import {AavePools, iMultiPoolsAssets, IReserveParams, tEthereumAddress} from './types'; import {LendingPool} from '../types/LendingPool'; import {LendingPoolConfigurator} from '../types/LendingPoolConfigurator'; import {AaveProtocolTestHelpers} from '../types/AaveProtocolTestHelpers'; import {LendingPoolAddressesProvider} from '../types/LendingPoolAddressesProvider'; import { deployDefaultReserveInterestRateStrategy, deployStableDebtToken, deployVariableDebtToken, deployGenericAToken, } from './contracts-deployments'; import {waitForTx} from './misc-utils'; import {DeployTokens} from '../types/DeployTokens'; import {ZERO_ADDRESS} from './constants'; import {getFirstSigner} from './contracts-getters'; import {DeployATokensAndRatesFactory} from '../types/DeployATokensAndRatesFactory'; import {DeployStableAndVariableTokensFactory} from '../types/DeployStableAndVariableTokensFactory'; import {getDefaultSettings} from 'http2'; export const enableReservesToBorrow = async ( reservesParams: iMultiPoolsAssets, tokenAddresses: {[symbol: string]: tEthereumAddress}, helpers: AaveProtocolTestHelpers, lendingPoolConfigurator: LendingPoolConfigurator ) => { for (const [assetSymbol, {borrowingEnabled, stableBorrowRateEnabled}] of Object.entries( reservesParams ) as [string, IReserveParams][]) { if (!borrowingEnabled) continue; try { const assetAddressIndex = Object.keys(tokenAddresses).findIndex( (value) => value === assetSymbol ); const [, tokenAddress] = (Object.entries(tokenAddresses) as [string, string][])[ assetAddressIndex ]; const {borrowingEnabled: borrowingAlreadyEnabled} = await helpers.getReserveConfigurationData( tokenAddress ); if (borrowingAlreadyEnabled) { console.log(`Reserve ${assetSymbol} is already enabled for borrowing, skipping`); continue; } console.log('Enabling borrowing on reserve ', assetSymbol); await waitForTx( await lendingPoolConfigurator.enableBorrowingOnReserve( tokenAddress, stableBorrowRateEnabled ) ); } catch (e) { console.log( `Enabling reserve for borrowings for ${assetSymbol} failed with error ${e}. Skipped.` ); } } }; export const enableReservesAsCollateral = async ( reservesParams: iMultiPoolsAssets, tokenAddresses: {[symbol: string]: tEthereumAddress}, helpers: AaveProtocolTestHelpers, lendingPoolConfigurator: LendingPoolConfigurator ) => { for (const [ assetSymbol, {baseLTVAsCollateral, liquidationBonus, liquidationThreshold}, ] of Object.entries(reservesParams) as [string, IReserveParams][]) { if (baseLTVAsCollateral === '-1') continue; const assetAddressIndex = Object.keys(tokenAddresses).findIndex( (value) => value === assetSymbol ); const [, tokenAddress] = (Object.entries(tokenAddresses) as [string, string][])[ assetAddressIndex ]; const {usageAsCollateralEnabled: alreadyEnabled} = await helpers.getReserveConfigurationData( tokenAddress ); if (alreadyEnabled) { console.log(`Reserve ${assetSymbol} is already enabled as collateral, skipping`); continue; } try { console.log(`Enabling reserve ${assetSymbol} as collateral`); await waitForTx( await lendingPoolConfigurator.enableReserveAsCollateral( tokenAddress, baseLTVAsCollateral, liquidationThreshold, liquidationBonus ) ); } catch (e) { console.log( `Enabling reserve as collateral for ${assetSymbol} failed with error ${e}. Skipped.` ); } } }; export const initReserves = async ( reservesParams: iMultiPoolsAssets, tokenAddresses: {[symbol: string]: tEthereumAddress}, lendingPoolAddressesProvider: LendingPoolAddressesProvider, lendingPool: LendingPool, helpers: AaveProtocolTestHelpers, lendingPoolConfigurator: LendingPoolConfigurator, aavePool: AavePools, incentivesController: tEthereumAddress, verify: boolean ) => { if (aavePool !== AavePools.proto && aavePool !== AavePools.secondary) { console.log(`Invalid Aave pool ${aavePool}`); process.exit(1); } for (let [assetSymbol, {reserveDecimals}] of Object.entries(reservesParams) as [ string, IReserveParams ][]) { const assetAddressIndex = Object.keys(tokenAddresses).findIndex( (value) => value === assetSymbol ); const [, tokenAddress] = (Object.entries(tokenAddresses) as [string, string][])[ assetAddressIndex ]; const {isActive: reserveInitialized} = await helpers.getReserveConfigurationData(tokenAddress); if (reserveInitialized) { console.log(`Reserve ${assetSymbol} is already active, skipping configuration`); continue; } try { const reserveParamIndex = Object.keys(reservesParams).findIndex( (value) => value === assetSymbol ); const [ , { baseVariableBorrowRate, variableRateSlope1, variableRateSlope2, stableRateSlope1, stableRateSlope2, }, ] = (Object.entries(reservesParams) as [string, IReserveParams][])[reserveParamIndex]; console.log('- Deploy def reserve'); const rateStrategyContract = await deployDefaultReserveInterestRateStrategy( [ lendingPoolAddressesProvider.address, baseVariableBorrowRate, variableRateSlope1, variableRateSlope2, stableRateSlope1, stableRateSlope2, ], verify ); console.log('- Deploy stable deb totken ', assetSymbol); const stableDebtToken = await deployStableDebtToken( [ lendingPool.address, tokenAddress, `Aave stable debt bearing ${assetSymbol === 'WETH' ? 