import { task } from 'hardhat/config'; import { deployLendingPoolAddressesProvider } from '../../helpers/contracts-deployments'; import { notFalsyOrZeroAddress, waitForTx } from '../../helpers/misc-utils'; import { ConfigNames, loadPoolConfig, getGenesisPoolAdmin, getEmergencyAdmin, } from '../../helpers/configuration'; import { getParamPerNetwork } from '../../helpers/contracts-helpers'; import { eNetwork } from '../../helpers/types'; import { isZeroAddress } from 'ethereumjs-util'; //import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'; task( 'full:deploy-address-provider', 'Deploy address provider, registry and fee provider for dev enviroment' ) .addFlag('verify', 'Verify contracts at Etherscan') .addParam('pool', `Pool name to retrieve configuration, supported: ${Object.values(ConfigNames)}`) .addFlag('skipRegistry') .setAction(async ({ verify, pool, skipRegistry }, DRE) => { await'set-DRE'); const poolConfig = loadPoolConfig(pool); const { MarketId } = poolConfig; // 1. Deploy address provider and set genesis manager const addressesProvider = await deployLendingPoolAddressesProvider(MarketId, verify); // 2. Add to registry or setup a new one if (!skipRegistry) { const providerRegistryAddress = getParamPerNetwork( poolConfig.ProviderRegistry, ); await'add-market-to-registry', { pool, addressesProvider: addressesProvider.address, deployRegistry: !notFalsyOrZeroAddress(providerRegistryAddress), }); } // 3. Set pool admins await waitForTx(await addressesProvider.setPoolAdmin(await getGenesisPoolAdmin(poolConfig))); await waitForTx(await addressesProvider.setEmergencyAdmin(await getEmergencyAdmin(poolConfig))); console.log('Pool Admin', await addressesProvider.getPoolAdmin()); console.log('Emergency Admin', await addressesProvider.getEmergencyAdmin()); });