import {configuration as actionsConfiguration} from './helpers/actions'; import {configuration as calculationsConfiguration} from './helpers/utils/calculations'; import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'; import {makeSuite} from './helpers/make-suite'; import {getReservesConfigByPool} from '../helpers/configuration'; import {AavePools, iAavePoolAssets, IReserveParams} from '../helpers/types'; import {executeStory} from './helpers/scenario-engine'; makeSuite('Subgraph scenario tests', async (testEnv) => { let story: any; let scenario; before('Initializing configuration', async () => { const scenario = require(`./helpers/scenarios/borrow-repay-stable`); story = scenario.stories[0]; // Sets BigNumber for this suite, instead of globally BigNumber.config({DECIMAL_PLACES: 0, ROUNDING_MODE: BigNumber.ROUND_DOWN}); actionsConfiguration.skipIntegrityCheck = false; //set this to true to execute solidity-coverage calculationsConfiguration.reservesParams = >( getReservesConfigByPool(AavePools.proto) ); }); after('Reset', () => { // Reset BigNumber BigNumber.config({DECIMAL_PLACES: 20, ROUNDING_MODE: BigNumber.ROUND_HALF_UP}); }); it('deposit-borrow', async () => { await executeStory(story, testEnv); }); });