunkedDecimals.length; chunkIndex++) { const tx3 = await waitForTx( await atokenAndRatesDeployer.initReserve( chunkedStableTokens[chunkIndex], chunkedVariableTokens[chunkIndex], chunkedAtokens[chunkIndex], chunkedRates[chunkIndex], chunkedDecimals[chunkIndex] ) ); console.log(` - Reserve ready for: ${chunkedSymbols[chunkIndex].join(', ')}`); console.log(' * gasUsed', tx3.gasUsed.toString()); gasUsage = gasUsage.add(tx3.gasUsed); } // Set deployer back as admin await waitForTx(await addressProvider.setPoolAdmin(admin)); return gasUsage; }; export const getPairsTokenAggregator = ( allAssetsAddresses: { [tokenSymbol: string]: tEthereumAddress; }, aggregatorsAddresses: { [tokenSymbol: string]: tEthereumAddress } ): [string[], string[]] => { const { ETH, USD, WETH, ...assetsAddressesWithoutEth } = allAssetsAddresses; const pairs = Object.entries(assetsAddressesWithoutEth).map(([tokenSymbol, tokenAddress]) => { if (tokenSymbol !== 'WETH' && tokenSymbol !== 'ETH') { const aggregatorAddressIndex = Object.keys(aggregatorsAddresses).findIndex( (value) => value === tokenSymbol ); const [, aggregatorAddress] = (Object.entries(aggregatorsAddresses) as [ string, tEthereumAddress ][])[aggregatorAddressIndex]; return [tokenAddress, aggregatorAddress]; } }) as [string, string][]; const mappedPairs =[asset]) => asset); const mappedAggregators =[, source]) => source); return [mappedPairs, mappedAggregators]; }; export const configureReservesByHelper = async ( reservesParams: iMultiPoolsAssets, tokenAddresses: { [symbol: string]: tEthereumAddress }, helpers: AaveProtocolDataProvider, admin: tEthereumAddress ) => { const addressProvider = await getLendingPoolAddressesProvider(); const atokenAndRatesDeployer = await getATokensAndRatesHelper(); const tokens: string[] = []; const symbols: string[] = []; const baseLTVA: string[] = []; const liquidationThresholds: string[] = []; const liquidationBonuses: string[] = []; const reserveFactors: string[] = []; const stableRatesEnabled: boolean[] = []; for (const [ assetSymbol, { baseLTVAsCollateral, liquidationBonus, liquidationThreshold, reserveFactor, stableBorrowRateEnabled, }, ] of Object.entries(reservesParams) as [string, IReserveParams][]) { if (baseLTVAsCollateral === '-1') continue; const assetAddressIndex = Object.keys(tokenAddresses).findIndex( (value) => value === assetSymbol ); const [, tokenAddress] = (Object.entries(tokenAddresses) as [string, string][])[ assetAddressIndex ]; const { usageAsCollateralEnabled: alreadyEnabled } = await helpers.getReserveConfigurationData( tokenAddress ); if (alreadyEnabled) { console.log(`- Reserve ${assetSymbol} is already enabled as collateral, skipping`); continue; } // Push data tokens.push(tokenAddress); symbols.push(assetSymbol); baseLTVA.push(baseLTVAsCollateral); liquidationThresholds.push(liquidationThreshold); liquidationBonuses.push(liquidationBonus); reserveFactors.push(reserveFactor); stableRatesEnabled.push(stableBorrowRateEnabled); } if (tokens.length) { // Set aTokenAndRatesDeployer as temporal admin await waitForTx(await addressProvider.setPoolAdmin(atokenAndRatesDeployer.address)); // Deploy init per chunks const enableChunks = 20; const chunkedTokens = chunk(tokens, enableChunks); const chunkedSymbols = chunk(symbols, enableChunks); const chunkedBase = chunk(baseLTVA, enableChunks); const chunkedliquidationThresholds = chunk(liquidationThresholds, enableChunks); const chunkedliquidationBonuses = chunk(liquidationBonuses, enableChunks); const chunkedReserveFactors = chunk(reserveFactors, enableChunks); const chunkedStableRatesEnabled = chunk(stableRatesEnabled, enableChunks); console.log(`- Configure reserves in ${chunkedTokens.length} txs`); for (let chunkIndex = 0; chunkIndex < chunkedTokens.length; chunkIndex++) { await waitForTx( await atokenAndRatesDeployer.configureReserves( chunkedTokens[chunkIndex], chunkedBase[chunkIndex], chunkedliquidationThresholds[chunkIndex], chunkedliquidationBonuses[chunkIndex], chunkedReserveFactors[chunkIndex], chunkedStableRatesEnabled[chunkIndex], { gasLimit: 12000000 } ) ); console.log(` - Init for: ${chunkedSymbols[chunkIndex].join(', ')}`); } // Set deployer back as admin await waitForTx(await addressProvider.setPoolAdmin(admin)); } };