// SPDX-License-Identifier: agpl-3.0 pragma solidity 0.6.12; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; import {BaseUniswapAdapter} from './BaseUniswapAdapter.sol'; import {ILendingPoolAddressesProvider} from '../interfaces/ILendingPoolAddressesProvider.sol'; import {IUniswapV2Router02} from '../interfaces/IUniswapV2Router02.sol'; import {IFlashLoanReceiver} from '../flashloan/interfaces/IFlashLoanReceiver.sol'; import {IERC20} from '../dependencies/openzeppelin/contracts/IERC20.sol'; /** * @title UniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter * @notice Uniswap V2 Adapter to swap liquidity. * @author Aave **/ contract UniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter is BaseUniswapAdapter, IFlashLoanReceiver { struct PermitParams { uint256[] amount; uint256[] deadline; uint8[] v; bytes32[] r; bytes32[] s; } struct SwapParams { address[] assetToSwapToList; uint256[] minAmountsToReceive; bool[] swapAllBalance; PermitParams permitParams; } constructor( ILendingPoolAddressesProvider addressesProvider, IUniswapV2Router02 uniswapRouter ) public BaseUniswapAdapter(addressesProvider, uniswapRouter) {} /** * @dev Swaps the received reserve amount from the flash loan into the asset specified in the params. * The received funds from the swap are then deposited into the protocol on behalf of the user. * The user should give this contract allowance to pull the ATokens in order to withdraw the underlying asset and * repay the flash loan. * @param assets Address of asset to be swapped * @param amounts Amount of the asset to be swapped * @param premiums Fee of the flash loan * @param initiator Address of the user * @param params Additional variadic field to include extra params. Expected parameters: * address[] assetToSwapToList List of the addresses of the reserve to be swapped to and deposited * uint256[] minAmountsToReceive List of min amounts to be received from the swap * bool[] swapAllBalance Flag indicating if all the user balance should be swapped * uint256[] permitAmount List of amounts for the permit signature * uint256[] deadline List of deadlines for the permit signature * uint8[] v List of v param for the permit signature * bytes32[] r List of r param for the permit signature * bytes32[] s List of s param for the permit signature */ function executeOperation( address[] calldata assets, uint256[] calldata amounts, uint256[] calldata premiums, address initiator, bytes calldata params ) external override returns (bool) { require(msg.sender == address(POOL), "CALLER_MUST_BE_LENDING_POOL"); SwapParams memory decodedParams = _decodeParams(params); require( assets.length == decodedParams.assetToSwapToList.length && assets.length == decodedParams.minAmountsToReceive.length && assets.length == decodedParams.swapAllBalance.length && assets.length == decodedParams.permitParams.amount.length && assets.length == decodedParams.permitParams.deadline.length && assets.length == decodedParams.permitParams.v.length && assets.length == decodedParams.permitParams.r.length && assets.length == decodedParams.permitParams.s.length, 'INCONSISTENT_PARAMS' ); for (uint256 i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { _swapLiquidity( assets[i], decodedParams.assetToSwapToList[i], amounts[i], premiums[i], initiator, decodedParams.minAmountsToReceive[i], decodedParams.swapAllBalance[i], PermitSignature( decodedParams.permitParams.amount[i], decodedParams.permitParams.deadline[i], decodedParams.permitParams.v[i], decodedParams.permitParams.r[i], decodedParams.permitParams.s[i] ) ); } return true; } /** * @dev Swaps an amount of an asset to another and deposits the new asset amount on behalf of the user without using * a flash loan. This method can be used when the temporary transfer of the collateral asset to this contract * does not affect the user position. * The user should give this contract allowance to pull the ATokens in order to withdraw the underlying asset and * perform the swap. * @param assetToSwapFromList List of addresses of the underlying asset to be swap from * @param assetToSwapToList List of addresses of the underlying asset to be swap to and deposited * @param amountToSwapList List of amounts to be swapped. If the amount exceeds the balance, the total balance is used for the swap * @param minAmountsToReceive List of min amounts to be received from