// SPDX-License-Identifier: agpl-3.0 pragma solidity 0.6.12; import {IERC20} from '../../dependencies/openzeppelin/contracts/IERC20.sol'; import {SafeERC20} from '../../dependencies/openzeppelin/contracts/SafeERC20.sol'; import {ILendingPool} from '../../interfaces/ILendingPool.sol'; import {IAToken} from '../../interfaces/IAToken.sol'; import {WadRayMath} from '../libraries/math/WadRayMath.sol'; import {Errors} from '../libraries/helpers/Errors.sol'; import {VersionedInitializable} from '../libraries/aave-upgradeability/VersionedInitializable.sol'; import {IncentivizedERC20} from './IncentivizedERC20.sol'; import {IAaveIncentivesController} from '../../interfaces/IAaveIncentivesController.sol'; /** * @title Aave ERC20 AToken * @dev Implementation of the interest bearing token for the Aave protocol * @author Aave */ contract AToken is VersionedInitializable, IncentivizedERC20('ATOKEN_IMPL', 'ATOKEN_IMPL', 0), IAToken { using WadRayMath for uint256; using SafeERC20 for IERC20; bytes public constant EIP712_REVISION = bytes('1'); bytes32 internal constant EIP712_DOMAIN = keccak256('EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)'); bytes32 public constant PERMIT_TYPEHASH = keccak256('Permit(address owner,address spender,uint256 value,uint256 nonce,uint256 deadline)'); uint256 public constant ATOKEN_REVISION = 0x1; /// @dev owner => next valid nonce to submit with permit() mapping(address => uint256) public _nonces; bytes32 public DOMAIN_SEPARATOR; ILendingPool internal _pool; address internal _treasury; address internal _underlyingAsset; IAaveIncentivesController internal _incentivesController; modifier onlyLendingPool { require(_msgSender() == address(_pool), Errors.CT_CALLER_MUST_BE_LENDING_POOL); _; } function getRevision() internal pure virtual override returns (uint256) { return ATOKEN_REVISION; } /** * @dev Initializes the aToken * @param pool The address of the lending pool where this aToken will be used * @param treasury The address of the Aave treasury, receiving the fees on this aToken * @param underlyingAsset The address of the underlying asset of this aToken (E.g. WETH for aWETH) * @param incentivesController The smart contract managing potential incentives distribution * @param aTokenDecimals The decimals of the aToken, same as the underlying asset's * @param aTokenName The name of the aToken * @param aTokenSymbol The symbol of the aToken */ function initialize( ILendingPool pool, address treasury, address underlyingAsset, IAaveIncentivesController incentivesController, uint8 aTokenDecimals, string calldata aTokenName, string calldata aTokenSymbol ) external override initializer { uint256 chainId; //solium-disable-next-line assembly { chainId := chainid() } DOMAIN_SEPARATOR = keccak256( abi.encode( EIP712_DOMAIN, keccak256(bytes(aTokenName)), keccak256(EIP712_REVISION), chainId, address(this) ) ); _setName(aTokenName); _setSymbol(aTokenSymbol); _setDecimals(aTokenDecimals); _pool = pool; _treasury = treasury; _underlyingAsset = underlyingAsset; _incentivesController = incentivesController; } /** * @dev Burns aTokens from `user` and sends the equivalent amount of underlying to `receiverOfUnderlying` * - Only callable by the LendingPool, as extra state updates there need to be managed * @param user The owner of the aTokens, getting them burned * @param receiverOfUnderlying The address that will receive the underlying * @param amount The amount being burned * @param index The new liquidity index of the reserve **/ function burn( address user, address receiverOfUnderlying, uint256 amount, uint256 index ) external override onlyLendingPool { uint256 amountScaled = amount.rayDiv(index); require(amountScaled != 0, Errors.CT_INVALID_BURN_AMOUNT); _burn(user, amountScaled); IERC20(_underlyingAsset).safeTransfer(receiverOfUnderlying, amount); emit Transfer(user, address(0), amount); emit Burn(user, receiverOfUnderlying, amount, index); } /** * @dev Mints `amount` aTokens to `user` * - Only callable by the LendingPool, as extra state updates there need to be managed * @param user The address receiving the minted tokens * @param amount The amount of tokens getting minted * @param index The new liquidity index of the reserve * @return `true` if the the previous balance of the user was 0 */ function mint( address user, uint256 amount, uint256 index ) external override onlyLendingPool returns (bool) { uint256 previousBalance = super.balanceOf(user); uint256 amountScaled = amount.rayDiv(index); require(amountScaled != 0, Errors.CT_INVALID_MINT_AMOUNT); _mint(user, amountScaled); emit Transfer(address(0), user, amount); emit Mint(user, amount, index); return previousBalance == 0; } /** * @dev Mints aTokens to the reserve treasury * - Only callable by the LendingPool * @param amount The amount of tokens getting minted * @param index The new liquidity index of the reserve */ function mintToTreasury(uint256 amount, uint256 index) external override onlyLendingPool { if (amount == 0) { return; } address treasury = _treasury; // Compared to the normal mint, we don't check for rounding errors. // The amount to mint can easily be very small since it is a fraction of the interest ccrued. // In that case, the treasury will experience a (very small) loss, but it // wont cause potentially valid transactions to fail. _mint(treasury, amount.rayDiv(index)); emit Transfer(address(0), treasury, amount); emit Mint(treasury, amount, index); } /** * @dev Transfers aTokens in the event of a borrow being liquidated, in case the liquidators reclaims the aToken * - Only callable by the LendingPool * @param from The address getting liquidated, current owner of the aTokens * @param to The recipient * @param value The amount of tokens getting transferred **/ function transferOnLiquidation( address from, address to, uint256 