'ETH' : assetSymbol}`, `stableDebt${assetSymbol === 'WETH' ? 'ETH' : assetSymbol}`, incentivesController, ], verify ); console.log('- Deploy var deb totken ', assetSymbol); const variableDebtToken = await deployVariableDebtToken( [ lendingPool.address, tokenAddress, `Aave variable debt bearing ${assetSymbol === 'WETH' ? 'ETH' : assetSymbol}`, `variableDebt${assetSymbol === 'WETH' ? 'ETH' : assetSymbol}`, incentivesController, ], verify ); console.log('- Deploy a token ', assetSymbol); const aToken = await deployGenericAToken( [ lendingPool.address, tokenAddress, `Aave interest bearing ${assetSymbol === 'WETH' ? 'ETH' : assetSymbol}`, `a${assetSymbol === 'WETH' ? 'ETH' : assetSymbol}`, incentivesController, ], verify ); if (process.env.POOL === AavePools.secondary) { if ('UNI') === -1) { assetSymbol = `Uni${assetSymbol}`; } else { assetSymbol = assetSymbol.replace(/_/g, '').replace('UNI', 'Uni'); } } console.log('- init reserve currency ', assetSymbol); await waitForTx( await lendingPoolConfigurator.initReserve( tokenAddress, aToken.address, stableDebtToken.address, variableDebtToken.address, reserveDecimals, rateStrategyContract.address ) ); } catch (e) { console.log(`Reserve initialization for ${assetSymbol} failed with error ${e}. Skipped.`); } } }; export const initReservesByHelper = async ( lendingPoolProxy: tEthereumAddress, addressesProvider: tEthereumAddress, lendingPoolConfigurator: tEthereumAddress, reservesParams: iMultiPoolsAssets, tokenAddresses: {[symbol: string]: tEthereumAddress}, helpers: AaveProtocolTestHelpers ) => { const stableAndVariableDeployer = await new DeployStableAndVariableTokensFactory( await getFirstSigner() ).deploy(lendingPoolProxy, addressesProvider); const stableTx = await waitForTx(stableAndVariableDeployer.deployTransaction); console.log('GAS', stableTx.gasUsed.toString()); console.log('- Deployed StableAndVariableDeployer'); const atokenAndRatesDeployer = await new DeployATokensAndRatesFactory( await getFirstSigner() ).deploy(lendingPoolProxy, addressesProvider, lendingPoolConfigurator); const atokenTx = await waitForTx(atokenAndRatesDeployer.deployTransaction); console.log('GAS', atokenTx.gasUsed.toString()); console.log('- Deployed ATokenAndRatesDeployer'); console.log('doing calls'); for (let [assetSymbol, {reserveDecimals}] of Object.entries(reservesParams) as [ string, IReserveParams ][]) { const assetAddressIndex = Object.keys(tokenAddresses).findIndex( (value) => value === assetSymbol ); const [, tokenAddress] = (Object.entries(tokenAddresses) as [string, string][])[ assetAddressIndex ]; const {isActive: reserveInitialized} = await helpers.getReserveConfigurationData(tokenAddress); if (reserveInitialized) { console.log(`Reserve ${assetSymbol} is already active, skipping configuration`); continue; } const reserveParamIndex = Object.keys(reservesParams).findIndex( (value) => value === assetSymbol ); const [ , { baseVariableBorrowRate, variableRateSlope1, variableRateSlope2, stableRateSlope1, stableRateSlope2, }, ] = (Object.entries(reservesParams) as [string, IReserveParams][])[reserveParamIndex]; assetSymbol = assetSymbol === 'WETH' ? 'ETH' : assetSymbol; const tx1 = await waitForTx( await stableAndVariableDeployer.initDeployment([tokenAddress], [assetSymbol], ZERO_ADDRESS, { gasLimit: 9000000, }) ); console.log('call 1', tx1.gasUsed.toString()); const stableTokens: string[] = => e.args?.stableToken) || []; const variableTokens: string[] = => e.args?.variableToken) || []; const tx2 = await waitForTx( await atokenAndRatesDeployer.initDeployment( [tokenAddress], [assetSymbol], [ [ baseVariableBorrowRate, variableRateSlope1, variableRateSlope2, stableRateSlope1, stableRateSlope2, ], ], ZERO_ADDRESS ) ); const aTokens: string[] = => e.args?.aToken) || []; const strategies: string[] = => e.args?.strategy) || []; console.log(aTokens.length, strategies.length, stableTokens.length, variableTokens.length); console.log('call 2', tx2.gasUsed.toString()); const tx3 = await waitForTx( await atokenAndRatesDeployer.initReserve( [tokenAddress], stableTokens, variableTokens, aTokens, strategies, [reserveDecimals] ) ); console.log('call 3', tx3.gasUsed.toString()); } };