the swap * @param permitParams List of struct containing the permit signatures * uint256 permitAmount Amount for the permit signature * uint256 deadline Deadline for the permit signature * uint8 v param for the permit signature * bytes32 r param for the permit signature * bytes32 s param for the permit signature */ function swapAndDeposit( address[] calldata assetToSwapFromList, address[] calldata assetToSwapToList, uint256[] calldata amountToSwapList, uint256[] calldata minAmountsToReceive, PermitSignature[] calldata permitParams ) external { require( assetToSwapFromList.length == assetToSwapToList.length && assetToSwapFromList.length == amountToSwapList.length && assetToSwapFromList.length == minAmountsToReceive.length && assetToSwapFromList.length == permitParams.length, 'INCONSISTENT_PARAMS' ); for (uint256 i = 0; i < assetToSwapFromList.length; i++) { address aToken = _getReserveData(assetToSwapFromList[i]).aTokenAddress; uint256 aTokenInitiatorBalance = IERC20(aToken).balanceOf(msg.sender); uint256 amountToSwap = amountToSwapList[i] > aTokenInitiatorBalance ? aTokenInitiatorBalance : amountToSwapList[i]; _pullAToken( assetToSwapFromList[i], aToken, msg.sender, amountToSwap, permitParams[i] ); uint256 receivedAmount = _swapExactTokensForTokens( assetToSwapFromList[i], assetToSwapToList[i], amountToSwap, minAmountsToReceive[i] ); // Deposit new reserve IERC20(assetToSwapToList[i]).approve(address(POOL), receivedAmount); POOL.deposit(assetToSwapToList[i], receivedAmount, msg.sender, 0); } } /** * @dev Swaps an `amountToSwap` of an asset to another and deposits the funds on behalf of the initiator. * @param assetFrom Address of the underlying asset to be swap from * @param assetTo Address of the underlying asset to be swap to and deposited * @param amount Amount from flash loan * @param premium Premium of the flash loan * @param minAmountToReceive Min amount to be received from the swap * @param swapAllBalance Flag indicating if all the user balance should be swapped * @param permitSignature List of struct containing the permit signature */ function _swapLiquidity( address assetFrom, address assetTo, uint256 amount, uint256 premium, address initiator, uint256 minAmountToReceive, bool swapAllBalance, PermitSignature memory permitSignature ) internal { address aToken = _getReserveData(assetFrom).aTokenAddress; uint256 aTokenInitiatorBalance = IERC20(aToken).balanceOf(initiator); uint256 amountToSwap = swapAllBalance && aTokenInitiatorBalance.sub(premium) <= amount ? aTokenInitiatorBalance.sub(premium) : amount; uint256 receivedAmount = _swapExactTokensForTokens( assetFrom, assetTo, amountToSwap, minAmountToReceive ); // Deposit new reserve IERC20(assetTo).approve(address(POOL), receivedAmount); POOL.deposit(assetTo, receivedAmount, initiator, 0); uint256 flashLoanDebt = amount.add(premium); uint256 amountToPull = amountToSwap.add(premium); _pullAToken(assetFrom, aToken, initiator, amountToPull, permitSignature); // Repay flash loan IERC20(assetFrom).approve(address(POOL), flashLoanDebt); } /** * @dev Decodes the information encoded in the flash loan params * @param params Additional variadic field to include extra params. Expected parameters: * address[] assetToSwapToList List of the addresses of the reserve to be swapped to and deposited * uint256[] minAmountsToReceive List of min amounts to be received from the swap * bool[] swapAllBalance Flag indicating if all the user balance should be swapped * uint256[] permitAmount List of amounts for the permit signature * uint256[] deadline List of deadlines for the permit signature * uint8[] v List of v param for the permit signature * bytes32[] r List of r param for the permit signature * bytes32[] s List of s param for the permit signature * @return SwapParams struct containing decoded params */ function _decodeParams(bytes memory params) internal pure returns (SwapParams memory) { ( address[] memory assetToSwapToList, uint256[] memory minAmountsToReceive, bool[] memory swapAllBalance, uint256[] memory permitAmount, uint256[] memory deadline, uint8[] memory v, bytes32[] memory r, bytes32[] memory s ) = abi.decode(params, (address[], uint256[], bool[], uint256[], uint256[], uint8[], bytes32[], bytes32[])); return SwapParams( assetToSwapToList, minAmountsToReceive, swapAllBalance, PermitParams( permitAmount, deadline, v, r, s ) ); } }