value ) external override onlyLendingPool { // Being a normal transfer, the Transfer() and BalanceTransfer() are emitted // so no need to emit a specific event here _transfer(from, to, value, false); emit Transfer(from, to, value); } /** * @dev Calculates the balance of the user: principal balance + interest generated by the principal * @param user The user whose balance is calculated * @return The balance of the user **/ function balanceOf(address user) public view override(IncentivizedERC20, IERC20) returns (uint256) { return super.balanceOf(user).rayMul(_pool.getReserveNormalizedIncome(_underlyingAsset)); } /** * @dev Returns the scaled balance of the user. The scaled balance is the sum of all the * updated stored balance divided by the reserve's liquidity index at the moment of the update * @param user The user whose balance is calculated * @return The scaled balance of the user **/ function scaledBalanceOf(address user) external view override returns (uint256) { return super.balanceOf(user); } /** * @dev Returns the scaled balance of the user and the scaled total supply. * @param user The address of the user * @return The scaled balance of the user * @return The scaled balance and the scaled total supply **/ function getScaledUserBalanceAndSupply(address user) external view override returns (uint256, uint256) { return (super.balanceOf(user), super.totalSupply()); } /** * @dev calculates the total supply of the specific aToken * since the balance of every single user increases over time, the total supply * does that too. * @return the current total supply **/ function totalSupply() public view override(IncentivizedERC20, IERC20) returns (uint256) { uint256 currentSupplyScaled = super.totalSupply(); if (currentSupplyScaled == 0) { return 0; } return currentSupplyScaled.rayMul(_pool.getReserveNormalizedIncome(_underlyingAsset)); } /** * @dev Returns the scaled total supply of the variable debt token. Represents sum(debt/index) * @return the scaled total supply **/ function scaledTotalSupply() public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return super.totalSupply(); } /** * @dev Returns the address of the Aave treasury, receiving the fees on this aToken **/ function RESERVE_TREASURY_ADDRESS() public view returns (address) { return _treasury; } /** * @dev Returns the address of the underlying asset of this aToken (E.g. WETH for aWETH) **/ function UNDERLYING_ASSET_ADDRESS() public view returns (address) { return _underlyingAsset; } /** * @dev Returns the address of the lending pool where this aToken is used **/ function POOL() public view returns (ILendingPool) { return _pool; } /** * @dev For internal usage in the logic of the parent contract IncentivizedERC20 **/ function _getIncentivesController() internal view override returns (IAaveIncentivesController) { return _incentivesController; } /** * @dev Returns the address of the incentives controller contract **/ function getIncentivesController() external view override returns (IAaveIncentivesController) { return _getIncentivesController(); } /** * @dev Transfers the underlying asset to `target`. Used by the LendingPool to transfer * assets in borrow(), withdraw() and flashLoan() * @param target The recipient of the aTokens * @param amount The amount getting transferred * @return The amount transferred **/ function transferUnderlyingTo(address target, uint256 amount) external override onlyLendingPool returns (uint256) { IERC20(_underlyingAsset).safeTransfer(target, amount); return amount; } /** * @dev implements the permit function as for * https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/8a34d644aacf0f9f8f00815307fd7dd5da07655f/EIPS/eip-2612.md * @param owner The owner of the funds * @param spender The spender * @param value The amount * @param deadline The deadline timestamp, type(uint256).max for max deadline * @param v Signature param * @param s Signature param * @param r Signature param */ function permit( address owner, address spender, uint256 value, uint256 deadline, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s ) external { require(owner != address(0), 'INVALID_OWNER'); //solium-disable-next-line require(block.timestamp <= deadline, 'INVALID_EXPIRATION'); uint256 currentValidNonce = _nonces[owner]; bytes32 digest = keccak256( abi.encodePacked( '\x19\x01', DOMAIN_SEPARATOR, keccak256(abi.encode(PERMIT_TYPEHASH, owner, spender, value, currentValidNonce, deadline)) ) ); require(owner == ecrecover(digest, v, r, s), 'INVALID_SIGNATURE'); _nonces[owner] = currentValidNonce.add(1); _approve(owner, spender, value); } /** * @dev Transfers the aTokens between two users. Validates the transfer * (ie checks for valid HF after the transfer) if required * @param from The source address * @param to The destination address * @param amount The amount getting transferred * @param validate `true` if the transfer needs to be validated **/ function _transfer( address from, address to, uint256 amount, bool validate ) internal { address underlyingAsset = _underlyingAsset; ILendingPool pool = _pool; uint256 index = pool.getReserveNormalizedIncome(underlyingAsset); uint256 fromBalanceBefore = super.balanceOf(from).rayMul(index); uint256 toBalanceBefore = super.balanceOf(to).rayMul(index); super._transfer(from, to, amount.rayDiv(index)); if (validate) { pool.finalizeTransfer(underlyingAsset, from, to, amount, fromBalanceBefore, toBalanceBefore); } emit BalanceTransfer(from, to, amount, index); } /** * @dev Overrides the parent _transfer to force validated transfer() and transferFrom() * @param from The source address * @param to The destination address * @param amount The amount getting transferred **/ function _transfer( address from, address to, uint256 amount ) internal override { _transfer(from, to, amount, true); } }