import { getArtifactFromContractOutput } from '@nomiclabs/buidler/internal/artifacts'; import { formatEther, formatUnits, parseUnits } from 'ethers/lib/utils'; import { task } from 'hardhat/config'; import { ConfigNames, loadPoolConfig } from '../../helpers/configuration'; import { deployAllMockTokens } from '../../helpers/contracts-deployments'; import { getAToken, getFirstSigner, getIErc20Detailed, getLendingPool, getMockedTokens, getStableDebtToken, getVariableDebtToken, } from '../../helpers/contracts-getters'; import { getParamPerNetwork } from '../../helpers/contracts-helpers'; import { eEthereumNetwork } from '../../helpers/types'; import { LendingPool } from '../../types'; task('arbitrum:borrow:wbtc', 'Borrow WBTC from the arbtirum market').setAction( async ({}, localBRE) => { await'set-DRE'); const signer = await getFirstSigner(); const signerAddress = await signer.getAddress(); const ethBalance = await signer.getBalance(); console.log(`Using: ${signerAddress} with ${formatEther(ethBalance)} eth`); const lendingPool = await getLendingPool(); // Need to look up the wbtc balance and such const config = loadPoolConfig(ConfigNames.Arbitrum); const tokens = await getMockedTokens(config); // WBTC const wbtc = tokens['WBTC']; const borrowAmount = parseUnits('2.5', 8); const borrowTx = await lendingPool .connect(signer) .borrow(wbtc.address, borrowAmount, 2, 0, signerAddress); console.log(`Borrow tx: ${borrowTx.hash}`); } );